Version 1.7

This commit is contained in:
Arnan de Gans 2024-08-07 14:56:01 -06:00
parent 4d9a2859f3
commit cb85c4bc1c
37 changed files with 1273 additions and 732 deletions

assets/css/index.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
header("Location: /");

View file

@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button { -webkit-appearance:none; -w
.goosebox-body { margin:50px auto; padding:20px; width:50%; background:var(--background-popup); border:1px solid var(--border); border-radius:10px; }
.goosebox-body h2 { padding:0 0 .3em 0; }
.goosebox-body h3 { font-size:1.2rem; }
.goosebox-body p { padding-top:.1em; padding-bottom:.2em; }
.goosebox-body a { cursor:pointer; }
.goosebox-body a:visited { color:var(--link); }
.goosebox-body button { margin:5px auto; padding:5px 10px; width:100%; height:35px; border:1px solid var(--border-alt); border-radius:10px; color:var(--button-text); background-color:var(--button-bg); text-align:center; font-size:1rem; }
@ -148,7 +147,7 @@ input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button { -webkit-appearance:none; -w
/* Stats display (stats page) */
.statspage .content h1 { margin-bottom:10px; padding:0; text-align:center; font-size:2.5em; font-weight:400; }
.statspage .content h2 { margin-bottom:10px; padding:0; text-align:center; font-size:1.5em; }
.statspage p { font-family:'american typewriter'; }
.statspage p { font-family:'Courier New'; }
/* oAUTH page */
.oauthpage { background-color:var(--background-alt); color:var(--text-alt); }
@ -162,6 +161,10 @@ input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button { -webkit-appearance:none; -w
.tooltip-question::before { content:""; display:inline-block; width:1.1em; height:1.1em; background:var(--link); vertical-align:text-bottom; mask-image:url(''); }
.tooltip-alert::before { content:""; display:inline-block; width:1.1em; height:1.1em; background:var(--red); vertical-align:text-bottom; mask-image:url(''); }
/* Verified magnet */
.magnet-verified::before { content:""; display:inline-block; width:1.1em; height:1.1em; background:var(--link); vertical-align:text-bottom; mask-image:url(''); }
.magnet-not-verified::before { content:""; display:inline-block; width:1.1em; height:1.1em; background:var(--red); vertical-align:text-bottom; mask-image:url(''); }
/* Pagination */
.pagination { text-align:center; }
.pagination a { font-size:1.2em; padding:0 8px; }
@ -241,6 +244,7 @@ a.update { color:var(--yellow); font-weight:600; }
.result-grid { grid-template-columns:repeat(auto-fill, minmax(8rem, 1fr)); row-gap:.5rem; column-gap:.5rem; }
.result-grid .result { margin:0 0 15px 0; }
.result-grid .result.image .thumb, .result-grid .result.highlight .thumb { width:120px; height: 120px; }
/* Magnet highlight info popup */

View file

@ -55,14 +55,16 @@ if(verify_hash($opts->hash_auth, $opts->hash, $opts->user_auth)) {
<div class="header">
<form action="results.php" method="get" autocomplete="off">
<h1 class="logo"><a href="./?a=<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>"><span class="goosle-g">G</span>oosle</a></h1>
<input tabindex="1" class="search-field" type="search" value="<?php echo (strlen($search->query) > 0) ? htmlspecialchars($search->query) : "" ; ?>" name="q" /><input tabindex="2" class="button" type="submit" value="Search" />
<input tabindex="1" class="search-field" type="search" value="<?php echo (strlen($search->nice_query) > 0) ? htmlspecialchars($search->nice_query) : "" ; ?>" name="q" /><input tabindex="2" class="button" type="submit" value="Search" />
<input type="hidden" name="t" value="<?php echo $search->type; ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>">
<div class="navigation">
<?php if($opts->enable_web_search == 'on') { ?>
<a class="<?php echo ($search->type == '0') ? 'active ' : ''; ?>tab-search" href="./results.php?q=<?php echo $search->query; ?>&a=<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>&t=0">Search</a>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->enable_image_search == 'on') { ?>
<a class="<?php echo ($search->type == '1') ? 'active ' : ''; ?>tab-image" href="./results.php?q=<?php echo $search->query; ?>&a=<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>&t=1" >Images</a>

View file

@ -1,13 +1,37 @@
# Goosle
## The best Meta Search Engine to find everything
### 1.7 - August 7, 2024
- NOTICE: config.default.php has changed, update your config.php!!
- [new] Mojeek search results
- [new] Pixabay Image results (Requires free API key, see installation instructions)
- [new] Keyword multiplier for result ranking
- [new] Web search can be turned off
- [new] Cache News results for an hour only, regardless of the cache setting
- [new] Dynamic SEO description for results page (Should be visible when sharing the page)
- [new] 'Verified' label for magnet results where supported
- [update] Added for social media detection
- [update] Added more keywords for nsfw detection in magnet results
- [change] Raised Qwant Images limit from 50 to 150
- [change] Raised Hackernews and Qwant News limit from 30 to 50
- [change] Lowered Wikipedia results from 10 to maximum 5
- [change] Replaced 'porn' with 'nsfw' for safe search switch
- [change] Removed 'xxx' as an keyword to disable safe search
- [change] Don't search on and YTS if you search with safemode off
- [change] Moved image size override into search object
- [change] Added a little space between rows for image results on mobile
- [change] Stats font is now 'Courier'
- [fix] Google search query not providing good results
- [fix] Search query not always properly urlencoded
- [removed] Removed search suggestions as they didn't work
### 1.6.1 - July 19, 2024
- NOTICE: config.default.php has changed, update your config.php!!
- [new] Query logger for debugging (See config.default.php for details)
- [tweak] Scrape query for DuckDuckGo to be more direct
- [tweak] Added url arguments to the formatted url of search results
- [tweak] Improved tooltips to be popups with better explanations
- [tweak] Improved spacing for pagination links
- [update] Added url arguments to the formatted url of search results
- [change] Scrape query for DuckDuckGo to be more direct
- [change] Improved tooltips to be popups with better explanations
- [fix] Improved spacing for pagination links
- [fix] More accurately show the current version in the footer
- [fix] Current version not properly stored
- [fix] Pagination offset off by one result
@ -73,7 +97,7 @@
- [new] Popup with movie info and download links for YTS Movie Highlights
- [new] CSS colorschemes configurable in config.php
- [new] Easily share magnet links with other Goosle users
- [new] Search results from Quant API
- [new] Search results from Qwant API
- [new] Search results from Brave
- [new] Image results from Qwant Image API
- [new] News results from Hackernews
@ -223,3 +247,7 @@
### 1.0 - December 5, 2023
- Initial release
## Support
Goosle comes with limited support. \
You can post your questions on Github Discussions or say hi on [Mastodon]( or [Telegram](

