2022-12-01 09:17:54 +00:00

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* phpDocumentor
* PHP Version 5.3
* @author Mike van Riel <mike.vanriel@naenius.com>
* @copyright 2010-2011 Mike van Riel / Naenius (http://www.naenius.com)
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT
* @link http://phpdoc.org
namespace Barryvdh\Reflection;
use Barryvdh\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag;
use Barryvdh\Reflection\DocBlock\Context;
use Barryvdh\Reflection\DocBlock\Location;
* Parses the DocBlock for any structure.
* @author Mike van Riel <mike.vanriel@naenius.com>
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT
* @link http://phpdoc.org
class DocBlock implements \Reflector
/** @var string The opening line for this docblock. */
protected $short_description = '';
* @var DocBlock\Description The actual
* description for this docblock.
protected $long_description = null;
* @var Tag[] An array containing all
* the tags in this docblock; except inline.
protected $tags = array();
/** @var Context Information about the context of this DocBlock. */
protected $context = null;
/** @var Location Information about the location of this DocBlock. */
protected $location = null;
/** @var bool Is this DocBlock (the start of) a template? */
protected $isTemplateStart = false;
/** @var bool Does this DocBlock signify the end of a DocBlock template? */
protected $isTemplateEnd = false;
* Parses the given docblock and populates the member fields.
* The constructor may also receive namespace information such as the
* current namespace and aliases. This information is used by some tags
* (e.g. @return, @param, etc.) to turn a relative Type into a FQCN.
* @param \Reflector|string $docblock A docblock comment (including
* asterisks) or reflector supporting the getDocComment method.
* @param Context $context The context in which the DocBlock
* occurs.
* @param Location $location The location within the file that this
* DocBlock occurs in.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the given argument does not have the
* getDocComment method.
public function __construct(
Context $context = null,
Location $location = null
) {
if (is_object($docblock)) {
if (!method_exists($docblock, 'getDocComment')) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Invalid object passed; the given reflector must support '
. 'the getDocComment method'
$docblock = $docblock->getDocComment();
$docblock = $this->cleanInput($docblock);
list($templateMarker, $short, $long, $tags) = $this->splitDocBlock($docblock);
$this->isTemplateStart = $templateMarker === '#@+';
$this->isTemplateEnd = $templateMarker === '#@-';
$this->short_description = $short;
$this->long_description = new DocBlock\Description($long, $this);
$this->context = $context;
$this->location = $location;
* Strips the asterisks from the DocBlock comment.
* @param string $comment String containing the comment text.
* @return string
protected function cleanInput($comment)
$comment = trim(
'#[ \t]*(?:\/\*\*|\*\/|\*)?[ \t]{0,1}(.*)?#u',
// reg ex above is not able to remove */ from a single line docblock
if (substr($comment, -2) == '*/') {
$comment = trim(substr($comment, 0, -2));
// normalize strings
$comment = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $comment);
return $comment;
* Splits the DocBlock into a template marker, summary, description and block of tags.
* @param string $comment Comment to split into the sub-parts.
* @author Richard van Velzen (@_richardJ) Special thanks to Richard for the regex responsible for the split.
* @author Mike van Riel <me@mikevanriel.com> for extending the regex with template marker support.
* @return string[] containing the template marker (if any), summary, description and a string containing the tags.
protected function splitDocBlock($comment)
// Performance improvement cheat: if the first character is an @ then only tags are in this DocBlock. This
// method does not split tags so we return this verbatim as the fourth result (tags). This saves us the
// performance impact of running a regular expression
if (strpos($comment, '@') === 0) {
return array('', '', '', $comment);
// clears all extra horizontal whitespace from the line endings to prevent parsing issues
$comment = preg_replace('/\h*$/Sum', '', $comment);
* Splits the docblock into a template marker, short description, long description and tags section
* - The template marker is empty, #@+ or #@- if the DocBlock starts with either of those (a newline may
* occur after it and will be stripped).
* - The short description is started from the first character until a dot is encountered followed by a
* newline OR two consecutive newlines (horizontal whitespace is taken into account to consider spacing
* errors). This is optional.
* - The long description, any character until a new line is encountered followed by an @ and word
* characters (a tag). This is optional.
* - Tags; the remaining characters
* Big thanks to RichardJ for contributing this Regular Expression
# 1. Extract the template marker
# 2. Extract the summary
(?! @\pL ) # The summary may not start with an @
(?! \. \n | \n{2} ) # End summary upon a dot followed by newline or two newlines
[\n.] (?! [ \t]* @\pL ) # End summary when an @ is found as first character on a new line
[^\n.]+ # Include anything else
# 3. Extract the description
\s* # Some form of whitespace _must_ precede a description because a summary must be there
(?! @\pL ) # The description may not start with an @
(?: \n+
(?! [ \t]* @\pL ) # End description when an @ is found as first character on a new line
[^\n]+ # Include anything else
# 4. Extract the tags (anything that follows)
(\s+ [\s\S]*)? # everything that follows
while (count($matches) < 4) {
$matches[] = '';
return $matches;
* Creates the tag objects.
