Arnan de Gans a5740b3dea Version 1.5
- NOTICE: config.default.php has changed, re-create your config.php!!
- [fix] No longer caches empty results
- [fix] No longer make a request if the search query is empty
- [fix] Movie highlight/box office cache now works
- [fix] Language selector for Qwant, Wikipedia and Duckduckgo
- [fix] Season and Episode filter for tv show searches
- [fix] Safe search filter now actually works
- [fix] Magnet Search category exclusion filter now actually works
- [fix] Image size filter works more reliably
- [fix] Handling of doublequotes in search queries
- [fix] Search sources now show result amounts accurately
- [fix] Old cache files are now actually deleted when expired
- [fix] Search tabs not properly centered on smaller screens
- [new] Box Office page with latest/new downloads from a few supported torrent websites
- [new] News page with the latest news from major outlets
- [new] Popup with movie info and download links for YTS Movie Highlights
- [new] CSS colorschemes configurable in config.php
- [new] Easily share magnet links with other Goosle users
- [new] Search results from Quant API
- [new] Search results from Brave
- [new] Image results from Qwant Image API
- [new] News results from Hackernews
- [new] News results from Yahoo! News
- [new] News results from Brave News
- [new] News results from Qwant News API
- [new] Magnet results from
- [new] Special search for IP Lookups via ipify (Search for "ip" or "myip")
- [new] Safe search switch for Yahoo! Images
- [new] Image size switch for Qwant Images
- [new] Merge missing magnet meta data from duplicate results if it doesn't already exist in the matched previous result
- [new] Detect meta data for Magnet Search results such as sound and video quality.
- [tweak] Cache ttl is now in hours (was minutes)
- [tweak] Optimizations in CSS, HTML separators and more
- [tweak] Moved icons into CSS so they can be colored using colorschemes
- [tweak] Better handling of image results
- [tweak] Better handling of empty/incomplete results for all engines
- [tweak] Better handling of empty/missing meta data for all magnet engines
- [tweak] Better category detection for Limetorrent magnets
- [tweak] Raised Magnet search limit to 200 (was 50)
- [tweak] Raised Wikipedia search limit to 20 (was 10)
- [tweak] Hide magnet results with 0 seeders by default
- [tweak] Uniform array formatting for all engines
- [tweak] Consistent use of single-quotes and double-qoutes
- [tweak] File size string conversion and formatting for all image and magnet engines
- [tweak] Update checks are now done weekly(ish) via the Cron job
- [tweak] Updated .htaccess caching rules
- [removed] CSS for 320px viewport
2024-06-19 18:08:00 -06:00

202 lines
15 KiB

if(!defined('ABSPATH')) define('ABSPATH', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/');
require ABSPATH.'functions/tools.php';
require ABSPATH.'functions/tools-update.php';
$opts = load_opts();
$auth = (isset($_GET['a'])) ? sanitize($_GET['a']) : $opts->user_auth;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Goosle - The fast, privacy oriented search tool that just works.
* Copyright 2023-2024 Arnan de Gans. All Rights Reserved.
* By using this code you agree to indemnify Arnan de Gans from any
* liability that might arise from its use.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Goosle Search Help</title>
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<body class="helppage">
if(verify_hash($opts->hash_auth, $opts->hash, $auth)) {
<div class="header">
<form action="results.php" method="get" autocomplete="off">
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<input tabindex="1" class="search-field" type="search" value="<?php echo (strlen($opts->query) > 0) ? htmlspecialchars($opts->query) : "" ; ?>" name="q" /><input tabindex="2" class="button" type="submit" value="Search" />
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<div class="navigation">
<a class="<?php echo ($opts->type == '0') ? 'active ' : ''; ?>tab-search" href="./results.php?q=<?php echo $opts->query; ?>&a=<?php echo $opts->hash; ?>&t=0">Search</a>
<?php if($opts->enable_image_search == 'on') { ?>
<a class="<?php echo ($opts->type == '1') ? 'active ' : ''; ?>tab-image" href="./results.php?q=<?php echo $opts->query; ?>&a=<?php echo $opts->hash; ?>&t=1" >Images</a>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->enable_news_search == 'on') { ?>
<a class="<?php echo ($opts->type == '2') ? 'active ' : ''; ?>tab-news" href="./results.php?q=<?php echo $opts->query; ?>&a=<?php echo $opts->hash; ?>&t=2">News</a>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->enable_magnet_search == 'on') { ?>
<a class="<?php echo ($opts->type == '9') ? 'active ' : ''; ?>tab-magnet" href="./results.php?q=<?php echo $opts->query; ?>&a=<?php echo $opts->hash; ?>&t=9">Magnet links</a>
<?php } ?>
<div class="content">
<h2>How to use Goosle</h2>
<p>If you're tired of traditional results from sites like Google search or DuckDuckGo and you want to have more varied results, or just everything at once, Goosle has your back! Goosle searches on multiple search engines at the same time and shows you the most relevant results through a neat, clean interface.</p>
<p><em>If you can't find it on page one, you're using the wrong search query!</em></p>
