2024-01-25 22:33:10 +03:00

72 lines
3.7 KiB

Version: ImageMagick 7.1.0-13 Q16 x64 2021-11-10
Copyright: (C) 1999-2021 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: Cipher DPC Modules OpenMP(2.0)
Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo flif freetype gslib heic jng jp2 jpeg jxl lcms lqr lzma openexr pangocairo png ps raqm raw rsvg tiff webp xml zip zlib
Compiler: Visual Studio 2017 (191627045)
Usage: identify [options ...] file [ [options ...] file ... ]
Image Settings:
-alpha option on, activate, off, deactivate, set, opaque, copy
transparent, extract, background, or shape
-antialias remove pixel-aliasing
-authenticate password
decipher image with this password
-clip clip along the first path from the 8BIM profile
-clip-mask filename associate a clip mask with the image
-clip-path id clip along a named path from the 8BIM profile
-colorspace type alternate image colorspace
-crop geometry cut out a rectangular region of the image
-define format:option
define one or more image format options
-density geometry horizontal and vertical density of the image
-depth value image depth
-endian type endianness (MSB or LSB) of the image
-extract geometry extract area from image
-features distance analyze image features (e.g. contrast, correlation)
-format "string" output formatted image characteristics
-fuzz distance colors within this distance are considered equal
-gamma value of gamma correction
-interlace type type of image interlacing scheme
-interpolate method pixel color interpolation method
-limit type value pixel cache resource limit
-matte store matte channel if the image has one
-moments report image moments
-monitor monitor progress
-ping efficiently determine image attributes
-precision value maximum number of significant digits to print
-quiet suppress all warning messages
-read-mask filename associate a read mask with the image
-regard-warnings pay attention to warning messages
-respect-parentheses settings remain in effect until parenthesis boundary
-sampling-factor geometry
horizontal and vertical sampling factor
-seed value seed a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers
-set attribute value set an image attribute
-size geometry width and height of image
-strip strip image of all profiles and comments
-unique display the number of unique colors in the image
-units type the units of image resolution
-verbose print detailed information about the image
-virtual-pixel method
virtual pixel access method
Image Operators:
-auto-orient automagically orient (rotate) image
-channel mask set the image channel mask
-grayscale method convert image to grayscale
-negate replace every pixel with its complementary color
Miscellaneous Options:
-debug events display copious debugging information
-help print program options
-list type print a list of supported option arguments
-log format format of debugging information
-version print version information
By default, the image format of 'file' is determined by its magic
number. To specify a particular image format, precede the filename
with an image format name and a colon (i.e. ps:image) or specify the
image type as the filename suffix (i.e. Specify 'file' as
'-' for standard input or output.