memcached 1.6.8 -p, --port= TCP port to listen on (default: 11211) -U, --udp-port= UDP port to listen on (default: 0, off) -s, --unix-socket= UNIX socket to listen on (disables network support) -a, --unix-mask= access mask for UNIX socket, in octal (default: 700) -A, --enable-shutdown enable ascii "shutdown" command -l, --listen= interface to listen on (default: INADDR_ANY) if TLS/SSL is enabled, 'notls' prefix can be used to disable for specific listeners (-l notls::) -d, --daemon run as a daemon -m, --memory-limit= item memory in megabytes (default: 64) -M, --disable-evictions return error on memory exhausted instead of evicting -c, --conn-limit= max simultaneous connections (default: 1024) -v, --verbose verbose (print errors/warnings while in event loop) -vv very verbose (also print client commands/responses) -vvv extremely verbose (internal state transitions) -h, --help print this help and exit -i, --license print memcached and libevent license -V, --version print version and exit -P, --pidfile= save PID in , only used with -d option -f, --slab-growth-factor= chunk size growth factor (default: 1.25) -n, --slab-min-size= min space used for key+value+flags (default: 48) -L, --enable-largepages try to use large memory pages (if available) -D Use as the delimiter between key prefixes and IDs. This is used for per-prefix stats reporting. The default is ":" (colon). If this option is specified, stats collection is turned on automatically; if not, then it may be turned on by sending the "stats detail on" command to the server. -t, --threads= number of threads to use (default: 4) -R, --max-reqs-per-event maximum number of requests per event, limits the requests processed per connection to prevent starvation (default: 20) -C, --disable-cas disable use of CAS -b, --listen-backlog= set the backlog queue limit (default: 1024) -B, --protocol= protocol - one of ascii, binary, or auto (default: auto-negotiate) -I, --max-item-size= adjusts max item size (default: 1m, min: 1k, max: 1024m) -F, --disable-flush-all disable flush_all command -X, --disable-dumping disable stats cachedump and lru_crawler metadump -W --disable-watch disable watch commands (live logging) -Y, --auth-file= (EXPERIMENTAL) enable ASCII protocol authentication. format: user:pass\nuser2:pass2\n -e, --memory-file= (EXPERIMENTAL) mmap a file for item memory. use only in ram disks or persistent memory mounts! enables restartable cache (stop with SIGUSR1) -Z, --enable-ssl enable TLS/SSL -o, --extended comma separated list of extended options most options have a 'no_' prefix to disable - maxconns_fast: immediately close new connections after limit (default: enabled) - hashpower: an integer multiplier for how large the hash table should be. normally grows at runtime. (default starts at: 0) set based on "STAT hash_power_level" - tail_repair_time: time in seconds for how long to wait before forcefully killing LRU tail item. disabled by default; very dangerous option. - hash_algorithm: the hash table algorithm default is murmur3 hash. options: jenkins, murmur3 - no_lru_crawler: disable LRU Crawler background thread. - lru_crawler_sleep: microseconds to sleep between items default is 100. - lru_crawler_tocrawl: max items to crawl per slab per run default is 0 (unlimited) - read_buf_mem_limit: limit in megabytes for connection read/response buffers. do not adjust unless you have high (20k+) conn. limits. 0 means unlimited (default: 0) - no_lru_maintainer: disable new LRU system + background thread. - hot_lru_pct: pct of slab memory to reserve for hot lru. (requires lru_maintainer, default pct: 20) - warm_lru_pct: pct of slab memory to reserve for warm lru. (requires lru_maintainer, default pct: 40) - hot_max_factor: items idle > cold lru age * drop from hot lru. (default: 0.20) - warm_max_factor: items idle > cold lru age * this drop from warm. (default: 2.00) - temporary_ttl: TTL's below get separate LRU, can't be evicted. (requires lru_maintainer, default: 61) - idle_timeout: timeout for idle connections. (default: 0, no timeout) - slab_chunk_max: (EXPERIMENTAL) maximum slab size in kilobytes. use extreme care. (default: 512) - watcher_logbuf_size: size in kilobytes of per-watcher write buffer. (default: 256) - worker_logbuf_size: size in kilobytes of per-worker-thread buffer read by background thread, then written to watchers. (default: 64) - track_sizes: enable dynamic reports for 'stats sizes' command. - no_hashexpand: disables hash table expansion (dangerous) - modern: enables options which will be default in future. currently: nothing - no_modern: uses defaults of previous major version (1.4.x) - External storage (ext_*) related options (see: - ext_path: file to write to for external storage. ie: ext_path=/mnt/d1/extstore:1G - ext_page_size: size in megabytes of storage pages. (default: 64) - ext_wbuf_size: size in megabytes of page write buffers. (default: 4) - ext_threads: number of IO threads to run. (default: 1) - ext_item_size: store items larger than this (bytes, default 512) - ext_item_age: store items idle at least this long (seconds, default: no age limit) - ext_low_ttl: consider TTLs lower than this specially (default: 0) - ext_drop_unread: don't re-write unread values during compaction (default: disabled) - ext_recache_rate: recache an item every N accesses (default: 2000) - ext_compact_under: compact when fewer than this many free pages (default: 1/4th of the assigned storage) - ext_drop_under: drop COLD items when fewer than this many free pages (default: 1/4th of the assigned storage) - ext_max_frag: max page fragmentation to tolerate (default: 0.80) - slab_automove_freeratio: ratio of memory to hold free as buffer. (see doc/storage.txt for more info, default: 0.010) - ssl_chain_cert: certificate chain file in PEM format - ssl_key: private key, if not part of the -ssl_chain_cert - ssl_keyformat: private key format (PEM, DER or ENGINE) (default: PEM) - ssl_verify_mode: peer certificate verification mode, default is 0(None). valid values are 0(None), 1(Request), 2(Require) or 3(Once) - ssl_ciphers: specify cipher list to be used - ssl_ca_cert: PEM format file of acceptable client CA's - ssl_wbuf_size: size in kilobytes of per-connection SSL output buffer (default: 16) - ssl_session_cache: enable server-side SSL session cache, to support session resumption