2024-01-25 22:33:10 +03:00

29 lines
1.6 KiB

Usage: brotli.exe [OPTION]... [FILE]...
-# compression level (0-9)
-c, --stdout write on standard output
-d, --decompress decompress
-f, --force force output file overwrite
-h, --help display this help and exit
-j, --rm remove source file(s)
-k, --keep keep source file(s) (default)
-n, --no-copy-stat do not copy source file(s) attributes
-o FILE, --output=FILE output file (only if 1 input file)
-q NUM, --quality=NUM compression level (0-11)
-t, --test test compressed file integrity
-v, --verbose verbose mode
-w NUM, --lgwin=NUM set LZ77 window size (0, 10-24)
window size = 2**NUM - 16
0 lets compressor choose the optimal value
--large_window=NUM use incompatible large-window brotli
bitstream with window size (0, 10-30)
WARNING: this format is not compatible
with brotli RFC 7932 and may not be
decodable with regular brotli decoders
-S SUF, --suffix=SUF output file suffix (default:'.br')
-V, --version display version and exit
-Z, --best use best compression level (11) (default)
Simple options could be coalesced, i.e. '-9kf' is equivalent to '-9 -k -f'.
With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
All arguments after '--' are treated as files.