View file

@ -60,15 +60,6 @@ CACHE_TIME:
To not show outdated results the 'limit' is 48 hours.
Ignored if above 'CACHE_TYPE' option is set to off.
The query log is useful if you make common requests and for some reason one engine returns no result and no error. Enabling the querylog lets you see if a request was made and how many results were found/scraped/retrieved. But also how many are left after initial processing.
The querylog logs requests per day into a file in /cache/. This function is not meant to be on for production use. Only for debugging or understanding results.
Example: [18-07-2024 22:15:05][s] GoogleRequest: 30 -> 4,
Here a query is made to Google web search, Goosle scraped 30 results but after initial filtering only 4 remained. This can mean a lot of duplicate links were found (unlikely). More likely is that an inconsistent scrape was done. This can indicate that the website has changed its layout structure and Goosle needs to be updated.
Example: [18-07-2024 23:06:58][a] QwantRequest: No results -> 0,
Here a query is made to Qwant web search via their API and no results were found at all. API calls can not make scrape errors. This likely means there simply were no results to begin with.
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To not fit the USA mold, Goosle defaults to the United Kingdom for english results.
@ -116,44 +107,60 @@ return (object) array(
'cache_type' => 'file', // Default: file
'cache_time' => 8, // Default: 8 (Hours), see the recommendations above.
'timezone' => 'UTC', // Default: UTC (Enter UTC+1, UTC-6 etc. for your timezone - Find yours
'querylog' => 'off', // Default: off (Log remote queries to see if they are made and how much results they find and end up with)
'enable_duckduckgo' => 'on', // Default: on
'enable_google' => 'on', // Default: on
'enable_qwant' => 'on', // Default: on
'enable_brave' => 'on', // Default: on
'enable_wikipedia' => 'on', // Default: on
'enable_news_search' => 'on', // Default: on (Disables all news search regardless of settings for individual engines)
'enable_qwantnews' => 'on', // Default: on
'enable_yahoonews' => 'on', // Default: on
'enable_bravenews' => 'on', // Default: on
'enable_hackernews' => 'on', // Default: on
'enable_web_search' => 'on', // Default: on (Disables all web search regardless of settings for individual engines)
'web' => array(
'duckduckgo' => 'on', // Default: on
'mojeek' => 'on', // Default: on
'qwant' => 'on', // Default: on
'google' => 'on', // Default: on
'brave' => 'on', // Default: on
'wikipedia' => 'on' // Default: on
'enable_image_search' => 'on', // Default: on (Disables all image search regardless of settings for individual engines)
'enable_yahooimages' => 'on', // Default: on
'enable_openverse' => 'off', // Default: off (Requires API token, see for details)
'enable_qwantimages' => 'on', // Default: on
'image' => array(
'yahooimages' => 'on', // Default: on
'qwantimages' => 'on', // Default: on
'pixabay' => 'off', // Default: off (Requires free account from, see readme for set up instructions)
'openverse' => 'off', // Default: off (Requires oAuth token, see readme for set up instructions)
'enable_news_search' => 'on', // Default: on (Disables all news search regardless of settings for individual engines)
'news' => array(
'qwantnews' => 'on', // Default: on
'yahoonews' => 'on', // Default: on
'bravenews' => 'on', // Default: on
'hackernews' => 'on', // Default: on
'enable_magnet_search' => 'on', // Default: on (Disables all magnet search regardless of settings for individual engines as well as the box office page)
'enable_eztv' => 'on', // Default: on
'enable_limetorrents' => 'on', // Default: on
'enable_nyaa' => 'on', // Default: on
'enable_sukebei' => 'on', // Default: on
'enable_piratebay' => 'on', // Default: on
'enable_yts' => 'on', // Default: on
'magnet' => array(
'limetorrents' => 'on', // Default: on (Anything)
'piratebay' => 'on', // Default: on (Anything)
'yts' => 'on', // Default: on (Movies)
'eztv' => 'on', // Default: on (TV-Shows)
'nyaa' => 'on', // Default: on (Anime)
'sukebei' => 'on', // Default: on (NSFW Anime)
'duckduckgo_language' => 'uk-en', // Default: uk-en (United Kingdom)
'wikipedia_language' => 'en', // Default: en (English)
'mojeek_language' => 'en', // Default: en (English)
'google_search_region' => 'uk', // Default: uk (United Kingdom)
'qwant_language' => 'en_gb', // Default: en_gb (United Kingdom)
'wikipedia_language' => 'en', // Default: en (English)
'pixabay_api_key' => '', // Default: '' (Requires free account from, see readme for set up instructions)
'search_results_per_page' => 24, // Default: 24 (Any number between 8 and 160, preferably a multiple of 8. Ignored if caching is off)
'social_media_relevance' => 8, // Default: 8
'show_search_source' => 'on', // Default: on
'show_search_rank' => 'off', // Default: off (Mostly for debugging)
'imdb_id_search' => 'off', // Default: off, (Requires enable_magnet_search to also be on)
'password_generator' => 'on', // Default: on
'show_search_rank' => 'off', // Default: off (Useful for debugging)
'querylog' => 'off', // Default: off (Create a log of queries in /cache/*.log to see if they are made and how much results they find and end up with after processing)
'special' => array(
'currency' => 'on', // Default: on, Currency converter
'definition' => 'on', // Default: on, Word dictionary
@ -162,7 +169,7 @@ return (object) array(
'wordpress' => 'off' // Default: off, Wordpress functions highlight
'show_nsfw_magnets' => 'off', // Default: off (Set to 'off' to try and hide adult content. Override with 'safe:off', 'xxx' or 'porn')
'show_nsfw_magnets' => 'off', // Default: off (Set to 'off' to try and hide adult content. Override with 'safe:off' or 'nsfw')
'show_zero_seeders' => 'off', // Default: off
'show_yts_highlight' => 'on', // Default: off (Show latest YTS movies above Magnet search results)
'show_share_option' => 'on', // Default: on (Show a share option for Magnet results)