* @param string $tags Tag block to parse.
* @return void
protected function parseTags($tags)
$result = array();
$tags = trim($tags);
if ('' !== $tags) {
if ('@' !== $tags[0]) {
throw new \LogicException(
'A tag block started with text instead of an actual tag,'
. ' this makes the tag block invalid: ' . $tags
foreach (explode("\n", $tags) as $tag_line) {
if (isset($tag_line[0]) && ($tag_line[0] === '@')) {
$result[] = $tag_line;
} else {
$result[count($result) - 1] .= "\n" . $tag_line;
// create proper Tag objects
foreach ($result as $key => $tag_line) {
$result[$key] = Tag::createInstance(trim($tag_line), $this);
$this->tags = $result;
* Gets the text portion of the doc block.
* Gets the text portion (short and long description combined) of the doc
* block.
* @return string The text portion of the doc block.
public function getText()
$short = $this->getShortDescription();
$long = $this->getLongDescription()->getContents();
if ($long) {
return "{$short}\n\n{$long}";
} else {
return $short;
* Set the text portion of the doc block.
* Sets the text portion (short and long description combined) of the doc
* block.
* @param string $docblock The new text portion of the doc block.
* @return $this This doc block.
public function setText($comment)
list(,$short, $long) = $this->splitDocBlock($comment);
$this->short_description = $short;
$this->long_description = new DocBlock\Description($long, $this);
return $this;
* Returns the opening line or also known as short description.
* @return string
public function getShortDescription()
return $this->short_description;
* Returns the full description or also known as long description.
* @return DocBlock\Description
public function getLongDescription()
return $this->long_description;
* Returns whether this DocBlock is the start of a Template section.
* A Docblock may serve as template for a series of subsequent DocBlocks. This is indicated by a special marker
* (`#@+`) that is appended directly after the opening `/**` of a DocBlock.
* An example of such an opening is:
* ```
* /**#@+
* * My DocBlock
* * /
* ```
* The description and tags (not the summary!) are copied onto all subsequent DocBlocks and also applied to all
* elements that follow until another DocBlock is found that contains the closing marker (`#@-`).
* @see self::isTemplateEnd() for the check whether a closing marker was provided.
* @return boolean
public function isTemplateStart()
return $this->isTemplateStart;
* Returns whether this DocBlock is the end of a Template section.
* @see self::isTemplateStart() for a more complete description of the Docblock Template functionality.
* @return boolean
public function isTemplateEnd()
return $this->isTemplateEnd;
* Returns the current context.
* @return Context
public function getContext()
return $this->context;
* Returns the current location.
* @return Location
public function getLocation()
return $this->location;
* Returns the tags for this DocBlock.
* @return Tag[]
public function getTags()
return $this->tags;
* Returns an array of tags matching the given name. If no tags are found
* an empty array is returned.
* @param string $name String to search by.
* @return Tag[]
public function getTagsByName($name)
$result = array();
/** @var Tag $tag */
foreach ($this->getTags() as $tag) {
if ($tag->getName() != $name) {
$result[] = $tag;
return $result;
* Checks if a tag of a certain type is present in this DocBlock.
* @param string $name Tag name to check for.
* @return bool
public function hasTag($name)
/** @var Tag $tag */
foreach ($this->getTags() as $tag) {
if ($tag->getName() == $name) {
return true;
return false;
* Appends a tag at the end of the list of tags.
* @param Tag $tag The tag to add.
* @return Tag The newly added tag.
* @throws \LogicException When the tag belongs to a different DocBlock.
public function appendTag(Tag $tag)
if (null === $tag->getDocBlock()) {
if ($tag->getDocBlock() === $this) {
$this->tags[] = $tag;
} else {
throw new \LogicException(
'This tag belongs to a different DocBlock object.'
return $tag;
* Deletes a tag from the list of tags.
* @param Tag $tag The tag to be deleted.
* @return bool True if the tag was deleted.
public function deleteTag(Tag $tag)
if (($key = array_search($tag, $this->tags)) !== false) {
return true;
return false;
* Builds a string representation of this object.
* @todo determine the exact format as used by PHP Reflection and
* implement it.
* @return string
* @codeCoverageIgnore Not yet implemented
public static function export()
throw new \Exception('Not yet implemented');
* Returns the exported information (we should use the export static method
* BUT this throws an exception at this point).
* @return string
* @codeCoverageIgnore Not yet implemented
public function __toString()
return 'Not yet implemented';