2024-01-25 22:33:10 +03:00

74 lines
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; setting: server-id
; desc : Sets the server id used to authenticate with Blackfire
; default:
; You can find your personal server-id at
server-id =
; setting: server-token
; desc : Sets the server token used to authenticate with Blackfire. It is unsafe to set this from the command line
; default:
; You can find your personal server-token at
server-token =
; setting: log-file
; desc : Sets the path of the log file. Use stderr to log to stderr
; default: stderr
log-file = stderr
; setting: log-level
; desc : log verbosity level (4: debug, 3: info, 2: warning, 1: error)
; default: 1
log-level = 1
; setting: memory-limit
; desc : Sets the maximum allowed RAM usage (megabytes) when ingesting traces. Use 0 to disable
; default: 500
memory-limit = 500
; setting: socket
; desc : Sets the socket the agent should read traces from. Possible value can be a unix socket or a TCP address
; default Linux:
; socket=unix:///var/run/blackfire/agent.sock
; default macOS amd64:
; unix:///usr/local/var/run/blackfire-agent.sock
; default macOS arm64 (M1):
; unix:///opt/homebrew/var/run/blackfire-agent.sock
; default Windows:
; socket = tcp://
; setting: ca-cert
; desc : Sets the PEM encoded certificates
; default:
; ca-cert=
; setting: collector
; desc : Sets the URL of Blackfire's data collector
; default:
; collector =
; setting: statsd
; desc : Sets the statsd server to send agent's statistics to. ie: udp://host:port. Leave empty to disable.
; default:
; statsd =
; setting: statsd-prefix
; desc : Sets the statsd prefix to use when sending data
; default: blackfire
; statsd-prefix = blackfire