View file

@ -11,6 +11,12 @@
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
class OpenverseRequest extends EngineRequest {
public function get_request_url() {
$query = $this->search->query;
// Max 200 chars
$query = (strlen($query) > 200) ? substr($query, 0, 200) : $query;
$query = implode(',', make_tags_from_string($query));
// Safe search override
if($this->search->safe == 0) {
$safe = '1';
@ -18,14 +24,23 @@ class OpenverseRequest extends EngineRequest {
$safe = '0';
// Size override
$size = 'small,medium,large';
if($this->search->size == 1) $size = 'small';
if($this->search->size == 2) $size = 'medium';
if($this->search->size >= 3) $size = 'large';
// All parameters and values:
$url = ''.http_build_query(array(
'q' => $this->search->query, // Search query
'q' => $query, // Search query
'category' => 'photograph', // Only photos
'size' => $size,
'format' => 'json', // Response format
'page_size' => 50, // How many results to get
'page_size' => 50, // How many results to get (Max 50)
'mature' => $safe // Safe search (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)
unset($query, $safe, $size);
return $url;
@ -68,23 +83,25 @@ class OpenverseRequest extends EngineRequest {
// Use API result
foreach($json_response['results'] as $result) {
// Find data and process data
$image_full = sanitize($result['url']);
$image_thumb = (!empty($result['thumbnail'])) ? sanitize($result['thumbnail']) : $image_full;
$url = sanitize($result['foreign_landing_url']);
$alt = (!is_null($result['title'])) ? sanitize($result['title']) : null;
$dimensions_w = (!is_null($result['width'])) ? sanitize($result['width']) : null;
$dimensions_h = (!is_null($result['height'])) ? sanitize($result['height']) : null;
$filesize = (!is_null($result['filesize'])) ? sanitize($result['filesize']) : null;
$image_thumb = (!empty($result['thumbnail'])) ? sanitize($result['thumbnail']) : null;
$image_full = (!empty($result['url'])) ? sanitize($result['url']) : null;
$url = (!empty($result['foreign_landing_url'])) ? sanitize($result['foreign_landing_url']) : null;
$alt = (!empty($result['title'])) ? sanitize($result['title']) : null;
$creator = (!empty($result['creator'])) ? " by ".sanitize($result['creator']) : null;
$tags = (count($result['tags']) > 0) ? array_column($result['tags'], 'name') : make_tags_from_string($alt);
// Skip broken results
if(empty($image_thumb)) continue;
if(empty($image_full)) continue;
if(empty($url)) continue;
// Process data
// Optional
$dimensions_w = (!empty($result['width'])) ? sanitize($result['width']) : null;
$dimensions_h = (!empty($result['height'])) ? sanitize($result['height']) : null;
// Prepare data
if(!is_null($creator)) $alt = $alt.$creator;
if(!is_null($filesize)) $filesize = intval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $filesize));
$tags = array_unique($tags);
// Skip duplicate IMAGE urls/results
if(!empty($engine_temp)) {
@ -93,15 +110,15 @@ class OpenverseRequest extends EngineRequest {
$engine_temp[] = array (
// Required
'image_full' => $image_full, // string
'image_thumb' => $image_thumb, // string
'image_full' => $image_full, // string
'url' => $url, // string
'alt' => $alt, // string
'tags' => $tags, // array
'engine_rank' => $rank, // int
// Optional
'alt' => $alt, // string | null
'width' => $dimensions_w, // int | null
'height' => $dimensions_h, // int | null
'filesize' => $filesize, // int | null
'height' => $dimensions_h // int | null
$rank -= 1;

