#!/bin/bash # Update from OpenPanel 0.1.7 to 0.1.8 # new version NEW_PANEL_VERSION="0.1.8" # Colors for output GREEN='\033[0;32m' RED='\033[0;31m' RESET='\033[0m' # Directories OPENPANEL_DIR="/usr/local/panel/" OPENADMIN_DIR="/usr/local/admin/" OPENCLI_DIR="/usr/local/admin/scripts/" OPENPANEL_ERR_DIR="/var/log/openpanel/" SERVICES_DIR="/etc/systemd/system/" # Update source REPO_URL="https://storage.googleapis.com/openpanel/${NEW_PANEL_VERSION}/get.openpanel.co/downloads/" CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION=$(< ${OPENPANEL_DIR}/version) # temporary directories TEMP_DIR="/tmp/" OLD_OPENPANEL_DIR="/usr/local/panel-${CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION}/" OLD_OPENADMIN_DIR="/usr/local/admin-${CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION}/" LOG_FILE="${OPENADMIN_DIR}logs/notifications.log" DEBUG_MODE=0 # Check if the --debug flag is provided for arg in "$@" do if [ "$arg" == "--debug" ]; then DEBUG_MODE=1 break fi done # HELPERS # Display error and exit radovan() { echo -e "${RED}Error: $2${RESET}" >&2 exit $1 } # Progress bar script PROGRESS_BAR_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pollev/bash_progress_bar/master/progress_bar.sh" PROGRESS_BAR_FILE="progress_bar.sh" wget "$PROGRESS_BAR_URL" -O "$PROGRESS_BAR_FILE" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ ! -f "$PROGRESS_BAR_FILE" ]; then echo "Failed to download progress_bar.sh" exit 1 fi # Source the progress bar script source "$PROGRESS_BAR_FILE" # Dsiplay progress bar FUNCTIONS=( #notify user we started print_header # check license first, if not licenses enterprise version we will abort verify_license # check requirements: OS, root, not docker.. check_requirements # check if user has additional webservers to avoid conflicts! detect_installed_panels # python version again - to be used in following functions check_python_version # check ubuntu and apt-get detect_os_and_package_manager # apt-update update_package_manager # move the existing panel folder and use it as fallback if update fails mv_panel_to_tmp_dir # install new user panel from git download_new_panel # copy configuration files that user modified and other custom data move_openpanel_data # add new values and defaults in the panel.config file extend_panel_conf_file # install pip requirements for user panel pip_install_for_panel # move the existing admin folder and use it as fallback if update fails mv_admin_to_tmp_dir # install new admin panel from git download_new_admin # copy configuration files that user modified and other custom data move_openadmin_data # install pip requirements for admin panel pip_install_for_admin # install new opencli version from github setup_opencli_new_version # reload admin and panel services reload_services # check if services started, if not restore the old version check_if_panel_services_started # update images! update_docker_images # delete temp files and (maybe) old panel versison cleanup # since openpanel <0.1.4 also run /usr/local/admin/scripts/INSTALL.sh post update, lets remove it! remove_opencli_install_script_from_cli # if user created a post-update script, run it now run_custom_postupdate_script # send us server info to collect new version data and usage report_status_after_update # yay! we made it celebrate # show to user what was done and how to restore previous version if needed! post_install_message ) TOTAL_STEPS=${#FUNCTIONS[@]} CURRENT_STEP=0 update_progress() { CURRENT_STEP=$((CURRENT_STEP + 1)) PERCENTAGE=$(($CURRENT_STEP * 100 / $TOTAL_STEPS)) draw_progress_bar $PERCENTAGE } main() { # Make sure that the progress bar is cleaned up when user presses ctrl+c enable_trapping # Create progress bar setup_scroll_area for func in "${FUNCTIONS[@]}" do # Execute each function $func update_progress done destroy_scroll_area } # print fullwidth line print_space_and_line() { printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' - } # END helper functions # START MAIN FUNCTIONS mv_panel_to_tmp_dir() { mv $OPENPANEL_DIR $OLD_OPENPANEL_DIR } mv_admin_to_tmp_dir() { mv $OPENADMIN_DIR $OLD_OPENADMIN_DIR } pip_install_for_panel(){ echo "Installing PIP requirements for OpenPanel.." cd $OPENPANEL_DIR pip install -r requirements.