Usage: rotatelogs.exe [-vlfDtTe] [-L linkname] [-p prog] [-n number] {|(B|K|M|G)} [offset minutes from UTC] Add this: TransferLog "|rotatelogs.exe /some/where 86400" or TransferLog "|rotatelogs.exe /some/where 5M" to httpd.conf. By default, the generated name will be .nnnn where nnnn is the system time at which the log nominally starts (N.B. if using a rotation time, the time will always be a multiple of the rotation time, so you can synchronize cron scripts with it). If contains strftime conversion specifications, those will be used instead. At the end of each rotation time or when the file size is reached a new log is started. Options: -v Verbose operation. Messages are written to stderr. -l Base rotation on local time instead of UTC. -L path Create hard link from current log to specified path. -p prog Run specified program after opening a new log file. See below. -f Force opening of log on program start. -D Create parent directories of log file. -t Truncate logfile instead of rotating, tail friendly. -T Truncate logfiles opened for rotation, but not the initial logfile. -e Echo log to stdout for further processing. -n num Rotate file by adding suffixes '.1', '.2', ..., '.num'. The program for '-p' is invoked as "[prog] []" where is the filename of the newly opened logfile, and , if given, is the filename of the previously used logfile.