import { Plugin } from "@docusaurus/types"; import path from "path"; type DocusaurusDoc = { unversionedId: string; id: string; title: string; description: string; source: string; sourceDirName: string; slug: string; permalink: string; draft: boolean; editUrl: string; tags: string[]; version: string; lastUpdatedBy: string; lastUpdatedAt: number; formattedLastUpdatedAt: string; frontMatter: { id: string; title: string; description?: string; tags?: string[]; }; sidebar: string; previous?: { title: string; permalink: string; }; next?: { title: string; permalink: string; }; }; type ContentPluginType = { default: { loadedVersions: Array<{ docs: DocusaurusDoc[] }>; }; }; type ExampleDoc = Pick< DocusaurusDoc, "id" | "title" | "description" | "permalink" > & { tags: string[] }; const colorByHash = (input: string) => { let hash = 0; let color = "#"; input.split("").forEach((char) => { hash = char.charCodeAt(0) + ((hash << 5) - hash); }); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const value = (hash >> (i * 8)) & 0xff; color += ("00" + value.toString(16)).slice(-2); } return color; }; const addColorToTags = (tags: string[]) => { let colors = [ "#ef4444", "#f97316", "#f59e0b", "#eab308", "#84cc16", "#22c55e", "#10b981", "#14b8a6", "#06b6d4", "#0ea5e9", "#3b82f6", "#6366f1", "#8b5cf6", "#a855f7", "#d946ef", "#ec4899", "#f43f5e", ]; // if there are more tags than colors, we will reuse colors. // multiply the colors array until it is bigger than the tags array while (colors.length < tags.length) { colors = [...colors, ...colors]; } const selectedColorIndexes: number[] = []; const tagsWithColor = => { // pick a random color let randomColorIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length); // if the color is already used, pick another one while (selectedColorIndexes.includes(randomColorIndex)) { randomColorIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length); } const color = colors[randomColorIndex]; selectedColorIndexes.push(randomColorIndex); return { name: tag, color: color, }; }); return tagsWithColor; }; export default function plugin(): Plugin { return { name: "docusaurus-plugin-refine-examples", configureWebpack(config) { return { resolve: { alias: { "@examples": path.join( config.resolve?.alias?.["@generated"], "docusaurus-plugin-refine-examples", "default", ), }, }, }; }, async contentLoaded({ allContent, actions }): Promise { if (!process.env.DISABLE_EXAMPLES) { console.log("Composing Refine examples..."); const { createData } = actions; const currentVersion = ( allContent[ "docusaurus-plugin-content-docs" ] as ContentPluginType ).default.loadedVersions[0]; const allDocs = as DocusaurusDoc[]; const allExamples: ExampleDoc[] = allDocs .filter( (doc) =>"examples/") && !== "examples/examples", ) .map((doc) => { const titleFromId = .replace("examples/", "") .split("/") .slice(0, -1) .join("-") + " " + doc.title .replace("antd", "Ant Design") .replace("mui", "Material UI") .replace("chakra-ui", "Chakra UI"); return { // ...doc, id:, baseTitle: doc.title, title: doc.title .replace("antd", "Ant Design") .replace("mui", "Material UI") .replace("chakra-ui", "Chakra UI"), displayTitle: doc.frontMatter["example-title"] ?? titleFromId ?? doc.title .replace("antd", "Ant Design") .replace("mui", "Material UI") .replace("chakra-ui", "Chakra UI"), description: doc.description, permalink: doc.permalink, tags: doc.frontMatter["example-tags"] || [], }; }); const allTags = allExamples .reduce( (acc, example) => [...acc, ...example.tags], [] as string[], ) .filter((tag, index, self) => self.indexOf(tag) === index); const data = { examples: allExamples, tags: addColorToTags(allTags), }; await createData(`examples-data.json`, JSON.stringify(data)); } else { const { createData } = actions; await createData( `examples-data.json`, JSON.stringify({ examples: [], tags: [] }), ); } }, }; }