<p>Goosle tries to provide you with the right answer on page one and is designed to be as easy to use and function as logical as possible. You will not find any unnessesary features or complex settings in Goosle. After-all, navigating the internet is hard and frustrating enough. Search engines should make that more easy, not harder!</p>
<h3>Result ranking</h3>
<p>To try and provide the best results first. Goosle has a simple algorithm to rank results for Web and Image search. It works a little like a scoring system. A result with more points gets a higher ranking.</p>
<p>If a website or image is found through multiple search engines it will score higher. Also the amount of matching words in the title and SEO description and a few other bits and bops from the results are considered.</p>
<h2>Web search</h2>
<p>Search defaults to Moderate Safe mode. To override the safe mode, prefix your search with <strong>safe:on</strong> or <strong>safe:off</strong> (example: <strong>safe:on white goose</strong>).<br /><strong>On</strong> will use 'Strict' mode, while <strong>off</strong> will disable safe searching, this may yield results that are unsuitable for workspaces or minors.</p>
<h3>Special Searches</h3>
<?php if($opts->special['currency'] == 'on') { ?>
<h4>Currency converter</h4>
<p>Convert currency with a simple query.<br />
For example: Search for <strong>20 EUR in HKD</strong> or <strong>14 USD to MXN</strong> and Goosle will search for it, but also a local conversion is done in a highlighted result.</p>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->special['definition'] == 'on') { ?>
<h4>Word Definition</h4>
<p>Look up the meaning of single words. Prefix the word you want to look up with any of the following keywords; <strong>d</strong>, <strong>define</strong>, <strong>mean</strong> or <strong>meaning</strong>.<br />
For example: Searching for <strong>define goose</strong> will do a web search for 'goose' but will also show a dictionary definition highlighted above the search results.</p>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->special['ipaddress'] == 'on') { ?>
<h4>IP Address lookup</h4>
<p>Search for <strong>ip</strong>, <strong>myip</strong> or <strong>ipaddress</strong> to look up your IP Address.<br />
Goosle knows your IP Address but the searches you do via Goosle will hide your IP address from the target sites such as Google or Limetorrents. You can see and verify the difference with this tool.</p>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->special['phpnet'] == 'on') { ?>
<h4> Search</h4>
<p>Prefix your search with <strong>php</strong> to search on for a PHP function.<br />
For example: Searching for <strong>php in_array</strong> or <strong>php trim</strong> will show you a brief description, compatible PHP versions and the basic syntax for that function.</p>
<?php } ?>
<p><em><strong>Note:</strong> Special Searches do not work for image, news and magnet search.</em></p>
<?php if($opts->enable_image_search == 'on') { ?>
<h2>Image Search</h2>
<p>The number of results is not limited but typically yields about 60-100 images. If you've enabled Openverse and Qwant this number in creases a lot, optimally up-to about 150 images.</p>
<p>Goosle Image Search links directly to the web page where the image is displayed, but also tries to link to the actual image itself.</p>
<p>You can search for images in a general size by adding <strong>size:small</strong>, <strong>size:medium</strong>, <strong>size:large</strong> or <strong>size:xlarge</strong> to the beginning of your search query (example: <strong>size:small huge goose</strong>).</p>
<p>Image search defaults to Moderate Safe mode. To override the safe mode, prefix your search with <strong>safe:on</strong> or <strong>safe:off</strong> (example: <strong>safe:off geese gone wild</strong>).<br /><strong>On</strong> will use 'Strict' mode, while <strong>off</strong> will disable safe searching, this may yield results that are unsuitable for workspaces or minors.</p>
<p>The result counts for may seem off, for example you get 50 results with 20 from Qwant Images and 60 from Yahoo! Images. Logically this should mean you should see 80 results. However, this simply means that 30 results were found on both search engines and were merged, resulting in 50 results.</p>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->enable_news_search == 'on') { ?>
<h2>News search</h2>
<p>Look for current and revent news through News Search. Search for any topic and you'll find news from the last month.</p>
<p>For current news prefix your search with <strong>today</strong>, <strong>now</strong> or <strong>yesterday</strong> or simply search for those single words if you want 'global' news for today. For example <strong>today where is the goose</strong>. You can also use <strong>recent</strong>, <strong>week</strong>, <strong>month</strong>, <strong>this month</strong>, <strong>year</strong> or <strong>this year</strong>. For example: <strong>recent geese migration</strong>.</p>
<p>Keep in mind: Using these limiting prefixes Goosle will filter out any results that are outside of your search which may result in less or no results at all.</p>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->enable_magnet_search == 'on') { ?>
<h2>Magnet Search</h2>
<p>Magnet Search provides Magnet links, these are special links to download content from the internet. Things like Movies, TV-Shows, EBooks, Music, Games, Software and more. You'll need a Bittorrent client that accepts Magnet links to download the search results.</p>
