diff --git a/documentation/docs/changelog/0.1.6.md b/documentation/docs/changelog/0.1.6.md index c26d36d..e3d0e62 100644 --- a/documentation/docs/changelog/0.1.6.md +++ b/documentation/docs/changelog/0.1.6.md @@ -271,6 +271,47 @@ To update navigate to *OpenAdmin > General Settings* section and if new update i OpenPanel now utilizes a custom cron file located at `/etc/cron.d/openpanel` instead of relying on the root user's crontab. This allows the root user to add custom cronjobs without the risk of them being overwritten during OpenPanel updates. +```bash +# /etc/cron.d/openpanel: crontab entries for the OpenPanel +# +# +# This file is used by OpenPanel to schedule cronjobs +# +# It should NOT be edited manually as it is overwritten on update. +# To add crons please use the crontab as root user. +# +# Important Note! This cronjob will NOT be executed if you are +# running systemd as your init system. If you are running systemd, +# the cronjob.timer function takes precedence over this cronjob. For +# more details, see the systemd.timer manpage, or use systemctl show +# certbot.timer. + +SHELL=/bin/sh +PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin + +# SSL +0 */3 * * * root opencli ssl-hostname +0 */3 * * * root certbot renew --post-hook 'systemctl reload nginx' + +# STATISTICS +0 * * * * root opencli docker-collect_stats +30 2 * * * root opencli domains-stats + +# MAINTENANCE +* 2 * * * root opencli docker-usage_stats_cleanup +15 0 * * * root opencli update +0 0 12 * * root opencli server-ips + +# BACKUPS +0 7 * * * root opencli backup-check +0 8 * * * root opencli backup-scheduler + +# MONITORING +* * * * * root bash /usr/local/admin/service/notifications.sh +@reboot root bash /usr/local/admin/service/notifications.sh --startup +@reboot root opencli server-on_startup +``` + -----