engines/image/pixabay.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Goosle - The fast, privacy oriented search tool that just works.
* Copyright 2023-2024 Arnan de Gans. All Rights Reserved.
* By using this code you agree to indemnify Arnan de Gans from any
* liability that might arise from its use.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
class PixabayRequest extends EngineRequest {
public function get_request_url() {
$query = $this->search->query;
// Max 100 chars
$query = (strlen($query) > 100) ? substr($query, 0, 100) : $query;
$query = implode(',', make_tags_from_string($query));
// Safe search override
if($this->search->safe == 0) {
$safe = true;
} else {
$safe = false;
// Size override
$min_width = 1280;
$min_height = 720;
if($this->search->size == 1) {
$min_width = 640;
$min_height = 360;
if($this->search->size == 2) {
$min_width = 1280;
$min_height = 720;
if($this->search->size == 3) {
$min_width = 1600;
$min_height = 900;
if($this->search->size == 4) {
$min_width = 2560;
$min_height = 1440;
// All parameters and values:
$url = ''.http_build_query(array(
'key' => $this->opts->pixabay_api_key, // Api Key for authentification
'q' => $query, // Search query
'image_type' => 'photo', // Only photos
'per_page' => 100, // How many results to get (Max 200)
'min_width' => $min_width, // Minimum width
'min_height' => $min_height, // Minimum height
'safesearch' => $safe // Safe search (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)
unset($query, $safe, $min_height, $min_width);
return $url;
public function get_request_headers() {
return array(
'Accept' => 'application/json, */*;q=0.8',
'Content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Accept-Language' => null,
'Accept-Encoding' => null,
'Sec-Fetch-Dest' => null,
'Sec-Fetch-Mode' => null,
'Sec-Fetch-Site' => null
public function parse_results($response) {
$engine_temp = $engine_result = array();
$json_response = json_decode($response, true);
// No response
if(empty($json_response)) {
if($this->opts->querylog == 'on') querylog(get_class($this), 'a', $this->url, 'No response', 0);
return $engine_result;
// Figure out results and base rank
$number_of_results = $rank = count($json_response['hits']);
// No results
if($number_of_results == 0) {
if($this->opts->querylog == 'on') querylog(get_class($this), 'a', $this->url, 'No results', 0);
return $engine_result;
// Use API result
foreach($json_response['hits'] as $result) {
// Find data and process data
$image_thumb = (!empty($result['previewURL'])) ? sanitize($result['previewURL']) : null;
$image_full = (!empty($result['largeImageURL'])) ? sanitize($result['largeImageURL']) : null;
$url = (!empty($result['pageURL'])) ? sanitize($result['pageURL']) : null;
$alt = (!empty($image_thumb)) ? substr(strrchr($image_thumb, "/"), 1) : null;
$creator = (!empty($result['user'])) ? " by ".sanitize($result['user']) : null;
$tags = (!empty($result['tags'])) ? explode(', ', $result['tags']) : make_tags_from_string($alt);
// Skip broken results
if(empty($image_thumb)) continue;
if(empty($image_full)) continue;
if(empty($url)) continue;
// Optional
$dimensions_w = (!empty($result['imageWidth'])) ? sanitize($result['imageWidth']) : null;
$dimensions_h = (!empty($result['imageHeight'])) ? sanitize($result['imageHeight']) : null;
// Process data
if(!is_null($creator)) $alt = $alt.$creator;
$tags = array_unique($tags);
// Skip duplicate IMAGE urls/results
if(!empty($engine_temp)) {
if(in_array($image_full, array_column($engine_temp, 'image_full'))) continue;
$engine_temp[] = array (
// Required
'image_thumb' => $image_thumb, // string
'image_full' => $image_full, // string
'url' => $url, // string
'alt' => $alt, // string
'tags' => $tags, // array
'engine_rank' => $rank, // int
// Optional
'width' => $dimensions_w, // int | null
'height' => $dimensions_h // int | null
$rank -= 1;
// Base info
if(!empty($engine_temp)) {
$engine_result['source'] = 'Pixabay';
$engine_result['search'] = $engine_temp;
if($this->opts->querylog == 'on') querylog(get_class($this), 'a', $this->url, $number_of_results, count($engine_temp));
unset($response, $json_response, $number_of_results, $rank);
return $engine_result;

View file

@ -14,15 +14,10 @@ class QwantImageRequest extends EngineRequest {
$query = $this->search->query;
// Size override
$size = 'all'; // All sizes
if(preg_match('/(size:)(small|medium|large|xlarge)/i', $this->search->query_terms[0], $matches)) {
$size = $matches[1];
$query = str_replace($this->search->query_terms[0], '', $query);
// Engine specific
if($size == 'xlarge') $size = 'large';
$size = 'all';
if($this->search->size == 1) $size = 'small';
if($this->search->size == 2) $size = 'medium';
if($this->search->size >= 3) $size = 'large';
// Set locale
$language = (strlen($this->opts->qwant_language) > 0 && strlen($this->opts->qwant_language < 6)) ? $this->opts->qwant_language : 'en_gb';
@ -31,7 +26,7 @@ class QwantImageRequest extends EngineRequest {
$url = ''.http_build_query(array(
'q' => $query, // Search query
't' => 'images', // Type of search, Images
'count' => 50, // Up-to how many images to return (Max 50)
'count' => 150, // Up-to how many images to return (Max 150)
'size' => $size, // General image size
'locale' => $language, // In which language should the search be done
'device' => 'desktop', // What kind of device are we searching from?
@ -75,21 +70,23 @@ class QwantImageRequest extends EngineRequest {
foreach($json_response['data']['result']['items'] as $result) {
// Find data and process data
$image_full = sanitize($result['media']);
$image_thumb = (!empty($result['thumbnail'])) ? sanitize($result['thumbnail']) : $image_full;
$url = sanitize($result['url']);
$image_thumb = (!empty($result['thumbnail'])) ? sanitize($result['thumbnail']) : null;
$image_full = (!empty($result['media'])) ? sanitize($result['media']) : null;
$url = (!empty($result['url'])) ? sanitize($result['url']) : null;
$alt = (!empty($result['title'])) ? sanitize($result['title']) : null;
$dimensions_w = (!empty($result['width'])) ? sanitize($result['width']) : null;
$dimensions_h = (!empty($result['height'])) ? sanitize($result['height']) : null;
$filesize = (!empty($result['size'])) ? sanitize($result['size']) : null;
$tags = (!empty($alt)) ? make_tags_from_string($alt) : array();
// Skip broken results
if(empty($image_full)) continue;
if(empty($image_thumb)) continue;
if(empty($image_full)) continue;
if(empty($url)) continue;
// Optional
$dimensions_w = (!empty($result['width'])) ? sanitize($result['width']) : null;
$dimensions_h = (!empty($result['height'])) ? sanitize($result['height']) : null;
// Process data
if(!is_null($filesize)) $filesize = intval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $filesize));
$tags = array_unique($tags);
// Skip duplicate IMAGE urls/results
if(!empty($engine_temp)) {
@ -98,15 +95,15 @@ class QwantImageRequest extends EngineRequest {
$engine_temp[] = array (
// Required
'image_full' => $image_full, // string
'image_thumb' => $image_thumb, // string
'image_full' => $image_full, // string
'url' => $url, // string
'alt' => $alt, // string
'tags' => $tags, // array
'engine_rank' => $rank, // int
// Optional
'alt' => $alt, // string | null
'width' => $dimensions_w, // int | null
'height' => $dimensions_h, // int | null
'filesize' => $filesize, // int | null
'height' => $dimensions_h // int | null
$rank -= 1;

