[main] id = English:en datetime_format = yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss description = Software environment for web development bytes = B kbytes = KB mbytes = MB gbytes = GB tbytes = TB pbytes = PB about_gen_root_cert = When installing a new one, all old root certificates will be deleted about_silent_mode_1 = Preparation in silent mode occurs automatically and without tracking about_silent_mode_2 = progress, and after its completion, a reboot will be performed! activate_project = Activate the project environment and go to its root directory activation_not_possible = Activation is not possible (the module is already enabled) addon = ADDON addons = Addons admin_rights_warning_1 = The program is running with Administrator rights admin_rights_warning_2 = This is potentially unsafe and makes it easier to compromise your system. apply_mod_env = Apply the environment of the specified module or add-on apply_mod_env_again_1 = Apply the module environment again (the "use" or "add" command) if it apply_mod_env_again_2 = is currently active and the settings/profile have changed! arguments = arguments autorestart = Automatic restart of the module workflow... calling_help = Calling Help child_processes = child processes cli = Command line interface cmd_to_all_warning_1 = The command will be sent to all modules! cmd_to_all_warning_2 = The execution of the command may take some time... combining_with_bind = Combining the system environment with the Bind environment command = Command command_execution_canceled = Command execution has been canceled command_param = command command_processing_stopped = Command processing has stopped (the program is shutting down) continue = Continue control_panel = Control panel conversion_result = Conversion result convert_from_to_punycode = Convert domain name from/to Punycode current_env = Current environment directory = Directory disable_mod = Disable the module disabled_mod_note_1 = If the module is disabled, then working with some of its utilities or disabled_mod_note_2 = commands, including working with data (databases), may not be available! do_not_turn_off = Do not turn off the computer, data loss is possible! domains_autocert = AUTOCERTIFICATE domains_autoconfig = AUTOCONFIG domains_domain = DOMAIN domains_log_format = LOG FORMAT domains_nginx = NGINX domains_php = PHP domains_ssl = SSL empty_log = There are no entries in this log enable_mod = Enable the module (if necessary, specify a new active profile) enabling_php = Enabling PHP-8.1 with changing the settings profile to MyProfile env_management = Environment management err_api_req_failed = API request failed err_arg_not_specified = Required command argument is not specified err_broken_start_env = Running the program inside its own environment is not possible! err_check_update = Failed to connect to the update verification server err_clear_dns_cache = DNS cache could not be cleared err_dc_file_not_read = Failed to read the domain configuration file err_dns_srv_not_available = The DNSCache service is in an inactive state err_domain_dir_not_found = Domain public directory not found err_emb_root_not_found = The root directory of the embedded web server could not be found err_emb_serv_not_started = The embedded web server could not be started err_env_already_active = Such an environment is already active err_env_modules_exist = A module of this type has already been added to the current environment! err_error_in_mod_settings = Error in the module settings err_failed_change_hosts = Failed to make changes to the HOSTS file err_failed_create_dir = Failed to create the required directory err_failed_del_obj = Failed to delete an object err_failed_del_tmp_file = Failed to delete temporary file err_failed_exec_command = Failed to execute command err_failed_execute_command = It is not possible to execute the command while the module is enabled err_failed_gen_key_cert = Failed to generate key/certificate err_failed_gen_root_cert = Failed to generate root certificate err_failed_make_changes = Failed to make changes to the settings file err_failed_open_log = Failed to create/open the log file err_failed_rename_tmp_file = Failed to rename temporary file err_failed_save_tmp_file = Failed to save temporary file err_failed_set_env_var = Failed to set environment variable err_failed_syscall = Failed to make a system call err_failed_to_add_to_log = Failed to add an entry to the module log file err_failed_to_create_config = Failed to create module settings file err_failed_to_del_log = Failed to delete log file err_failed_to_del_pid = The module's PID file could not be deleted err_failed_to_start_module = The module workflow could not be started err_failed_to_enable_ce = Failed to enable command extensions! err_gencert_not_available_1 = Automatic generation of SSL certificates is not available due to the absence of a root certificate on the disk. Run the "osp cacert init" command. err_gencert_not_available_2 = Automatic generation of SSL certificates is not available due to the absence of the root certificate key on the disk. Run the "osp cacert init" command. err_gencert_not_available_3 = Automatic generation of SSL certificates is not available due to the absence of a CA certificate store file on disk. err_inact_psfile_not_found = The inactive profile settings file could not be found err_inact_psfile_not_read = The inactive profile settings file could not be read err_init_addon = Failed to initialize the extension err_init_module = Failed to initialize the module err_invalid_disk_type = Invalid disk type for the root directory location err_invalid_domain_chars = The domain name must not contain characters other than letters, numbers, hyphens and dots (allowed length: from 2 to 63 characters). err_invalid_domain_config = Incorrect domain configuration err_invalid_domain_name = Invalid domain name err_invalid_domain_warning = The Nginx module required to use the FCGI version of PHP is not specified err_invalid_fs_type = Invalid file system type for root directory location err_invalid_ll_val = Invalid logging level value err_invalid_mod_name = Invalid module name err_invalid_param_value = The parameter was not found or has an invalid value err_invalid_param_message = Prepare the operating system using the System Preparation Tool err_invalid_profile_name = Invalid settings profile name err_invalid_rll_val = Invalid value of the request logging level err_invalid_root_dir = The program cannot work in the current directory, valid path characters (no more than 32 characters): A-Za-z0-9.