2024-05-02 20:56:10 +03:00

274 lines
9.4 KiB

namespace App\Models;
use App\BackupStorage;
use App\Filament\Enums\BackupStatus;
use App\Helpers;
use App\ShellApi;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\Attribute;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
class HostingSubscriptionBackup extends Model
use HasFactory;
const STATUS_PENDING = 'pending';
const STATUS_PROCESSING = 'processing';
const STATUS_COMPLETED = 'completed';
const STATUS_FAILED = 'failed';
const STATUS_CANCELLED = 'cancelled';
protected $fillable = [
protected $casts = [
'status' => BackupStatus::class,
// protected static function booted(): void
// {
// static::addGlobalScope('customer', function (Builder $query) {
// if (auth()->check() && auth()->guard()->name == 'web_customer') {
// $query->whereHas('hostingSubscription', function ($query) {
// $query->where('customer_id', auth()->user()->id);
// });
// }
// });
// }
public static function boot()
static::creating(function ($model) {
$model->status = 'pending';
static::created(function ($model) {
static::deleting(function ($model) {
// if (is_file($model->filepath)) {
// shell_exec('rm -rf ' . $model->filepath);
// }
public function checkCronJob()
$cronJobCommand = 'phyre-php /usr/local/phyre/web/artisan phyre:run-hosting-subscriptions-backup-checks';
$findCronJob = CronJob::where('command', $cronJobCommand)->first();
if (! $findCronJob) {
$cronJob = new CronJob();
$cronJob->schedule = '*/5 * * * *';
$cronJob->command = $cronJobCommand;
$cronJob->user = 'root';
$cronJobCommand = 'phyre-php /usr/local/phyre/web/artisan phyre:create-daily-full-hosting-subscriptions-backup';
$findCronJob = CronJob::where('command', $cronJobCommand)->first();
if (! $findCronJob) {
$cronJob = new CronJob();
$cronJob->schedule = '0 0 * * *';
$cronJob->command = $cronJobCommand;
$cronJob->user = 'root';
return true;
public function checkBackup()
$findHostingSubscription = HostingSubscription::select(['id'])
->where('id', $this->hosting_subscription_id)
if (! $findHostingSubscription) {
return [
'status' => 'failed',
'message' => 'Hosting subscription not found'
if ($this->status == BackupStatus::Processing) {
$backupDoneFile = $this->path.'/backup.done';
$backupZipFile = $this->file_path;
if (file_exists($backupDoneFile) && file_exists($backupZipFile)) {
$this->size = filesize($this->file_path);
$this->status = 'completed';
$this->completed = true;
$this->completed_at = now();
return [
'status' => 'completed',
'message' => 'Backup completed'
$checkProcess = shell_exec('ps -p ' . $this->process_id . ' | grep ' . $this->process_id);
if (Str::contains($checkProcess, $this->process_id)) {
$this->size = Helpers::checkPathSize($this->temp_path);
return [
'status' => 'processing',
'message' => 'Backup is still processing'
} else {
$this->status = 'failed';
return [
'status' => 'failed',
'message' => 'Backup failed'
public function startBackup()
$findHostingSubscription = HostingSubscription::where('id', $this->hosting_subscription_id)
if (! $findHostingSubscription) {
return [
'status' => 'failed',
'message' => 'Hosting subscription not found'
if ($this->status == BackupStatus::Processing) {
return [
'status' => 'processing',
'message' => 'Backup is already processing'
$findMainDomain = Domain::where('hosting_subscription_id', $findHostingSubscription->id)
->where('is_main', 1)
if (! $findMainDomain) {
return [
'status' => 'failed',
'message' => 'Main domain not found'
$backupStorageRootPath = '/var/lib/phyre/backups/hosting_subscriptions';
$backupPath = $backupStorageRootPath . '/' . $findHostingSubscription->customer_id;
$backupTempPath = $backupPath.'/temp';
shell_exec('mkdir -p ' . $backupTempPath);
$backupFileName = Str::slug($findHostingSubscription->system_username .'-'. date('Ymd-His')) . '.zip';
$backupFilePath = $backupStorageRootPath.'/'.$backupFileName;
$backupLogFilePath = $backupPath.'/backup.log';
$backupTempScript = '/tmp/backup-script-'.$this->id.'.sh';
$shellFileContent = '';
$shellFileContent .= 'echo "Backup up user: '.$findHostingSubscription->system_username .'"'. PHP_EOL;
$shellFileContent .= 'echo "Backup filename: '.$backupFileName.'"' . PHP_EOL;
if ($this->backup_type == 'full') {
$shellFileContent .= 'cp -r /home/' . $findHostingSubscription->system_username . ' ' . $backupTempPath . PHP_EOL;
$shellFileContent .= 'rsync -azP '. $backupTempPath . '/' . $findHostingSubscription->system_username . '/ ' . $backupTempPath . PHP_EOL;
$shellFileContent .= 'rm -rf '. $backupTempPath . '/' . $findHostingSubscription->system_username . '/' . PHP_EOL;
if ($this->backup_type == 'full' || $this->backup_type == 'database') {
$getDatabases = Database::where('hosting_subscription_id', $findHostingSubscription->id)
->where(function ($query) {
$query->where('is_remote_database_server', '0')
if ($getDatabases->count() > 0) {
foreach ($getDatabases as $database) {
$databaseName = $database->database_name_prefix . $database->database_name;
$shellFileContent .= 'echo "Backup up database: ' . $databaseName .'" '. PHP_EOL;
$shellFileContent .= 'mkdir -p '.$backupTempPath . '/databases' . PHP_EOL;
$databaseBackupPath = $backupTempPath . '/databases/' . $databaseName . '.sql';
$shellFileContent .= 'mysqldump -u "'.env('MYSQL_ROOT_USERNAME').'" -p"'.env('MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD').'" "'.$databaseName.'" > '.$databaseBackupPath . PHP_EOL;
// With find, we can search for all files,directories (including hidden) in the current directory and zip them
$shellFileContent .= 'cd '.$backupTempPath .' && find . -exec zip -r '.$backupFilePath.' {} \;'. PHP_EOL;
$shellFileContent .= 'rm -rf '.$backupTempPath.PHP_EOL;
$shellFileContent .= 'echo "Backup complete"' . PHP_EOL;
$shellFileContent .= 'touch ' . $backupPath. '/backup.done' . PHP_EOL;
$shellFileContent .= 'rm -rf ' . $backupTempScript . PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents($backupTempScript, $shellFileContent);
$processId = shell_exec('bash '.$backupTempScript.' >> ' . $backupLogFilePath . ' & echo $!');
$processId = intval($processId);
if ($processId > 0 && is_numeric($processId)) {
$this->path = $backupPath;
$this->root_path = $backupStorageRootPath;
$this->temp_path = $backupTempPath;
$this->file_path = $backupFilePath;
$this->file_name = $backupFileName;
$this->status = 'processing';
$this->queued = true;
$this->queued_at = now();
$this->process_id = $processId;
return [
'status' => 'processing',
'message' => 'Backup started'
} else {
$this->status = 'failed';
return [
'status' => 'failed',
'message' => 'Backup failed to start'
public function hostingSubscription()
return $this->belongsTo(HostingSubscription::class);