View file

@ -21,15 +21,11 @@ class YahooImageRequest extends EngineRequest {
// Size override
$size = ''; // All sizes
if(preg_match('/(size:)(small|medium|large|xlarge)/i', $this->search->query_terms[0], $matches)) {
$size = $matches[1];
$query = str_replace($this->search->query_terms[0], '', $query);
// Engine specific
if($size == 'xlarge') $size = 'wallpaper';
$size = '';
if($this->search->size == 1) $size = 'small';
if($this->search->size == 2) $size = 'medium';
if($this->search->size == 3) $size = 'large';
if($this->search->size == 4) $size = 'wallpaper';
$url = ''.http_build_query(array(
'p' => $query, // Search query
@ -92,12 +88,12 @@ class YahooImageRequest extends EngineRequest {
// Get and prepare meta data
// -- Relevant $url_data (there is more, but unused by Goosle)
// w = Image width (1280)
// h = Image height (720)
// imgurl = Actual full size image (Used in Yahoo preview/popup)
// w = Image width
// h = Image height
// imgurl = Full size image (Used in Yahoo preview/popup)
// rurl = Url to page where the image is used
// size = Image size (413.1KB)
// tt = Website title (Used for image alt text)
// size = Image size
// tt = Website title
foreach(explode('&', strstr($url_data[0]->textContent, '?')) as &$meta) {
if(!empty($meta)) {
$value = explode('=', trim($meta));
@ -109,19 +105,22 @@ class YahooImageRequest extends EngineRequest {
unset($meta, $value);
// Skip broken results
if(!array_key_exists('imgurl', $usable_data)) continue;
if(!array_key_exists('rurl', $usable_data)) continue;
// Process data
$image_full = (array_key_exists('imgurl', $usable_data)) ? sanitize($usable_data['imgurl']) : null;
$image_thumb = sanitize($image_thumb[0]->textContent);
$url = sanitize($usable_data['rurl']);
$image_full = (array_key_exists('imgurl', $usable_data)) ? sanitize($usable_data['imgurl']) : null;
$url = (array_key_exists('rurl', $usable_data)) ? sanitize($usable_data['rurl']) : null;
$alt = (array_key_exists('tt', $usable_data)) ? sanitize($usable_data['tt']) : null;
$tags = (!empty($alt)) ? make_tags_from_string($alt) : array();
// Skip broken results
if(empty($image_full)) continue;
if(empty($url)) continue;
// Optional
$dimensions_w = (array_key_exists('w', $usable_data)) ? sanitize($usable_data['w']) : null;
$dimensions_h = (array_key_exists('h', $usable_data)) ? sanitize($usable_data['h']) : null;
$filesize = (array_key_exists('size', $usable_data)) ? intval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', sanitize($usable_data['size']))) : null;
// Process data
// Fix incomplete image url
if(!is_null($image_full)) {
$is_https = parse_url($url);
@ -133,6 +132,7 @@ class YahooImageRequest extends EngineRequest {
$image_full = '//'.$image_full;
$tags = array_unique($tags);
// Skip duplicate IMAGE urls/results
if(!empty($engine_temp)) {
@ -141,15 +141,15 @@ class YahooImageRequest extends EngineRequest {
$engine_temp[] = array (
// Required
'image_full' => $image_full, // string
'image_thumb' => $image_thumb, // string
'image_full' => $image_full, // string
'url' => $url, // string
'alt' => $alt, // string
'tags' => $tags, // array
'engine_rank' => $rank, // int
// Optional
'alt' => $alt, // string | null
'width' => $dimensions_w, // int | null
'height' => $dimensions_h, // int | null
'filesize' => $filesize, // int | null
'height' => $dimensions_h // int | null
$rank -= 1;

View file

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class EZTVRequest extends EngineRequest {
$magnet = sanitize($result['magnet_url']);
$seeders = sanitize($result['seeds']);
$leechers = sanitize($result['peers']);
$filesize = human_filesize(sanitize($result['size_bytes']));
$filesize = sanitize($result['size_bytes']);
// Ignore results with 0 seeders?
if($this->opts->show_zero_seeders == 'off' AND $seeders == 0) continue;
@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ class EZTVRequest extends EngineRequest {
'leechers' => $leechers, // int
'filesize' => $filesize, // int
// Optional
'verified_uploader' => 'yes', // string|null
'nsfw' => false, // bool
'quality' => $quality, // string|null
'type' => null, // string|null