+-\:_ err_ipv6_not_support = This module does not support IPv6 err_mail_serv_not_started = Failed to start the embedded SMTP server err_md_file_not_found = The descriptive file could not be found err_md_file_not_read = The descriptive file could not be read err_mime_not_found = Couldn't find the MIME file err_mod_cmd_not_set = The module's launch command is not set err_mod_could_not_stop = The module workflow could not be stopped err_mod_does_not_respond = The module workflow does not respond for a long time, forced termination of the process... err_mod_invalid_command = Invalid command for this module err_mod_not_compatible = The module is not compatible with your version of Windows err_mod_profile_not_found = Module settings profile not found err_mod_start_dir_not_found = The module's start directory was not found err_mod_start_dir_not_set = The module's start directory is not set err_mod_terminated = The module workflow unexpectedly terminated its work err_ms_file_not_found = The module settings file could not be found err_multi_ip_not_support = This module does not support the use of multiple IP addresses err_no_env_config = There is no environment configuration for err_no_shell_config = There is no shell configuration for err_not_found = not found err_osp_must_be_started = Open Server Panel must be started err_parse_domain_data = Failed to connect domain err_parse_task_data = Failed to connect scheduler task err_pg_uac_or_admin_msg = This module cannot be started if Account Control (UAC) is disabled on your system or if the Open Server Panel is started with administrator rights err_project_dir_not_found = The root directory of the project was not found err_reading_lang_file = Error reading from the module's language file err_srv_available = The service is in an active state err_srv_not_available = The service is in an inactive state err_task_dir_not_found = The work directory of the task was not found err_task_file_not_read = Failed to read task scheduler configuration file err_task_invalid_plan = Invalid value of the task execution plan err_task_start_failed = Failed to start the task err_unknown_arg = Unknown command argument err_unknown_command = Unknown command err_unknown_ps_descriptor = Unknown process descriptor error = ERROR exit = Exit exit_code = Exit/Error code exiting_program = Exiting the program free_disk_space_alert = There is not enough free disk space free_ram_alert = Not enough free RAM from = from gen_and_install_root_cert = Generate and install|show|delete a root certificate (CA) hosts_100k_warning = The HOSTS file contains more than 100,000 records (DNS subsystem failure is possible) idn_caption = IDN converter idn_menu_caption = Domain name converter idn_source_caption = Domain name in national or punycode format idn_result_caption = Conversion result idn_button_caption = Copy the result to the clipboard init_env_variables = Initialization of environment variables init_extensions = Initializing add-ons init_flag = Use the "init" flag to initialize the command line interface init_modules = Initializing and launching modules initialize = Initialize journal = Journal launch_cli = Launch the CLI launch_command = Launch command launch_shell = Launch Shell/CLI launch_nodejs_app = Launch NodeJS project launch_shell_descr = Launch the shell or command line interface of the module (if available) launch_sp_tool = Launch the Operating System Preparation tool launching_emb_serv = Launching the embedded web server launching_emb_mailserv = Launch of the embedded SMTP server memory = Memory merge_env = Merge the environment of the module/add-on with the current environment message = Message mod_management = Module management mod_successfully_init = Module initialization has been successfully completed mod_successfully_launched = The module workflow has been successfully launched mod_successfully_stopped = The module workflow has been successfully stopped mod_suspended = The module is suspended module = Module modules = Modules modules_category = CATEGORY modules_class = CLASS modules_min_win_ver = MIN. OS VERSION modules_module = MODULE modules_profile = PROFILE modules_status = STATUS modules_type = TYPE modules_version = VERSION network = Network not_enabled = is not currently enabled! not_use = Do not use not_use_info = not used number_of_processes = Number of processes object = Оbject open_in_browser = Open in browser open_in_console = Open in console open_in_explorer = Open in explorer other_commands = Other commands process_pid = PID of the main process profile = Profile program_version = Program version projects = Projects reason = Reason reinit = Re-read the module settings and recreate temporary files (configs) reinit_note = This command is not available for modules in the active state! reset_current_env = Reset the current environment (original system environment) restart = Restart restart_mod = Restart the module (if necessary, specify a new active profile) restarting_mysql = Restarting the MySQL-8.0 module (module name is accepted in any case) restarting_program = Restarting the program root_dir = Root directory select_nginx_version = Select Nginx version select_php_version = Select PHP version select_nodejs_version = Select NodeJS version select_profile = Select profile show_addons_info = Show information about add-ons show_current_env = Show information about the current environment show_info_about_domains = Show information about domains show_log = Show the module/component log (last N lines, by default: 15) show_log_descr = Other possible arguments: api, general, scheduler, smtp show_mod_info = Show information about modules show_mod_status = Show module status information show_version_info = Show information about the program version shutdown_not_possible = Shutdown is not possible (the module is already turned off) shutting_down_program = Shutting down the program (the current environment will be reset) silent_flag = Add the "silent" flag to start the system preparation in silent mode sp_tool = System Preparation Tool ssd_flag = The "ssd" flag is similar to "silent" (but with SSD settings optimized) starting = Starting the status = Status status_disabled = Disabled status_enabled = Enabled status_error = Error status_initialization = Initialization status_initialized = Initialized status_not_initialized = Not initialized status_shutdown = Shutdown status_starting = Starting switch_off = Switch off switch_on = Switch on switch_profile_note = If necessary, specify a new active module settings profile task = Task task_last_date = was trigered at task_next_date = next scheduled date is task_scheduler_start = Initialization of the task scheduler tld_domains = Top-level domains under_development = The web interface is under development unknown_module = Unknown module upd_caption = A new version of the Open Server Panel is available! upd_current_version = Current version upd_info_text = Please read the release notes and familiarize yourself with the changes in the program. upd_stop_notify = Don't remind me about this version anymore usage_examples = Usage examples usage = Usage usage_postgresql = Usage the PostgreSQL-9.6 module environment in the console version_info = Version information wait_until_prog_fin = Wait until the program finishes its work... warning = WARNING