'System', 'settings.appearance' => 'Appearance', 'settings.miscellaneous' => 'Miscellaneous', 'settings.support' => 'Support', 'settings.donate' => 'Donate', 'settings.version' => 'Version', 'settings.background_image' => 'Background Image', 'settings.window_target' => 'Link opens in', 'settings.window_target.current' => 'Open in this tab', 'settings.window_target.one' => 'Open in the same tab', 'settings.window_target.new' => 'Open in a new tab', 'settings.homepage_search' => 'Homepage Search', 'settings.search_provider' => 'Default Search Provider', 'settings.language' => 'Language', 'settings.reset' => 'Reset back to default', 'settings.remove' => 'Remove', 'settings.search' => 'search', 'settings.no_items' => 'No items found', 'settings.label' => 'Label', 'settings.value' => 'Value', 'settings.edit' => 'Edit', 'settings.view' => 'View', 'options.none' => '- not set -', 'options.google' => 'Google', 'options.ddg' => 'DuckDuckGo', 'options.bing' => 'Bing', 'options.qwant' => 'Qwant', 'options.startpage' => 'StartPage', 'options.yes' => 'Yes', 'options.no' => 'No', 'options.nzbhydra' => 'NZBHydra', 'options.jackett' => 'Jackett', 'buttons.save' => 'Save', 'buttons.cancel' => 'Cancel', 'buttons.add' => 'Add', 'buttons.upload' => 'Upload an icon', 'buttons.downloadapps' => 'Update Apps List', 'dash.pin_item' => 'Pin item to dashboard', 'dash.no_apps' => 'There are currently no pinned applications, :link1 or :link2', 'dash.link1' => 'Add an application here', 'dash.link2' => 'Pin an item to the dash', 'dash.pinned_items' => 'Pinned Items', 'apps.app_list' => 'Application list', 'apps.view_trash' => 'View trash', 'apps.add_application' => 'Add application', 'apps.application_name' => 'Application name', 'apps.colour' => 'Colour', 'apps.icon' => 'Icon', 'apps.pinned' => 'Pinned', 'apps.title' => 'Title', 'apps.hex' => 'Hex colour', 'apps.username' => 'Username', 'apps.password' => 'Password', 'apps.config' => 'Config', 'apps.apikey' => 'API Key', 'apps.enable' => 'Enable', 'apps.tag_list' => 'Tags list', 'apps.add_tag' => 'Add tag', 'apps.tag_name' => 'Tag name', 'apps.tags' => 'Tags', 'apps.override' => 'If different to main url', 'apps.preview' => 'Preview', 'apps.apptype' => 'Application Type', 'dashboard' => 'Home dashboard', 'user.user_list' => 'Users', 'user.add_user' => 'Add user', 'user.username' => 'Username', 'user.avatar' => 'Avatar', 'user.email' => 'Email', 'user.password_confirm' => 'Confirm Password', 'user.secure_front' => 'Allow public access to front - Only enforced if a password is set.', 'user.autologin' => 'Allow logging in from a specific URL. Anyone with the link can login.', 'url' => 'URL', 'title' => 'Title', 'delete' => 'Delete', 'optional' => 'Optional', 'restore' => 'Restore', 'alert.success.item_created' => 'Item created successfully', 'alert.success.item_updated' => 'Item updated successfully', 'alert.success.item_deleted' => 'Item deleted successfully', 'alert.success.item_restored' => 'Item restored successfully', 'alert.success.updating' => 'Updating apps list', 'alert.success.tag_created' => 'Tag created successfully', 'alert.success.tag_updated' => 'Tag updated successfully', 'alert.success.tag_deleted' => 'Tag deleted successfully', 'alert.success.tag_restored' => 'Tag restored successfully', 'alert.success.setting_updated' => 'You have successfully edited this setting', 'alert.error.not_exist' => 'This setting does not exist.', 'alert.success.user_created' => 'User created successfully', 'alert.success.user_updated' => 'User updated successfully', 'alert.success.user_deleted' => 'User deleted successfully', 'alert.success.user_restored' => 'User restored successfully', ];