View file

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class LimeRequest extends EngineRequest {
$magnet = 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:'.$hash.'&dn='.urlencode($title).'&tr='.implode('&tr=', $this->opts->magnet_trackers);
$seeders = ($seeders->length > 0) ? sanitize($seeders[0]->textContent) : 0;
$leechers = ($leechers->length > 0) ? sanitize($leechers[0]->textContent) : 0;
$filesize = ($filesize->length > 0) ? human_filesize(filesize_to_bytes(sanitize($filesize[0]->textContent))) : 0;
$filesize = ($filesize->length > 0) ? filesize_to_bytes(sanitize($filesize[0]->textContent)) : 0;
// Ignore results with 0 seeders?
if($this->opts->show_zero_seeders == 'off' AND $seeders == 0) continue;
@ -75,10 +75,14 @@ class LimeRequest extends EngineRequest {
if(!is_season_or_episode($this->search->query, $title)) continue;
// Find extra data
$verified = $xpath->evaluate(".//td[@class='tdleft'][1]//div[@class='tt-vdown']//img/@title", $result);
$category = $xpath->evaluate(".//td[@class='tdnormal'][1]", $result);
$url = $xpath->evaluate(".//td[@class='tdleft']//a[2]/@href", $result);
// Process extra data
$verified = ($verified->length > 0) ? sanitize($verified[0]->textContent) : null;
if($verified == 'Verified torrent') $verified = 'yes';
if($category->length > 0) {
$category = explode(' - ', sanitize($category[0]->textContent));
$category = str_replace('in ', '', $category[array_key_last($category)]);
@ -111,6 +115,7 @@ class LimeRequest extends EngineRequest {
'leechers' => $leechers, // int
'filesize' => $filesize, // int
// Optional
'verified_uploader' => $verified, // string|null
'nsfw' => $nsfw, // bool
'quality' => $quality, // string|null
'type' => null, // string|null

View file

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class NyaaRequest extends EngineRequest {
$hash = strtolower(str_replace('urn:btih:', '', $hash_parameters['xt']));
$seeders = sanitize($meta[3]->textContent);
$leechers = sanitize($meta[4]->textContent);
$filesize = human_filesize(filesize_to_bytes(str_replace('TiB', 'TB', str_replace('GiB', 'GB', str_replace('MiB', 'MB', str_replace('KiB', 'KB', sanitize($meta[1]->textContent)))))));
$filesize = filesize_to_bytes(str_replace('TiB', 'TB', str_replace('GiB', 'GB', str_replace('MiB', 'MB', str_replace('KiB', 'KB', sanitize($meta[1]->textContent))))));
// Ignore results with 0 seeders?
if($this->opts->show_zero_seeders == 'off' AND $seeders == 0) continue;
@ -68,11 +68,21 @@ class NyaaRequest extends EngineRequest {
if(!is_season_or_episode($this->search->query, $title)) continue;
// Find extra data
$verified = $xpath->evaluate("./@class", $result);
$category = $xpath->evaluate(".//td[1]//a/@title", $result);
$url = $xpath->evaluate(".//td[@colspan='2']//a[not(contains(@class, 'comments'))]/@href", $result);
$date_added = $xpath->evaluate(".//td[@class='text-center']/@data-timestamp", $result);
// Process extra data
$verified = ($verified->length > 0) ? sanitize($verified[0]->textContent) : null;
if($verified == 'success') {
$verified = 'yes';
} else if($verified == 'danger') {
$verified = 'no';
} else {
$verified = null;
$category = ($category->length > 0) ? str_replace(' - ', '/', sanitize($category[0]->textContent)) : null;
$url = ($url->length > 0) ? ''.sanitize($url[0]->textContent) : null;
$timestamp = sanitize($date_added[0]->textContent);
@ -100,6 +110,7 @@ class NyaaRequest extends EngineRequest {
'leechers' => $leechers, // int
'filesize' => $filesize, // int
// Optional
'verified_uploader' => $verified, // string|null
'nsfw' => $nsfw, // bool
'quality' => $quality, // string|null
'type' => null, // string|null

View file

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class SukebeiRequest extends EngineRequest {
$hash = strtolower(str_replace('urn:btih:', '', $hash_parameters['xt']));
$seeders = sanitize($meta[3]->textContent);
$leechers = sanitize($meta[4]->textContent);
$filesize = human_filesize(filesize_to_bytes(str_replace('TiB', 'TB', str_replace('GiB', 'GB', str_replace('MiB', 'MB', str_replace('KiB', 'KB', sanitize($meta[1]->textContent)))))));
$filesize = filesize_to_bytes(str_replace('TiB', 'TB', str_replace('GiB', 'GB', str_replace('MiB', 'MB', str_replace('KiB', 'KB', sanitize($meta[1]->textContent))))));
// Ignore results with 0 seeders?
if($this->opts->show_zero_seeders == 'off' AND $seeders == 0) continue;
@ -68,11 +68,21 @@ class SukebeiRequest extends EngineRequest {
if(!is_season_or_episode($this->search->query, $title)) continue;
// Find extra data
$verified = $xpath->evaluate(".//@class", $result);
$category = $xpath->evaluate(".//td[1]//a/@title", $result);
$url = $xpath->evaluate(".//td[@colspan='2']//a[not(contains(@class, 'comments'))]/@href", $result);
$date_added = $xpath->evaluate(".//td[@class='text-center']/@data-timestamp", $result);
// Process extra data
$verified = ($verified->length > 0) ? sanitize($verified[0]->textContent) : null;
if($verified == 'success') {
$verified = 'yes';
} else if($verified == 'danger') {
$verified = 'no';
} else {
$verified = null;
$category = ($category->length > 0) ? str_replace(' - ', '/', sanitize($category[0]->textContent)) : null;
$url = ($url->length > 0) ? ''.sanitize($url[0]->textContent) : null;
$timestamp = sanitize($date_added[0]->textContent);
@ -97,6 +107,7 @@ class SukebeiRequest extends EngineRequest {
'leechers' => $leechers, // int
'filesize' => $filesize, // int
// Optional
'verified_uploader' => $verified, // string|null
'nsfw' => true, // bool
'quality' => $quality, // string|null
'type' => null, // string|null

