%pure_parser %expect 2 %tokens %% start: top_statement_list { $$ = $this->handleNamespaces($1); } ; top_statement_list_ex: top_statement_list_ex top_statement { pushNormalizing($1, $2); } | /* empty */ { init(); } ; top_statement_list: top_statement_list_ex { makeNop($nop, $this->lookaheadStartAttributes, $this->endAttributes); if ($nop !== null) { $1[] = $nop; } $$ = $1; } ; reserved_non_modifiers: T_INCLUDE | T_INCLUDE_ONCE | T_EVAL | T_REQUIRE | T_REQUIRE_ONCE | T_LOGICAL_OR | T_LOGICAL_XOR | T_LOGICAL_AND | T_INSTANCEOF | T_NEW | T_CLONE | T_EXIT | T_IF | T_ELSEIF | T_ELSE | T_ENDIF | T_ECHO | T_DO | T_WHILE | T_ENDWHILE | T_FOR | T_ENDFOR | T_FOREACH | T_ENDFOREACH | T_DECLARE | T_ENDDECLARE | T_AS | T_TRY | T_CATCH | T_FINALLY | T_THROW | T_USE | T_INSTEADOF | T_GLOBAL | T_VAR | T_UNSET | T_ISSET | T_EMPTY | T_CONTINUE | T_GOTO | T_FUNCTION | T_CONST | T_RETURN | T_PRINT | T_YIELD | T_LIST | T_SWITCH | T_ENDSWITCH | T_CASE | T_DEFAULT | T_BREAK | T_ARRAY | T_CALLABLE | T_EXTENDS | T_IMPLEMENTS | T_NAMESPACE | T_TRAIT | T_INTERFACE | T_CLASS | T_CLASS_C | T_TRAIT_C | T_FUNC_C | T_METHOD_C | T_LINE | T_FILE | T_DIR | T_NS_C | T_HALT_COMPILER ; semi_reserved: reserved_non_modifiers | T_STATIC | T_ABSTRACT | T_FINAL | T_PRIVATE | T_PROTECTED | T_PUBLIC ; identifier_ex: T_STRING { $$ = Node\Identifier[$1]; } | semi_reserved { $$ = Node\Identifier[$1]; } ; identifier: T_STRING { $$ = Node\Identifier[$1]; } ; reserved_non_modifiers_identifier: reserved_non_modifiers { $$ = Node\Identifier[$1]; } ; namespace_name_parts: T_STRING { init($1); } | namespace_name_parts T_NS_SEPARATOR T_STRING { push($1, $3); } ; namespace_name: namespace_name_parts { $$ = Name[$1]; } ; plain_variable: T_VARIABLE { $$ = Expr\Variable[parseVar($1)]; } ; semi: ';' { /* nothing */ } | error { /* nothing */ } ; no_comma: /* empty */ { /* nothing */ } | ',' { $this->emitError(new Error('A trailing comma is not allowed here', attributes())); } ; optional_comma: /* empty */ | ',' top_statement: statement { $$ = $1; } | function_declaration_statement { $$ = $1; } | class_declaration_statement { $$ = $1; } | T_HALT_COMPILER { $$ = Stmt\HaltCompiler[$this->lexer->handleHaltCompiler()]; } | T_NAMESPACE namespace_name semi { $$ = Stmt\Namespace_[$2, null]; $$->setAttribute('kind', Stmt\Namespace_::KIND_SEMICOLON); $this->checkNamespace($$); } | T_NAMESPACE namespace_name '{' top_statement_list '}' { $$ = Stmt\Namespace_[$2, $4]; $$->setAttribute('kind', Stmt\Namespace_::KIND_BRACED); $this->checkNamespace($$); } | T_NAMESPACE '{' top_statement_list '}' { $$ = Stmt\Namespace_[null, $3]; $$->setAttribute('kind', Stmt\Namespace_::KIND_BRACED); $this->checkNamespace($$); } | T_USE use_declarations semi { $$ = Stmt\Use_[$2, Stmt\Use_::TYPE_NORMAL]; } | T_USE use_type use_declarations semi { $$ = Stmt\Use_[$3, $2]; } | group_use_declaration semi { $$ = $1; } | T_CONST constant_declaration_list semi { $$ = Stmt\Const_[$2]; } ; use_type: T_FUNCTION { $$ = Stmt\Use_::TYPE_FUNCTION; } | T_CONST { $$ = Stmt\Use_::TYPE_CONSTANT; } ; /* Using namespace_name_parts here to avoid s/r conflict on T_NS_SEPARATOR */ group_use_declaration: T_USE use_type namespace_name_parts T_NS_SEPARATOR '{' unprefixed_use_declarations '}' { $$ = Stmt\GroupUse[new Name($3, stackAttributes(#3)), $6, $2]; } | T_USE use_type T_NS_SEPARATOR namespace_name_parts T_NS_SEPARATOR '{' unprefixed_use_declarations '}' { $$ = Stmt\GroupUse[new Name($4, stackAttributes(#4)), $7, $2]; } | T_USE namespace_name_parts T_NS_SEPARATOR '{' inline_use_declarations '}' { $$ = Stmt\GroupUse[new Name($2, stackAttributes(#2)), $5, Stmt\Use_::TYPE_UNKNOWN]; } | T_USE T_NS_SEPARATOR namespace_name_parts T_NS_SEPARATOR '{' inline_use_declarations '}' { $$ = Stmt\GroupUse[new Name($3, stackAttributes(#3)), $6, Stmt\Use_::TYPE_UNKNOWN]; } ; unprefixed_use_declarations: non_empty_unprefixed_use_declarations optional_comma { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_unprefixed_use_declarations: non_empty_unprefixed_use_declarations ',' unprefixed_use_declaration { push($1, $3); } | unprefixed_use_declaration { init($1); } ; use_declarations: non_empty_use_declarations no_comma { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_use_declarations: