--- # https://vitepress.dev/reference/default-theme-home-page layout: home hero: name: "PhyrePanel" text: "Open Source Web Control Panel for Linux Servers" tagline: "Don't waste time setting up your server, use Phyre Control Panel to get started quickly." actions: - theme: brand text: Install link: /introduction/installation - theme: alt text: Documentation link: /introduction/getting-started - theme: alt text: GitHub link: https://github.com/PhyreApps/PhyrePanel image: /phyre-logo-icon.svg features: - icon: 🔒 title: Secure details: PhyrePanel is designed with security in mind, with features like linux user separation. - icon: 🎉 title: Easy to Use details: PhyrePanel is designed to be easy to use, with a simple and clean interface. - icon: 🌐 title: Open Source details: PhyrePanel is open source, so you can modify it to suit your needs. - icon: 🚀 title: Fast details: PhyrePanel is designed to be fast, with a minimalistic design. - icon: 🎨 title: Customizable details: PhyrePanel is designed to be customizable, with a plugin system. - icon: 📱 title: Modern details: PhyrePanel is designed to be modern, with a clean and simple design. - icon: 💰 title: Free details: PhyrePanel is free to use, with no restrictions. - icon: 🌍 title: Community details: PhyrePanel has a community of users and developers who can help you. - icon: 🛠️ title: Support details: PhyrePanel has a support system to help you with any issues you may have. ---