View file

@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class PirateBayRequest extends EngineRequest {
$magnet = 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:'.$hash.'&dn='.urlencode($title).'&tr='.implode('&tr=', $this->opts->magnet_trackers);
$seeders = sanitize($result['seeders']);
$leechers = sanitize($result['leechers']);
$filesize = human_filesize(sanitize($result['size']));
$filesize = sanitize($result['size']);
// Ignore results with 0 seeders?
if($this->opts->show_zero_seeders == 'off' AND $seeders == 0) continue;
@ -121,11 +121,14 @@ class PirateBayRequest extends EngineRequest {
if(!is_season_or_episode($this->search->query, $title)) continue;
// Find extra data
$verified = (array_key_exists('status', $result)) ? sanitize($result['status']) : null;
$category = (array_key_exists('category', $result)) ? sanitize($result['category']) : null;
$url = (array_key_exists('id', $result)) ? ''.sanitize($result['id']) : null;
$timestamp = (isset($result['added'])) ? sanitize($result['added']) : null;
// Process extra data
$verified = ($verified == 'vip' || $verified == 'moderator' || $verified == 'trusted') ? 'yes' : null;
if(!is_null($category)) {
// Block these categories
if(in_array($category, $this->opts->piratebay_categories_blocked)) continue;
@ -157,6 +160,7 @@ class PirateBayRequest extends EngineRequest {
'leechers' => $leechers, // int
'filesize' => $filesize, // int
// Optional
'verified_uploader' => $verified, // string|null
'nsfw' => $nsfw, // bool
'quality' => $quality, // string|null
'type' => null, // string|null

View file

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class YTSRequest extends EngineRequest {
$magnet = 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:'.$hash.'&dn='.urlencode($title).'&tr='.implode('&tr=', $this->opts->magnet_trackers);
$seeders = sanitize($download['seeds']);
$leechers = sanitize($download['peers']);
$filesize = human_filesize(filesize_to_bytes(sanitize($download['size'])));
$filesize = filesize_to_bytes(sanitize($download['size']));
// Ignore results with 0 seeders?
if($this->opts->show_zero_seeders == 'off' AND $seeders == 0) continue;
@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ class YTSRequest extends EngineRequest {
'leechers' => $leechers, // int
'filesize' => $filesize, // int
// Optional
'verified_uploader' => 'yes', // string|null
'nsfw' => false, // bool
'quality' => $quality, // string|null
'type' => $type, // string|null

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class HackernewsRequest extends EngineRequest {
$url = ''.http_build_query(array(
'query' => $this->search->query, // Search query
'tags' => 'story', // What type of results to show? (story = News stories)
'hitsPerPage' => 30, // How many results to return?
'hitsPerPage' => 50, // How many results to return?
'numericFilters' => 'created_at_i>'.$article_date // How old may the article be?

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class QwantNewsRequest extends EngineRequest {
't' => 'news', // News search
'safesearch' => $this->search->safe, // Safe search filter (0 = off, 1 = normal, 2 = strict)
'locale' => $language, // Language region
'count' => 30, // How many results? (Maximum 50)
'count' => 50, // How many results? (Maximum 50)
'device' => 'desktop', // Where are you searching from
'source' => 'all', // Where to get the news from (All)
'freshness' => 'month', // How old may the article be?