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 } pip_install_for_admin(){ echo "Installing PIP requirements for OpenAdmin.." cd $OPENADMIN_DIR pip install -r requirements.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 } check_requirements() { # https://github.com/stefanpejcic/openpanel/issues/63 architecture=$(lscpu | grep Architecture | awk '{print $2}') if [ "$architecture" == "aarch64" ]; then echo -e "${RED}Error: ARM CPU is not supported!${RESET}" >&2 exit 1 fi # check if the current user is not root if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${RED}Error: you must be root to execute this script.${RESET}" >&2 exit 1 # check if OS is MacOS elif [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then echo -e "${RED}Error: MacOS is not currently supported.${RESET}" >&2 exit 1 # check if running inside a container elif [[ -f /.dockerenv || $(grep -sq 'docker\|lxc' /proc/1/cgroup) ]]; then echo -e "${RED}Error: running openpanel inside a container is not supported.${RESET}" >&2 exit 1 fi # check if python version is supported current_python_version=$(python3 --version 2>&1 | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d "." -f 1,2 | tr -d '.') allowed_versions=("39" "310" "311" "312" "38") if [[ ! " ${allowed_versions[@]} " =~ " ${current_python_version} " ]]; then echo -e "${RED}Error: Unsupported Python version $current_python_version. No corresponding branch available.${RESET}" >&2 exit 1 fi } detect_installed_panels() { if [ -z "$SKIP_PANEL_CHECK" ]; then declare -A paths=( ["/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr"]="cPanel/WHM is installed. OpenPanel only supports servers without any hosting control panel installed." ["/opt/psa/version"]="Plesk is installed. OpenPanel only supports servers without any hosting control panel installed." ["/usr/local/psa/version"]="Plesk is installed. OpenPanel only supports servers without any hosting control panel installed." ["/usr/local/CyberPanel"]="CyberPanel is installed. OpenPanel only supports servers without any hosting control panel installed." ["/usr/local/directadmin"]="DirectAdmin is installed. OpenPanel only supports servers without any hosting control panel installed." ["/usr/local/cwpsrv"]="CentOS Web Panel (CWP) is installed. OpenPanel only supports servers without any hosting control panel installed." ) for path in "${!paths[@]}"; do if [ -d "$path" ] || [ -e "$path" ]; then radovan 1 "${paths[$path]}" fi done echo -e "No additional webservers found that might block the update process, proceeding with the update process." fi } check_python_version(){ echo "Checking Python version to use for OpenPanel.." current_python_version=$(python3 --version 2>&1 | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d "." -f 1,2 | tr -d '.') } # Function to write notification to log file write_notification() { local title="$1" local message="$2" local current_message="$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') UNREAD $title MESSAGE: $message" echo "$current_message" >> "$LOG_FILE" } cleanup(){ echo "Cleaning up.." # empty error and access logs rm -rf ${OPENPANEL_ERR_DIR} mkdir -p ${OPENPANEL_ERR_DIR}user ${OPENPANEL_ERR_DIR}admin # install data rm -rf ${OPENPANEL_DIR}INSTALL.sh ${OPENPANEL_DIR}DATABASE.sql ${OPENPANEL_DIR}requirements.txt ${OPENPANEL_DIR}conf/nginx.conf ${OPENPANEL_DIR}conf/mysqld.cnf ${OPENPANEL_DIR}conf/named.conf.options ${OPENPANEL_DIR}conf/default.nginx.conf ${OPENPANEL_DIR}conf/.gitkeep ${OPENPANEL_DIR}templates/dist.zip ${OPENPANEL_DIR}install rm -rf ${OPENPANEL_DIR}services "${OPENPANEL_DIR}conf/GeoLite2-City_20231219/" "${OPENPANEL_DIR}conf/GeoLite2-Country_20231219/" rm ${OPENPANEL_DIR}conf/GeoLite2-City_20231219.tar.gz ${OPENPANEL_DIR}conf/GeoLite2-Country_20231219.tar.gz ${OPENPANEL_DIR}conf/goaccess.conf } # logo print_header() { printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' - echo -e " ____ _____ _ " echo -e " / __ \ | __ \ | | " echo -e " | | | | _ __ ___ _ __ | |__) | __ _ _ __ ___ | | " echo -e " | | | || '_ \ / _ \| '_ \ | ___/ / _\" || '_ \ / _ \| | " echo -e " | |__| || |_) || __/| | | | | | | (_| || | | || __/| | " echo -e " \____/ | .__/ \___||_| |_| |_| \__,_||_| |_| \___||_| " echo -e " | | " echo -e " |_| " printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' - echo -e "Starting update to OpenPanel version $NEW_PANEL_VERSION" echo -e "" echo -e "Changelog: https://openpanel.co/docs/changelog/$NEW_PANEL_VERSION" printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' - echo -e "" } update_docker_images() { #opencli docker-update_images bash /usr/local/admin/scripts/docker/update_images } reload_services() { echo "Reloading services.." service panel restart #TODO: no restart, in case admin deliberately stopped the service.. service admin reload } check_if_panel_services_started() { echo "Checking if OpenAdmin and OpenPanel services started successfully.." admin_status=$(systemctl status admin 2>&1) panel_status=$(systemctl status panel 2>&1) if echo "$admin_status" | grep -q "failed" || echo "$panel_status" | grep -q "failed"; then echo "OpenAdmin or OpenPanel service failed to start after the update! Reverting back to the previous version: $CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION" # delete new version files for both services find ${OPENADMIN_DIR} -maxdepth 0 ! -name "${CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION}" -exec rm -rf {} + find ${OPENPANEL_DIR} -maxdepth 0 ! -name "${CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION}" -exec rm -rf {} + # restore the previous version for both services mv ${OPENADMIN_DIR}${CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION} $OPENADMIN_DIR && rmdir ${OPENADMIN_DIR}${CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION} mv ${OPENPANEL_DIR}${CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION} $OPENPANEL_DIR && rmdir ${OPENPANEL_DIR}${CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION} # write the update failed notification write_notification "OpenPanel update failed!" "OpenPanel update failed, please contact support." touch /etc/openpanel/upgrade/skip_versions echo "${CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION}" >> /etc/openpanel/upgrade/skip_versions echo -e "${RED}UPDATE FAILED${RESET}" exit $1 else echo "OpenAdmin and Panel services started normally." fi } run_custom_postupdate_script() { echo "Checking if post-update script is provided.." # Check if the file /root/openpanel_run_after_update exists if [ -f "/root/openpanel_run_after_update" ]; then # run the custom script echo " " echo "Running post install script: '/root/openpanel_run_after_update'" echo "https://dev.openpanel.co/customize.html#After-update" bash /root/openpanel_run_after_update fi } download_new_admin() { mkdir -p $OPENADMIN_DIR echo "Downloading OpenAdmin version ${NEW_PANEL_VERSION}" wget -O ${TEMP_DIR}openadmin.tar.gz "${REPO_URL}${NEW_PANEL_VERSION}/openadmin/${current_python_version}/compressed.tar.gz" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error downloading OpenAdmin from ${REPO_URL}. Exiting." # write the update failed notification #write_notification "OpenPanel update failed!" "OpenPanel update failed, error downloading OpenAdmin from ${REPO_URL}." check_if_panel_services_started exit 1 fi #echo "wget -O ${TEMP_DIR}openadmin.tar.gz \"${REPO_URL}${NEW_PANEL_VERSION}/openadmin/${current_python_version}/compressed.tar.gz\"" cd ${TEMP_DIR} && tar -xzf openadmin.tar.gz -C $OPENADMIN_DIR unzip ${OPENADMIN_DIR}static/dist.zip -d ${OPENADMIN_DIR}static/dist/ rm ${TEMP_DIR}openadmin.tar.gz ${OPENADMIN_DIR}static/dist.zip } download_new_panel() { mkdir -p $OPENPANEL_DIR echo "Downloading OpenPanel version ${NEW_PANEL_VERSION}" wget -O ${TEMP_DIR}openpanel.tar.gz "${REPO_URL}${NEW_PANEL_VERSION}/openpanel/${current_python_version}/compressed.tar.gz" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error downloading OpenPanel from ${REPO_URL}. Exiting." # write the update failed notification #write_notification "OpenPanel update failed!" "OpenPanel update failed, error downloading OpenPanel from ${REPO_URL}." check_if_panel_services_started exit 1 fi cd ${TEMP_DIR} && tar -xzf openpanel.tar.gz -C $OPENPANEL_DIR rm ${TEMP_DIR}openpanel.tar.gz } move_openpanel_data() { echo "Restoring custom OpenPanel configuration files from previous version: ${CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION}" # server conf cp -r ${OLD_OPENPANEL_DIR}conf/* ${OPENPANEL_DIR}conf/ sed -i 's/enabled_modules=/enabled_modules=dns,/' /usr/local/panel/conf/panel.config # users data cp -r ${OLD_OPENPANEL_DIR}core/* ${OPENPANEL_DIR}core/ #cp -r ${OLD_OPENPANEL_DIR}core/stats/* ${OPENPANEL_DIR}core/stats/ } extend_panel_conf_file(){ config_file="/usr/local/panel/conf/panel.config" # Check if "api=" exists in the config file if grep -q "api=" "$config_file"; then echo "api= exists in the file, skipping adding additional config.." else echo "Setting additional config values in panel.config file." # Find the line number of "autopatch=" in the file autopatch_line=$(grep -n "autopatch=" "$config_file" | cut -d: -f1) if [ -n "$autopatch_line" ]; then # Insert after the "autopatch=" line sed -i "${autopatch_line}a\api=off\ndev_mode=off\ntemplate=\nadmin_template=\nbasic_auth=no\nbasic_auth_username=\nbasic_auth_password=\n\n[SMTP]\nmail_server=\nmail_port=465\nmail_use_tls=False\nmail_use_ssl=True\nmail_username=\nmail_password=\nmail_default_sender=\nmail_security_token=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c12)" "$config_file" else echo "ERROR: new conf could not be added to the file." fi # Find the line number of "logout_url=" in the file logout_url_line=$(grep -n "logout_url=" "$config_file" | cut -d: -f1) if [ -n "$logout_url_line" ]; then # Insert after the "logout_url=" line sed -i "${logout_url_line}a\email=\n" "$config_file" else echo "ERROR: new conf could not be added to the file." fi fi } move_openadmin_data() { echo "Restoring custom OpenAdmin configuration files from previous version: ${CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION}" # admin users cp ${OLD_OPENADMIN_DIR}users.db $OPENADMIN_DIR # mysql logins cp ${OLD_OPENADMIN_DIR}db.cnf $OPENADMIN_DIR #cp ${OLD_OPENADMIN_DIR}config.py $OPENADMIN_DIR cp ${OLD_OPENADMIN_DIR}config.json $OPENADMIN_DIR # logs cp ${OLD_OPENADMIN_DIR}logs/notifications.log ${OPENADMIN_DIR}logs/notifications.log } setup_opencli_new_version() { mkdir $OPENCLI_DIR echo "Downloading OpenCLI.." wget -O ${TEMP_DIR}opencli.tar.gz "${REPO_URL}${NEW_PANEL_VERSION}/opencli/compressed.tar.gz" > /dev/null 2>&1 cd ${TEMP_DIR} && tar -xzf opencli.tar.gz -C $OPENCLI_DIR rm ${TEMP_DIR}opencli.tar.gz chmod +x -R $OPENCLI_DIR echo "Creating a list of opencli commands for autocomplete" opencli commands > /dev/null 2>&1 } detect_os_and_package_manager() { echo "Checking OS distribution and package manager to use for services.." if [ -f "/etc/os-release" ]; then . /etc/os-release case "$ID" in "debian"|"ubuntu") PACKAGE_MANAGER="apt-get" ;; "centos"|"cloudlinux"|"rhel"|"fedora"|"almalinux") PACKAGE_MANAGER="yum" if [ "$(command -v dnf)" ]; then PACKAGE_MANAGER="dnf" fi ;; *) echo -e "${RED}Unsupported distribution: $ID. Exiting.${RESET}" echo -e "${RED}UPDATE FAILED${RESET}" # write the update failed notification write_notification "OpenPanel update failed!" "OpenPanel update failed, please contact support." exit 1 ;; esac else echo -e "${RED}Could not detect Linux distribution. Exiting..${RESET}" echo -e "${RED}UPDATE FAILED${RESET}" # write the update failed notification write_notification "OpenPanel update failed!" "OpenPanel update failed, please contact support." exit 1 fi } update_package_manager() { echo "Updating package manager.." $PACKAGE_MANAGER update -y } report_status_after_update() { opencli report --public > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf ${OPENADMIN_DIR}/logs/reports/ } verify_license() { # Get server ipv4 current_ip=$(curl -s https://ip.openpanel.co || wget -qO- https://ip.openpanel.co) echo "Checking OpenPanel license for IP address: $current_ip" server_hostname=$(hostname) license_data='{"hostname": "'"$server_hostname"'", "public_ip": "'"$current_ip"'"}' response=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$license_data" https://api.openpanel.co/license-check) #echo "Response: $response" } remove_opencli_install_script_from_cli() { rm -rf ${OPENADMIN_DIR}scripts/INSTALL.sh } celebrate() { print_space_and_line echo "" echo -e "${GREEN}OpenPanel successfully updated to ${NEW_PANEL_VERSION}.${RESET}" echo "" print_space_and_line # remove the unread notification that there is new update sed -i 's/UNREAD New OpenPanel update is available/READ New OpenPanel update is available/' $LOG_FILE # add notification that update was successful write_notification "OpenPanel successfully updated!" "OpenPanel successfully updated from $CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION to $NEW_PANEL_VERSION" } post_install_message() { # steps to revert the update echo "If you encounter any issues with this update, you can revert to the previous version using the following steps:" echo "" echo "1. Delete the new version files:" echo "" echo " rm -rf /usr/local/admin /usr/local/panel" echo "" echo "2. Restore files from the previous verison (${CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION}):" echo "" echo " mv /usr/local/admin-${CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION}/ /usr/local/admin ; mv /usr/local/panel-${CURRENT_PANEL_VERSION}/ /usr/local/panel" echo "" echo "3. Restart OpenPanel and OpenAdmin services:" echo "" echo " service panel restart && service admin restart" echo "" echo "4. Check if OpenCLI is working and OpenAdmin is accessible:" echo "" echo " opencli admin" echo "" print_space_and_line # Instructions for seeking help echo -e "\nIf you experience any problems or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out on our community forums or join our Discord server for support:" echo "" echo "👉 Forums: https://community.openpanel.co/" echo "" echo "👉 Discord: https://discord.openpanel.co/" echo "" echo "Our community and support team are ready to help you!" } # main execution of the script main systemctl disable mysql