<p>There are many <a href="./results.php?q=Torrent+clients+Magnet+links&a=<?php echo $opts->hash; ?>&t=0" target="_blank">Torrent clients that support Magnet links</a> but if you don't know which one to choose, give <a href="" target="_blank" title="Transmission Bittorrent">Transmission BT</a> a go as it's easy to set up and use.</p>
<p>Goosle will try to provide useful information about the download, which includea; Seeders/Leechers, A link to the torrent page, Download Category, Release year. But may also include the Movie quality (720p, 4K etc.), Movie Runtime and the Download Size along with some other bits and bops if available. Not every website makes this available and all results take a best effort approach.</p>
<?php if($opts->imdb_id_search == 'on') { ?>
<h3>Searching for TV Shows</h3>
<p>To do a specific search on The Pirate Bay and EZTV you search for IMDb Title IDs. These are numeric IDs prefixed with <strong>tt</strong>. This kind of search is useful when you're looking for a tv show that doesn't have a unique name, or simply if you want to use a specialized tracker for tv shows.</p>
<p>If you already know the Title ID you can search for it through the Magnet search.<br />
If you don't know the Title ID you can do a regular search for <strong>imdb [tv show name]</strong>, for example <strong>imdb Duck and Goose</strong>.<br />
Goosle will detect the IMDb ID from the search results and highlight it in the result as a link. This link offers you to search for downloads through a Magnet Search.</p>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->show_share_option == 'on') { ?>
<h3>Sharing results</h3>
<p>You can share a specific Magnet result by clicking on the <strong>share</strong> link that's behind the result information. In the little popup that opens you can copy the result and share or store it anywhere you can paste text - For example in a messenger. This special link will perform the same search as you did yourself and highlight the result that you want to share. Keep in mind that if you run a private installation of Goosle you might be giving uninvited guests access to it, so be mindful of where you post the link.</p>
<?php } ?>
<h3>Finding specific TV Show episodes and seasons</h3>
<p>To help you narrow down results you can search for specific seasons and episodes. For example: If you search for <strong>tt7999864 S01</strong> or <strong>Duck and Goose S01</strong> you'll get filtered results for Duck & Goose Season 1. Searching for <strong>tt7999864 S01E02</strong> or <strong>Duck and Goose S01E02</strong> should find Season 1 Episode 2 and so on.</p>
<h3>Filtering Movie and TV Show results</h3>
<p>Likewise if you want a specific quality of a movie or tv show you can add that directly in your search. For example: If you search for <strong>Goose on the loose 720p</strong> you should primarily find that movie in 720p quality if it's available. Common screensizes are 480p, 720p, 1080p, 2160p (4K) and terms like HD-DVD, FULLHD, BLURAY etc..</p>
<p>You can do searches by year as well. Searching for <strong>1080p 2006</strong> should yield mostly movies from that year in the specified quality.</p>
<h3>The box office</h3>
<p>Along with Magnet search a Box Office page also appears. This is an overview page of the latest movies and other new downloads available on a few supported torrent sites. The shown results are cached just like regular search results.</p>
<p><em><strong>Note:</strong> The things you find through magnet search are not always legal to download due to copyright or local restrictions. If possible, always try to get a legal copy if you found a use for what you downloaded!</em></p>
<?php } ?>
<h2>Default search engine</h2>
<p>In some browsers you can add a custom search engine. To do so use the following link: <strong></strong>.</p>
<p>Or if you use the Auth Hash as a password add the <strong>a</strong> argument, like so: <strong></strong>.</p>
<p>Most browsers ask that you add <strong>%s</strong> for the search query as shown in the examples. If your browser has a different value for this simply replace %s with what your browser requires.
<p>Goose comes with several colorschemes. If you don't like the selected colorscheme you can override it with the <strong>c</strong> argument in your search url. For example: <strong></strong>.</p>
<p>You can add this to your bookmark too to always override the colorscheme.</p>
<h3>Available colorschemes are:</h3>
<li>"default" A dark headers and main backgrounds with light search results.</li>
<li>"light" More light elements.</li>
<li>"dark" More dark elements, some apps would call this dark mode.</li>
<li>"auto" Let the browser decide what to use. This is typically linked to your device its darkmode setting.</li>
<p><small><strong>Acknowledgements:</strong><br />Goosle started as a fork of LibreY, and takes some design cues from Goosle is created by <a href="" target="_blank">Arnan de Gans</a> with the intent to make search more productive and fun.</small></p>
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&copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?> <?php echo show_version(); ?> By <a href="" target="_blank">Arnan de Gans</a>.
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<a href="./?a=<?php echo $opts->hash; ?>">Start</a> - <a href="./box-office.php?a=<?php echo $opts->hash; ?>&t=9">Box office</a> - <a href="./help.php?a=<?php echo $opts->hash; ?>">Help</a>
} else {
echo "<div class=\"auth-error\">Goosle</div>";