Arnan de Gans 92a70e6d28 Version 1.2
1.2 - January 2, 2024
- [new] Preferred language setting for DuckDuckGo results in config.php.
- [new] Preferred language setting for Wikipedia results in config.php.
- [new] Combined DuckDuckGo, Google, Wikipedia and Ecosia (Bing) results into one page.
- [new] Ranking algorithm for search results.
- [new] Option to down-rank certain social media sites in results (Makes them show lower down the page).
- [new] Option to show the Goosle rank along with the search source.
- [new] Crawler for results from
- [new] Periodic check for updates in footer.
- [change] Moved duckduckgo.php and google.php into the engines/search/ folder.
- [change] Removed Wikipedia special search in favor of actual search results.
- [change] Removed 'Date Added' from 1337x results.
- [change] Removed Chrome based and Mobile user-agents, as they don't work for the WikiPedia API.
- [change] Added more trackers for generating magnet links.
- [tweak] 30-50% faster parsing of search results (couple of ms per search query).
- [tweak] Expanded the season/episode filter to all sources that support TV Shows.
- [tweak] More sensible santization of variables (Searching for html tags/basic code should now work).
- [tweak] Moved 'imdb_id_search' out from special results into its 'own' setting.
- [tweak] Moved 'password_generator' out from special results into its 'own' setting.
- [tweak] More accurate and faster Google scrape.
- [tweak] Reduced paragraph margins.
- [tweak] More code cleanup, making it more uniform.
- [fix] Prevents searching on disabled methods by 'cheating' the search type in the url.
- [fix] Better decoding for special characters in urls for search results.
- [fix] Better validation for special searches trigger words.
- [fix] Better sanitization for DuckDuckGo and Google results.
2024-01-02 00:24:27 -06:00

179 lines
6 KiB

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Goosle - A meta search engine for private and fast internet fun.
* Copyright 2023-2024 Arnan de Gans. All Rights Reserved.
* By using this code you agree to indemnify Arnan de Gans from any
* liability that might arise from its use.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
abstract class EngineRequest {
protected $url, $query, $opts, $mh, $ch;
function __construct($opts, $mh) {
$this->query = $opts->query;
$this->mh = $mh;
// Must be in this order :-/
$this->opts = $opts;
$this->url = $this->get_request_url();
// No search engine url
if(!$this->url) return;
// Skip if there is a cached result (from earlier search)
if($this->opts->cache == "on" && has_cached_results($this->url, $this->opts->hash)) return;
// Curl
$this->ch = curl_init();
set_curl_options($this->ch, $this->url, $this->opts->user_agents);
if($mh) curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $this->ch);
// Get search engine url
public function get_request_url() {
return "";
// Check if a request to a search engine was successful
public function request_successful() {
if((isset($this->ch) && curl_getinfo($this->ch)['http_code'] == '200') || has_cached_results($this->url, $this->opts->hash)) {
return true;
return false;
abstract function parse_results($response);
// Load search results
public function get_results() {
// It's a torrent search?
if(!isset($this->url)) return $this->parse_results(null);
// If there is a cached result from an earlier search use that instead
if($this->opts->cache == "on" && has_cached_results($this->url, $this->opts->hash)) return fetch_cached_results($this->url, $this->opts->hash);
// Curl request
if(!isset($this->ch)) return $this->parse_results(null);
$response = ($this->mh) ? curl_multi_getcontent($this->ch) : curl_exec($this->ch);
$results = $this->parse_results($response) ?? array();
// Cache last request
if($this->opts->cache == "on" && !empty($results)) store_cached_results($this->url, $this->opts->hash, $results, (intval($this->opts->cache_time) * 60));
return $results;
public static function print_results($results, $opts) {}
// Load and make config available, pass around variables
function load_opts() {
$opts = require "config.php";
// From the url/request
$opts->query = (isset($_REQUEST['q'])) ? trim($_REQUEST['q']) : "";
$opts->type = (isset($_REQUEST['t'])) ? sanitize($_REQUEST['t']) : 0;
$opts->user_auth = (isset($_REQUEST['a'])) ? sanitize($_REQUEST['a']) : "";
// Force a few defaults and safeguards
if($opts->enable_image_search == "off" && $opts->type == 1) $opts->type = 0;
if($opts->enable_torrent_search == "off" && $opts->type == 9) $opts->type = 0;
if(!is_numeric($opts->cache_time) || ($opts->cache_time > 30 || $opts->cache_time < 1)) $opts->cache_time = 30;
if(!is_numeric($opts->social_media_relevance) || ($opts->social_media_relevance > 10 || $opts->social_media_relevance < 0)) $opts->social_media_relevance = 8;
// Remove ! at the start of queries to prevent DDG Bangs (!g, !c and crap like that)
if(substr($opts->query, 0, 1) == "!") $opts->query = substr($opts->query, 1);
return $opts;
// Try to get some search results
function fetch_search_results($opts) {
$start_time = microtime(true);
echo "<section class=\"main-column\">";
if(!empty($opts->query)) {
// Curl
$mh = curl_multi_init();
// Load search script
if($opts->type == 0) {
require "engines/search.php";
$search = new Search($opts, $mh);
} else if($opts->type == 1) {
require "engines/search-image.php";
$search = new ImageSearch($opts, $mh);
} else if($opts->type == 9) {
require "engines/search-torrent.php";
$search = new TorrentSearch($opts, $mh);
$running = null;
do {
curl_multi_exec($mh, $running);
} while ($running);
$results = $search->get_results();
// Add elapsed time to results
$results['time'] = number_format(microtime(true) - $start_time, 5, '.', '');
// Echoes results and special searches
$search->print_results($results, $opts);
} else {
echo "<div class=\"warning\">Search query can not be empty!<br />Not sure what went wrong? Learn more about <a href=\"./help.php?a=".$opts->hash."\">how to use Goosle</a>.</div>";
echo "</section>";
// Process special searches
function special_search_request($opts) {
$special_request = null;
$query_terms = explode(" ", $opts->query);
$query_terms[0] = strtolower($query_terms[0]);
// Currency converter
if($opts->special['currency'] == "on" && count($query_terms) == 4 && (is_numeric($query_terms[0]) && ($query_terms[2] == 'to' || $query_terms[2] == 'in'))) {
require "engines/special/currency.php";
$special_request = new CurrencyRequest($opts, null);
// Dictionary
if($opts->special['definition'] == "on" && count($query_terms) == 2 && ($query_terms[0] == 'define' || $query_terms[0] == 'd' || $query_terms[0] == 'mean' || $query_terms[0] == 'meaning')) {
require "engines/special/definition.php";
$special_request = new DefinitionRequest($opts, null);
// search
if($opts->special['phpnet'] == "on" && count($query_terms) == 2 && $query_terms[0] == 'php') {
require "engines/special/php.php";
$special_request = new PHPnetRequest($opts, null);
return $special_request;