non_empty_use_declarations ',' use_declaration { push($1, $3); } | use_declaration { init($1); } ; inline_use_declarations: non_empty_inline_use_declarations optional_comma { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_inline_use_declarations: non_empty_inline_use_declarations ',' inline_use_declaration { push($1, $3); } | inline_use_declaration { init($1); } ; unprefixed_use_declaration: namespace_name { $$ = Stmt\UseUse[$1, null, Stmt\Use_::TYPE_UNKNOWN]; $this->checkUseUse($$, #1); } | namespace_name T_AS identifier { $$ = Stmt\UseUse[$1, $3, Stmt\Use_::TYPE_UNKNOWN]; $this->checkUseUse($$, #3); } ; use_declaration: unprefixed_use_declaration { $$ = $1; } | T_NS_SEPARATOR unprefixed_use_declaration { $$ = $2; } ; inline_use_declaration: unprefixed_use_declaration { $$ = $1; $$->type = Stmt\Use_::TYPE_NORMAL; } | use_type unprefixed_use_declaration { $$ = $2; $$->type = $1; } ; constant_declaration_list: non_empty_constant_declaration_list no_comma { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_constant_declaration_list: non_empty_constant_declaration_list ',' constant_declaration { push($1, $3); } | constant_declaration { init($1); } ; constant_declaration: identifier '=' expr { $$ = Node\Const_[$1, $3]; } ; class_const_list: non_empty_class_const_list no_comma { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_class_const_list: non_empty_class_const_list ',' class_const { push($1, $3); } | class_const { init($1); } ; class_const: identifier_ex '=' expr { $$ = Node\Const_[$1, $3]; } ; inner_statement_list_ex: inner_statement_list_ex inner_statement { pushNormalizing($1, $2); } | /* empty */ { init(); } ; inner_statement_list: inner_statement_list_ex { makeNop($nop, $this->lookaheadStartAttributes, $this->endAttributes); if ($nop !== null) { $1[] = $nop; } $$ = $1; } ; inner_statement: statement { $$ = $1; } | function_declaration_statement { $$ = $1; } | class_declaration_statement { $$ = $1; } | T_HALT_COMPILER { throw new Error('__HALT_COMPILER() can only be used from the outermost scope', attributes()); } ; non_empty_statement: '{' inner_statement_list '}' { if ($2) { $$ = $2; prependLeadingComments($$); } else { makeNop($$, $this->startAttributeStack[#1], $this->endAttributes); if (null === $$) { $$ = array(); } } } | T_IF '(' expr ')' statement elseif_list else_single { $$ = Stmt\If_[$3, ['stmts' => toArray($5), 'elseifs' => $6, 'else' => $7]]; } | T_IF '(' expr ')' ':' inner_statement_list new_elseif_list new_else_single T_ENDIF ';' { $$ = Stmt\If_[$3, ['stmts' => $6, 'elseifs' => $7, 'else' => $8]]; } | T_WHILE '(' expr ')' while_statement { $$ = Stmt\While_[$3, $5]; } | T_DO statement T_WHILE '(' expr ')' ';' { $$ = Stmt\Do_ [$5, toArray($2)]; } | T_FOR '(' for_expr ';' for_expr ';' for_expr ')' for_statement { $$ = Stmt\For_[['init' => $3, 'cond' => $5, 'loop' => $7, 'stmts' => $9]]; } | T_SWITCH '(' expr ')' switch_case_list { $$ = Stmt\Switch_[$3, $5]; } | T_BREAK optional_expr semi { $$ = Stmt\Break_[$2]; } | T_CONTINUE optional_expr semi { $$ = Stmt\Continue_[$2]; } | T_RETURN optional_expr semi { $$ = Stmt\Return_[$2]; } | T_GLOBAL global_var_list semi { $$ = Stmt\Global_[$2]; } | T_STATIC static_var_list semi { $$ = Stmt\Static_[$2]; } | T_ECHO expr_list semi { $$ = Stmt\Echo_[$2]; } | T_INLINE_HTML { $$ = Stmt\InlineHTML[$1]; } | expr semi { $$ = Stmt\Expression[$1]; } | T_UNSET '(' variables_list ')' semi { $$ = Stmt\Unset_[$3]; } | T_FOREACH '(' expr T_AS foreach_variable ')' foreach_statement { $$ = Stmt\Foreach_[$3, $5[0], ['keyVar' => null, 'byRef' => $5[1], 'stmts' => $7]]; } | T_FOREACH '(' expr T_AS variable T_DOUBLE_ARROW foreach_variable ')' foreach_statement { $$ = Stmt\Foreach_[$3, $7[0], ['keyVar' => $5, 'byRef' => $7[1], 'stmts' => $9]]; } | T_FOREACH '(' expr error ')' foreach_statement { $$ = Stmt\Foreach_[$3, new Expr\Error(stackAttributes(#4)), ['stmts' => $6]]; } | T_DECLARE '(' declare_list ')' declare_statement { $$ = Stmt\Declare_[$3, $5]; } | T_TRY '{' inner_statement_list '}' catches optional_finally { $$ = Stmt\TryCatch[$3, $5, $6]; $this->checkTryCatch($$); } | T_THROW expr semi { $$ = Stmt\Throw_[$2]; } | T_GOTO identifier semi { $$ = Stmt\Goto_[$2]; } | identifier ':' { $$ = Stmt\Label[$1]; } | error { $$ = array(); /* means: no statement */ } ; statement: non_empty_statement { $$ = $1; } | ';' { makeNop($$, $this->startAttributeStack[#1], $this->endAttributes); if ($$ === null) $$ = array(); /* means: no statement */ } ; catches: /* empty */ { init(); } | catches catch { push($1, $2); } ; name_union: name { init($1); } | name_union '|' name { push($1, $3); } ; catch: T_CATCH '(' name_union plain_variable ')' '{' inner_statement_list '}' { $$ = Stmt\Catch_[$3, $4, $7]; } ; optional_finally: /* empty */ { $$ = null; } | T_FINALLY '{' inner_statement_list '}' { $$ = Stmt\Finally_[$3]; } ; variables_list: non_empty_variables_list optional_comma { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_variables_list: variable { init($1); } | non_empty_variables_list ',' variable { push($1, $3); } ; optional_ref: /* empty */ { $$ = false; } | '&' { $$ = true; } ; optional_ellipsis: /* empty */ { $$ = false; } | T_ELLIPSIS { $$ = true; } ; block_or_error: '{' inner_statement_list '}' { $$ = $2; } | error { $$ = []; } ; function_declaration_statement: T_FUNCTION optional_ref identifier '(' parameter_list ')' optional_return_type block_or_error { $$ = Stmt\Function_[$3, ['byRef' => $2, 'params' => $5, 'returnType' => $7, 'stmts' => $8]]; } ; class_declaration_statement: class_entry_type identifier extends_from implements_list '{' class_statement_list '}' { $$ = Stmt\Class_[$2, ['type' => $1, 'extends' => $3, 'implements' => $4, 'stmts' => $6]]; $this->checkClass($$, #2); } | T_INTERFACE identifier interface_extends_list '{' class_statement_list '}' { $$ = Stmt\Interface_[$2, ['extends' => $3, 'stmts' => $5]]; $this->checkInterface($$, #2); } | T_TRAIT identifier '{' class_statement_list '}' { $$ = Stmt\Trait_[$2, ['stmts' => $4]]; } ; class_entry_type: T_CLASS { $$ = 0; } | T_ABSTRACT T_CLASS { $$ = Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT; } | T_FINAL T_CLASS { $$ = Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_FINAL; } ; extends_from: /* empty */ { $$ = null; } | T_EXTENDS class_name { $$ = $2; } ; interface_extends_list: /* empty */ { $$ = array(); } | T_EXTENDS class_name_list { $$ = $2; } ; implements_list: /* empty */ { $$ = array(); } | T_IMPLEMENTS class_name_list { $$ = $2; } ; class_name_list: non_empty_class_name_list no_comma { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_class_name_list: class_name { init($1); } | non_empty_class_name_list ',' class_name { push($1, $3); } ; for_statement: statement { $$ = toArray($1); } | ':' inner_statement_list T_ENDFOR ';' { $$ = $2; } ; foreach_statement: statement { $$ = toArray($1); } | ':' inner_statement_list T_ENDFOREACH ';' { $$ = $2; } ; declare_statement: non_empty_statement { $$ = toArray($1); } | ';' { $$ = null; } | ':' inner_statement_list T_ENDDECLARE ';' { $$ = $2; } ; declare_list: non_empty_declare_list no_comma { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_declare_list: declare_list_element { init($1); } | non_empty_declare_list ',' declare_list_element { push($1, $3); } ; declare_list_element: identifier '=' expr { $$ = Stmt\DeclareDeclare[$1, $3]; } ; switch_case_list: '{' case_list '}' { $$ = $2; } | '{' ';' case_list '}' { $$ = $3; } | ':' case_list T_ENDSWITCH ';' { $$ = $2; } | ':' ';' case_list T_ENDSWITCH ';' { $$ = $3; } ; case_list: /* empty */ { init(); } | case_list case { push($1, $2); } ; case: T_CASE expr case_separator inner_statement_list_ex { $$ = Stmt\Case_[$2, $4]; } | T_DEFAULT case_separator inner_statement_list_ex { $$ = Stmt\Case_[null, $3]; } ; case_separator: ':' | ';' ; while_statement: statement { $$ = toArray($1); } | ':' inner_statement_list T_ENDWHILE ';' { $$ = $2; } ; elseif_list: /* empty */ { init(); } | elseif_list elseif { push($1, $2); } ; elseif: T_ELSEIF '(' expr ')' statement { $$ = Stmt\ElseIf_[$3, toArray($5)]; } ; new_elseif_list: /* empty */ { init(); } | new_elseif_list new_elseif { push($1, $2); } ; new_elseif: T_ELSEIF '(' expr ')' ':' inner_statement_list { $$ = Stmt\ElseIf_[$3, $6]; } ; else_single: /* empty */ { $$ = null; } | T_ELSE statement { $$ = Stmt\Else_[toArray($2)]; } ; new_else_single: /* empty */ { $$ = null; } | T_ELSE ':' inner_statement_list { $$ = Stmt\Else_[$3]; } ; foreach_variable: variable { $$ = array($1, false); } | '&' variable { $$ = array($2, true); } | list_expr { $$ = array($1, false); } | array_short_syntax { $$ = array($1, false); } ; parameter_list: non_empty_parameter_list no_comma { $$ = $1; } | /* empty */ { $$ = array(); } ; non_empty_parameter_list: parameter { init($1); } | non_empty_parameter_list ',' parameter { push($1, $3); } ; parameter: optional_type optional_ref optional_ellipsis plain_variable { $$ = Node\Param[$4, null, $1, $2, $3]; $this->checkParam($$); } | optional_type optional_ref optional_ellipsis plain_variable '=' expr { $$ = Node\Param[$4, $6, $1, $2, $3]; $this->checkParam($$); } | optional_type optional_ref optional_ellipsis error { $$ = Node\Param[Expr\Error[], null, $1, $2, $3]; } ; type_expr: type { $$ = $1; } | '?' type { $$ = Node\NullableType[$2]; } ; type: name { $$ = $this->handleBuiltinTypes($1); } | T_ARRAY { $$ = Node\Identifier['array']; } | T_CALLABLE { $$ = Node\Identifier['callable']; } ; optional_type: /* empty */ { $$ = null; } | type_expr { $$ = $1; } ; optional_return_type: /* empty */ { $$ = null; } | ':' type_expr { $$ = $2; } | ':' error { $$ = null; } ; argument_list: '(' ')' { $$ = array(); } | '(' non_empty_argument_list optional_comma ')' { $$ = $2; } ; non_empty_argument_list: argument { init($1); } | non_empty_argument_list ',' argument { push($1, $3); } ; argument: expr { $$ = Node\Arg[$1, false, false]; } | '&' variable { $$ = Node\Arg[$2, true, false]; } | T_ELLIPSIS expr { $$ = Node\Arg[$2, false, true]; } ; global_var_list: non_empty_global_var_list no_comma { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_global_var_list: non_empty_global_var_list ',' global_var { push($1, $3); } | global_var { init($1); } ; global_var: simple_variable { $$ = Expr\Variable[$1]; } ; static_var_list: non_empty_static_var_list no_comma { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_static_var_list: non_empty_static_var_list ',' static_var { push($1, $3); } | static_var { init($1); } ; static_var: plain_variable { $$ = Stmt\StaticVar[$1, null]; } | plain_variable '=' expr { $$ = Stmt\StaticVar[$1, $3]; } ; class_statement_list_ex: class_statement_list_ex class_statement { if ($2 !== null) { push($1, $2); } } | /* empty */ { init(); } ; class_statement_list: class_statement_list_ex { makeNop($nop, $this->lookaheadStartAttributes, $this->endAttributes); if ($nop !== null) { $1[] = $nop; } $$ = $1; } ; class_statement: variable_modifiers optional_type property_declaration_list ';' { $attrs = attributes(); $$ = new Stmt\Property($1, $3, $attrs, $2); $this->checkProperty($$, #1); } | method_modifiers T_CONST class_const_list ';' { $$ = Stmt\ClassConst[$3, $1]; $this->checkClassConst($$, #1); } | method_modifiers T_FUNCTION optional_ref identifier_ex '(' parameter_list ')' optional_return_type method_body { $$ = Stmt\ClassMethod[$4, ['type' => $1, 'byRef' => $3, 'params' => $6, 'returnType' => $8, 'stmts' => $9]]; $this->checkClassMethod($$, #1); } | T_USE class_name_list trait_adaptations { $$ = Stmt\TraitUse[$2, $3]; } | error { $$ = null; /* will be skipped */ } ; trait_adaptations: ';' { $$ = array(); } | '{' trait_adaptation_list '}' { $$ = $2; } ; trait_adaptation_list: /* empty */ { init(); } | trait_adaptation_list trait_adaptation { push($1, $2); } ; trait_adaptation: trait_method_reference_fully_qualified T_INSTEADOF class_name_list ';' { $$ = Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\Precedence[$1[0], $1[1], $3]; } | trait_method_reference T_AS member_modifier identifier_ex ';' { $$ = Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\Alias[$1[0], $1[1], $3, $4]; } | trait_method_reference T_AS member_modifier ';' { $$ = Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\Alias[$1[0], $1[1], $3, null]; } | trait_method_reference T_AS identifier ';' { $$ = Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\Alias[$1[0], $1[1], null, $3]; } | trait_method_reference T_AS reserved_non_modifiers_identifier ';' { $$ = Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\Alias[$1[0], $1[1], null, $3]; } ; trait_method_reference_fully_qualified: name T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM identifier_ex { $$ = array($1, $3); } ; trait_method_reference: trait_method_reference_fully_qualified { $$ = $1; } | identifier_ex { $$ = array(null, $1); } ; method_body: ';' /* abstract method */ { $$ = null; } | block_or_error { $$ = $1; } ; variable_modifiers: non_empty_member_modifiers { $$ = $1; } | T_VAR { $$ = 0; } ; method_modifiers: /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | non_empty_member_modifiers { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_member_modifiers: member_modifier { $$ = $1; } | non_empty_member_modifiers member_modifier { $this->checkModifier($1, $2, #2); $$ = $1 | $2; } ; member_modifier: T_PUBLIC { $$ = Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_PUBLIC; } | T_PROTECTED { $$ = Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_PROTECTED; } | T_PRIVATE { $$ = Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_PRIVATE; } | T_STATIC { $$ = Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_STATIC; } | T_ABSTRACT { $$ = Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT; } | T_FINAL { $$ = Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_FINAL; } ; property_declaration_list: non_empty_property_declaration_list no_comma { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_property_declaration_list: property_declaration { init($1); } | non_empty_property_declaration_list ',' property_declaration { push($1, $3); } ; property_decl_name: T_VARIABLE { $$ = Node\VarLikeIdentifier[parseVar($1)]; } ; property_declaration: property_decl_name { $$ = Stmt\PropertyProperty[$1, null]; } | property_decl_name '=' expr { $$ = Stmt\PropertyProperty[$1, $3]; } ; expr_list: non_empty_expr_list no_comma { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_expr_list: non_empty_expr_list ',' expr { push($1, $3); } | expr { init($1); } ; for_expr: /* empty */ { $$ = array(); } | expr_list { $$ = $1; } ; expr: variable { $$ = $1; } | list_expr '=' expr { $$ = Expr\Assign[$1, $3]; } | array_short_syntax '=' expr { $$ = Expr\Assign[$1, $3]; } | variable '=' expr { $$ = Expr\Assign[$1, $3]; } | variable '=' '&' variable { $$ = Expr\AssignRef[$1, $4]; } | new_expr { $$ = $1; } | T_CLONE expr { $$ = Expr\Clone_[$2]; } | variable T_PLUS_EQUAL expr { $$ = Expr\AssignOp\Plus [$1, $3]; } | variable T_MINUS_EQUAL expr { $$ = Expr\AssignOp\Minus [$1, $3]; } | variable T_MUL_EQUAL expr { $$ = Expr\AssignOp\Mul [$1, $3]; } | variable T_DIV_EQUAL expr { $$ = Expr\AssignOp\Div [$1, $3]; } | variable T_CONCAT_EQUAL expr { $$ = Expr\AssignOp\Concat [$1, $3]; } | variable T_MOD_EQUAL expr { $$ = Expr\AssignOp\Mod [$1, $3]; } | variable T_AND_EQUAL expr { $$ = Expr\AssignOp\BitwiseAnd[$1, $3]; } | variable T_OR_EQUAL expr { $$ = Expr\AssignOp\BitwiseOr [$1, $3]; } | variable T_XOR_EQUAL expr { $$ = Expr\AssignOp\BitwiseXor[$1, $3]; } | variable T_SL_EQUAL expr { $$ = Expr\AssignOp\ShiftLeft [$1, $3]; } | variable T_SR_EQUAL expr { $$ = Expr\AssignOp\ShiftRight[$1, $3]; } | variable T_POW_EQUAL expr { $$ = Expr\AssignOp\Pow [$1, $3]; } | variable T_INC { $$ = Expr\PostInc[$1]; } | T_INC variable { $$ = Expr\PreInc [$2]; } | variable T_DEC { $$ = Expr\PostDec[$1]; } | T_DEC variable { $$ = Expr\PreDec [$2]; } | expr T_BOOLEAN_OR expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\BooleanOr [$1, $3]; } | expr T_BOOLEAN_AND expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\BooleanAnd[$1, $3]; } | expr T_LOGICAL_OR expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\LogicalOr [$1, $3]; } | expr T_LOGICAL_AND expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\LogicalAnd[$1, $3]; } | expr T_LOGICAL_XOR expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\LogicalXor[$1, $3]; } | expr '|' expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\BitwiseOr [$1, $3]; } | expr '&' expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\BitwiseAnd[$1, $3]; } | expr '^' expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\BitwiseXor[$1, $3]; } | expr '.' expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\Concat [$1, $3]; } | expr '+' expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\Plus [$1, $3]; } | expr '-' expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\Minus [$1, $3]; } | expr '*' expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\Mul [$1, $3]; } | expr '/' expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\Div [$1, $3]; } | expr '%' expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\Mod [$1, $3]; } | expr T_SL expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\ShiftLeft [$1, $3]; } | expr T_SR expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\ShiftRight[$1, $3]; } | expr T_POW expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\Pow [$1, $3]; } | '+' expr %prec T_INC { $$ = Expr\UnaryPlus [$2]; } | '-' expr %prec T_INC { $$ = Expr\UnaryMinus[$2]; } | '!' expr { $$ = Expr\BooleanNot[$2]; } | '~' expr { $$ = Expr\BitwiseNot[$2]; } | expr T_IS_IDENTICAL expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\Identical [$1, $3]; } | expr T_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\NotIdentical [$1, $3]; } | expr T_IS_EQUAL expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\Equal [$1, $3]; } | expr T_IS_NOT_EQUAL expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\NotEqual [$1, $3]; } | expr T_SPACESHIP expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\Spaceship [$1, $3]; } | expr '<' expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\Smaller [$1, $3]; } | expr T_IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\SmallerOrEqual[$1, $3]; } | expr '>' expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\Greater [$1, $3]; } | expr T_IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\GreaterOrEqual[$1, $3]; } | expr T_INSTANCEOF class_name_reference { $$ = Expr\Instanceof_[$1, $3]; } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | expr '?' expr ':' expr { $$ = Expr\Ternary[$1, $3, $5]; } | expr '?' ':' expr { $$ = Expr\Ternary[$1, null, $4]; } | expr T_COALESCE expr { $$ = Expr\BinaryOp\Coalesce[$1, $3]; } | T_ISSET '(' variables_list ')' { $$ = Expr\Isset_[$3]; } | T_EMPTY '(' expr ')' { $$ = Expr\Empty_[$3]; } | T_INCLUDE expr { $$ = Expr\Include_[$2, Expr\Include_::TYPE_INCLUDE]; } | T_INCLUDE_ONCE expr { $$ = Expr\Include_[$2, Expr\Include_::TYPE_INCLUDE_ONCE]; } | T_EVAL '(' expr ')' { $$ = Expr\Eval_[$3]; } | T_REQUIRE expr { $$ = Expr\Include_[$2, Expr\Include_::TYPE_REQUIRE]; } | T_REQUIRE_ONCE expr { $$ = Expr\Include_[$2, Expr\Include_::TYPE_REQUIRE_ONCE]; } | T_INT_CAST expr { $$ = Expr\Cast\Int_ [$2]; } | T_DOUBLE_CAST expr { $attrs = attributes(); $attrs['kind'] = $this->getFloatCastKind($1); $$ = new Expr\Cast\Double($2, $attrs); } | T_STRING_CAST expr { $$ = Expr\Cast\String_ [$2]; } | T_ARRAY_CAST expr { $$ = Expr\Cast\Array_ [$2]; } | T_OBJECT_CAST expr { $$ = Expr\Cast\Object_ [$2]; } | T_BOOL_CAST expr { $$ = Expr\Cast\Bool_ [$2]; } | T_UNSET_CAST expr { $$ = Expr\Cast\Unset_ [$2]; } | T_EXIT exit_expr { $attrs = attributes(); $attrs['kind'] = strtolower($1) === 'exit' ? Expr\Exit_::KIND_EXIT : Expr\Exit_::KIND_DIE; $$ = new Expr\Exit_($2, $attrs); } | '@' expr { $$ = Expr\ErrorSuppress[$2]; } | scalar { $$ = $1; } | '`' backticks_expr '`' { $$ = Expr\ShellExec[$2]; } | T_PRINT expr { $$ = Expr\Print_[$2]; } | T_YIELD { $$ = Expr\Yield_[null, null]; } | T_YIELD expr { $$ = Expr\Yield_[$2, null]; } | T_YIELD expr T_DOUBLE_ARROW expr { $$ = Expr\Yield_[$4, $2]; } | T_YIELD_FROM expr { $$ = Expr\YieldFrom[$2]; } | T_FUNCTION optional_ref '(' parameter_list ')' lexical_vars optional_return_type block_or_error { $$ = Expr\Closure[['static' => false, 'byRef' => $2, 'params' => $4, 'uses' => $6, 'returnType' => $7, 'stmts' => $8]]; } | T_STATIC T_FUNCTION optional_ref '(' parameter_list ')' lexical_vars optional_return_type block_or_error { $$ = Expr\Closure[['static' => true, 'byRef' => $3, 'params' => $5, 'uses' => $7, 'returnType' => $8, 'stmts' => $9]]; } ; anonymous_class: T_CLASS ctor_arguments extends_from implements_list '{' class_statement_list '}' { $$ = array(Stmt\Class_[null, ['type' => 0, 'extends' => $3, 'implements' => $4, 'stmts' => $6]], $2); $this->checkClass($$[0], -1); } ; new_expr: T_NEW class_name_reference ctor_arguments { $$ = Expr\New_[$2, $3]; } | T_NEW anonymous_class { list($class, $ctorArgs) = $2; $$ = Expr\New_[$class, $ctorArgs]; } ; lexical_vars: /* empty */ { $$ = array(); } | T_USE '(' lexical_var_list ')' { $$ = $3; } ; lexical_var_list: non_empty_lexical_var_list no_comma { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_lexical_var_list: lexical_var { init($1); } | non_empty_lexical_var_list ',' lexical_var { push($1, $3); } ; lexical_var: optional_ref plain_variable { $$ = Expr\ClosureUse[$2, $1]; } ; function_call: name argument_list { $$ = Expr\FuncCall[$1, $2]; } | callable_expr argument_list { $$ = Expr\FuncCall[$1, $2]; } | class_name_or_var T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM member_name argument_list { $$ = Expr\StaticCall[$1, $3, $4]; } ; class_name: T_STATIC { $$ = Name[$1]; } | name { $$ = $1; } ; name: namespace_name_parts { $$ = Name[$1]; } | T_NS_SEPARATOR namespace_name_parts { $$ = Name\FullyQualified[$2]; } | T_NAMESPACE T_NS_SEPARATOR namespace_name_parts { $$ = Name\Relative[$3]; } ; class_name_reference: class_name { $$ = $1; } | new_variable { $$ = $1; } | error { $$ = Expr\Error[]; $this->errorState = 2; } ; class_name_or_var: class_name { $$ = $1; } | dereferencable { $$ = $1; } ; exit_expr: /* empty */ { $$ = null; } | '(' optional_expr ')' { $$ = $2; } ; backticks_expr: /* empty */ { $$ = array(); } | T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE { $$ = array(Scalar\EncapsedStringPart[Scalar\String_::parseEscapeSequences($1, '`')]); } | encaps_list { parseEncapsed($1, '`', true); $$ = $1; } ; ctor_arguments: /* empty */ { $$ = array(); } | argument_list { $$ = $1; } ; constant: name { $$ = Expr\ConstFetch[$1]; } | class_name_or_var T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM identifier_ex { $$ = Expr\ClassConstFetch[$1, $3]; } /* We interpret and isolated FOO:: as an unfinished class constant fetch. It could also be an unfinished static property fetch or unfinished scoped call. */ | class_name_or_var T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM error { $$ = Expr\ClassConstFetch[$1, new Expr\Error(stackAttributes(#3))]; $this->errorState = 2; } ; array_short_syntax: '[' array_pair_list ']' { $attrs = attributes(); $attrs['kind'] = Expr\Array_::KIND_SHORT; $$ = new Expr\Array_($2, $attrs); } ; dereferencable_scalar: T_ARRAY '(' array_pair_list ')' { $attrs = attributes(); $attrs['kind'] = Expr\Array_::KIND_LONG; $$ = new Expr\Array_($3, $attrs); } | array_short_syntax { $$ = $1; } | T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING { $attrs = attributes(); $attrs['kind'] = strKind($1); $$ = new Scalar\String_(Scalar\String_::parse($1), $attrs); } ; scalar: T_LNUMBER { $$ = $this->parseLNumber($1, attributes()); } | T_DNUMBER { $$ = Scalar\DNumber[Scalar\DNumber::parse($1)]; } | T_LINE { $$ = Scalar\MagicConst\Line[]; } | T_FILE { $$ = Scalar\MagicConst\File[]; } | T_DIR { $$ = Scalar\MagicConst\Dir[]; } | T_CLASS_C { $$ = Scalar\MagicConst\Class_[]; } | T_TRAIT_C { $$ = Scalar\MagicConst\Trait_[]; } | T_METHOD_C { $$ = Scalar\MagicConst\Method[]; } | T_FUNC_C { $$ = Scalar\MagicConst\Function_[]; } | T_NS_C { $$ = Scalar\MagicConst\Namespace_[]; } | dereferencable_scalar { $$ = $1; } | constant { $$ = $1; } | T_START_HEREDOC T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE T_END_HEREDOC { $$ = $this->parseDocString($1, $2, $3, attributes(), stackAttributes(#3), true); } | T_START_HEREDOC T_END_HEREDOC { $$ = $this->parseDocString($1, '', $2, attributes(), stackAttributes(#2), true); } | '"' encaps_list '"' { $attrs = attributes(); $attrs['kind'] = Scalar\String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED; parseEncapsed($2, '"', true); $$ = new Scalar\Encapsed($2, $attrs); } | T_START_HEREDOC encaps_list T_END_HEREDOC { $$ = $this->parseDocString($1, $2, $3, attributes(), stackAttributes(#3), true); } ; optional_expr: /* empty */ { $$ = null; } | expr { $$ = $1; } ; dereferencable: variable { $$ = $1; } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | dereferencable_scalar { $$ = $1; } ; callable_expr: callable_variable { $$ = $1; } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | dereferencable_scalar { $$ = $1; } ; callable_variable: simple_variable { $$ = Expr\Variable[$1]; } | dereferencable '[' optional_expr ']' { $$ = Expr\ArrayDimFetch[$1, $3]; } | constant '[' optional_expr ']' { $$ = Expr\ArrayDimFetch[$1, $3]; } | dereferencable '{' expr '}' { $$ = Expr\ArrayDimFetch[$1, $3]; } | function_call { $$ = $1; } | dereferencable T_OBJECT_OPERATOR property_name argument_list { $$ = Expr\MethodCall[$1, $3, $4]; } ; variable: callable_variable { $$ = $1; } | static_member { $$ = $1; } | dereferencable T_OBJECT_OPERATOR property_name { $$ = Expr\PropertyFetch[$1, $3]; } ; simple_variable: T_VARIABLE { $$ = parseVar($1); } | '$' '{' expr '}' { $$ = $3; } | '$' simple_variable { $$ = Expr\Variable[$2]; } | '$' error { $$ = Expr\Error[]; $this->errorState = 2; } ; static_member_prop_name: simple_variable { $var = $1; $$ = \is_string($var) ? Node\VarLikeIdentifier[$var] : $var; } ; static_member: class_name_or_var T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM static_member_prop_name { $$ = Expr\StaticPropertyFetch[$1, $3]; } ; new_variable: simple_variable { $$ = Expr\Variable[$1]; } | new_variable '[' optional_expr ']' { $$ = Expr\ArrayDimFetch[$1, $3]; } | new_variable '{' expr '}' { $$ = Expr\ArrayDimFetch[$1, $3]; } | new_variable T_OBJECT_OPERATOR property_name { $$ = Expr\PropertyFetch[$1, $3]; } | class_name T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM static_member_prop_name { $$ = Expr\StaticPropertyFetch[$1, $3]; } | new_variable T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM static_member_prop_name { $$ = Expr\StaticPropertyFetch[$1, $3]; } ; member_name: identifier_ex { $$ = $1; } | '{' expr '}' { $$ = $2; } | simple_variable { $$ = Expr\Variable[$1]; } ; property_name: identifier { $$ = $1; } | '{' expr '}' { $$ = $2; } | simple_variable { $$ = Expr\Variable[$1]; } | error { $$ = Expr\Error[]; $this->errorState = 2; } ; list_expr: T_LIST '(' list_expr_elements ')' { $$ = Expr\List_[$3]; } ; list_expr_elements: list_expr_elements ',' list_expr_element { push($1, $3); } | list_expr_element { init($1); } ; list_expr_element: variable { $$ = Expr\ArrayItem[$1, null, false]; } | '&' variable { $$ = Expr\ArrayItem[$2, null, true]; } | list_expr { $$ = Expr\ArrayItem[$1, null, false]; } | expr T_DOUBLE_ARROW variable { $$ = Expr\ArrayItem[$3, $1, false]; } | expr T_DOUBLE_ARROW '&' variable { $$ = Expr\ArrayItem[$4, $1, true]; } | expr T_DOUBLE_ARROW list_expr { $$ = Expr\ArrayItem[$3, $1, false]; } | /* empty */ { $$ = null; } ; array_pair_list: inner_array_pair_list { $$ = $1; $end = count($$)-1; if ($$[$end] === null) array_pop($$); } ; comma_or_error: ',' | error { /* do nothing -- prevent default action of $$=$1. See #551. */ } ; inner_array_pair_list: inner_array_pair_list comma_or_error array_pair { push($1, $3); } | array_pair { init($1); } ; array_pair: expr T_DOUBLE_ARROW expr { $$ = Expr\ArrayItem[$3, $1, false]; } | expr { $$ = Expr\ArrayItem[$1, null, false]; } | expr T_DOUBLE_ARROW '&' variable { $$ = Expr\ArrayItem[$4, $1, true]; } | '&' variable { $$ = Expr\ArrayItem[$2, null, true]; } | /* empty */ { $$ = null; } ; encaps_list: encaps_list encaps_var { push($1, $2); } | encaps_list encaps_string_part { push($1, $2); } | encaps_var { init($1); } | encaps_string_part encaps_var { init($1, $2); } ; encaps_string_part: T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE { $$ = Scalar\EncapsedStringPart[$1]; } ; encaps_str_varname: T_STRING_VARNAME { $$ = Expr\Variable[$1]; } ; encaps_var: plain_variable { $$ = $1; } | plain_variable '[' encaps_var_offset ']' { $$ = Expr\ArrayDimFetch[$1, $3]; } | plain_variable T_OBJECT_OPERATOR identifier { $$ = Expr\PropertyFetch[$1, $3]; } | T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES expr '}' { $$ = Expr\Variable[$2]; } | T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES T_STRING_VARNAME '}' { $$ = Expr\Variable[$2]; } | T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES encaps_str_varname '[' expr ']' '}' { $$ = Expr\ArrayDimFetch[$2, $4]; } | T_CURLY_OPEN variable '}' { $$ = $2; } ; encaps_var_offset: T_STRING { $$ = Scalar\String_[$1]; } | T_NUM_STRING { $$ = $this->parseNumString($1, attributes()); } | '-' T_NUM_STRING { $$ = $this->parseNumString('-' . $2, attributes()); } | plain_variable { $$ = $1; } ; %%