View file

@ -16,20 +16,25 @@ class ImageSearch extends EngineRequest {
$this->requests = array();
if($opts->enable_image_search == 'on') {
if($opts->enable_yahooimages == 'on') {
if($opts->image['yahooimages'] == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/image/yahoo-images.php';
$this->requests[] = new YahooImageRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->enable_openverse == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/image/openverse.php';
$this->requests[] = new OpenverseRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->enable_qwantimages == 'on') {
if($opts->image['qwantimages'] == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/image/qwant-images.php';
$this->requests[] = new QwantImageRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->image['pixabay'] == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/image/pixabay.php';
$this->requests[] = new PixabayRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->image['openverse'] == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/image/openverse.php';
$this->requests[] = new OpenverseRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
@ -54,7 +59,7 @@ class ImageSearch extends EngineRequest {
$how_many_results = 0;
// Merge duplicates and apply relevance scoring
foreach($engine_result['search'] as $result) {
foreach($engine_result['search'] as $key => $result) {
if(isset($goosle_results['search'])) {
$result_urls = array_column($goosle_results['search'], 'image_full', 'id');
$found_id = array_search($result['image_full'], $result_urls); // Return the result ID, or false if not found
@ -63,17 +68,18 @@ class ImageSearch extends EngineRequest {
$social_media_multiplier = (is_social_media($result['url'])) ? ($request->opts->social_media_relevance / 10) : 1;
$goosle_rank = floor($result['engine_rank'] * floatval($social_media_multiplier));
$social_media_multiplier = (detect_social_media($result['url'])) ? ($request->opts->social_media_relevance / 10) : 1;
$goosle_rank = floor($result['engine_rank'] * $social_media_multiplier);
if($found_id !== false) {
// Duplicate result from another engine
$goosle_results['search'][$found_id]['goosle_rank'] += $result['engine_rank'];
$goosle_results['search'][$found_id]['goosle_rank'] += $goosle_rank;
$goosle_results['search'][$found_id]['combo_source'][] = $engine_result['source'];
} else {
// First find, rank and add to results
$match_rank = match_count($result['url'], $request->search->query_terms);
$match_rank += match_count($result['alt'], $request->search->query_terms);
$match_rank = match_count($result['tags'], $request->search->query_terms, 2);
// $match_rank += match_count($result['alt'], $request->search->query_terms);
$match_rank += match_count($result['url'], $request->search->query_terms, 0.5);
$result['goosle_rank'] = $goosle_rank + $match_rank;
$result['combo_source'][] = $engine_result['source'];
@ -83,7 +89,7 @@ class ImageSearch extends EngineRequest {
$goosle_results['search'][$result['id']] = $result;
unset($result, $result_urls, $found_id, $social_media_multiplier, $goosle_rank, $match_rank, $query_terms);
unset($result, $result_urls, $found_id, $social_media_multiplier, $goosle_rank, $match_rank);
// Count results per source
@ -160,34 +166,25 @@ echo "</pre>";
echo "</li>";
// Search suggestions
if(array_key_exists('did_you_mean', $goosle_results)) {
echo "<li class=\"meta\">";
echo " <p class=\"didyoumean\">Did you mean <a href=\"./results.php?q=".urlencode($goosle_results['did_you_mean'])."&t=".$search->type."&a=".$opts->hash."\">".$goosle_results['did_you_mean']."</a>?</p>";
if(array_key_exists('search_specific', $goosle_results)) {
echo " <p class=\"suggestion\">".search_suggestion($search, $opts, $goosle_results)."</p>";
echo "</li>";
echo "</ul>";
// Search results
echo "<ul class=\"result-grid\">";
foreach($goosle_results['search'] as $result) {
// Extra data
$meta = array();
if(!empty($result['height']) && !is_null($result['width'])) $meta[] = $result['width']."&times;".$result['height'];
if(!empty($result['filesize'])) $meta[] = human_filesize($result['filesize']);
// Put result together
echo "<li class=\"result image rank-".$result['goosle_rank']." id-".$result['id']."\">";
echo " <div class=\"thumb\">";
echo " <a href=\"".$result['url']."\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"".$result['alt']."\"><img src=\"".$result['image_thumb']."\" alt=\"".$result['alt']."\" /></a>";
echo " </div>";
echo " <div class=\"meta\"><p>".implode(" &bull; ", $meta)."</p><p><a href=\"".$result['url']."\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Open website\">Website</a> &bull; <a href=\"".$result['image_full']."\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Open image\">Image</a></p></div>";
echo " <div class=\"meta\">";
if(!empty($result['height']) && !empty($result['width'])) echo " <p>".$result['width']."&times;".$result['height']."</p>";
echo " <p><a href=\"".$result['url']."\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Open website\">Website</a> &bull; <a href=\"".$result['image_full']."\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Open image\">Image</a></p>";
if($opts->show_search_rank == 'on') echo " <p>Rank: ".$result['goosle_rank']."</p>";
echo " </div>";
echo "</li>";
echo "</ul>";

View file

@ -19,36 +19,38 @@ class MagnetSearch extends EngineRequest {
// Extra functions to process magnet results
require ABSPATH.'functions/tools-magnet.php';
if($opts->enable_limetorrents == 'on') {
if($opts->magnet['limetorrents'] == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/magnet/lime.php';
$this->requests[] = new LimeRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->enable_piratebay == 'on') {
if($opts->magnet['piratebay'] == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/magnet/thepiratebay.php';
$this->requests[] = new PirateBayRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->enable_yts == 'on') {
if($opts->magnet['yts'] == 'on') {
if($search->safe !== 0) {
require ABSPATH.'engines/magnet/yts.php';
$this->requests[] = new YTSRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->enable_nyaa == 'on') {
if($opts->magnet['nyaa'] == 'on') {
if($search->safe !== 0) {
require ABSPATH.'engines/magnet/nyaa.php';
$this->requests[] = new NyaaRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->enable_sukebei == 'on') {
if($opts->magnet['sukebei'] == 'on') {
if($opts->show_nsfw_magnets == 'on' || ($opts->show_nsfw_magnets == 'off' && $search->safe === 0)) {
require ABSPATH.'engines/magnet/sukebei.php';
$this->requests[] = new SukebeiRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->enable_eztv == 'on') {
if($opts->magnet['eztv'] == 'on') {
if(substr(strtolower($search->query), 0, 2) == 'tt') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/magnet/eztv.php';
$this->requests[] = new EZTVRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
@ -178,6 +180,7 @@ echo "</pre>";
echo "<h2>Latest releases from YTS</h2>";
echo "<p>View these and more new releases on the <a href=\"./box-office.php?q=".$search->query."&t=9&a=".$opts->hash."\">box office</a> page!</p>";
echo "<ul class=\"result-grid\">";
$highlights = array_slice(yts_boxoffice($opts, 'date_added'), 0, 8);
@ -240,9 +243,14 @@ echo "</pre>";
foreach($goosle_results['search'] as $result) {
// Extra data
$base = $meta = array();
if(!empty($result['verified_uploader'])) {
$icon = ($result['verified_uploader'] == 'yes') ? 'magnet-verified' : 'magnet-not-verified';
$base[] = "<a onclick=\"openpopup('info-torrentverified')\" title=\"".$icon." - Click for more information\"><span class=\"".$icon."\"></span></a>";
if(!empty($result['combo_seeders'])) $base[] = "<strong>Seeds:</strong> <span class=\"green\">".$result['combo_seeders']."</span>";
if(!empty($result['combo_leechers'])) $base[] = "<strong>Peers:</strong> <span class=\"red\">".$result['combo_leechers']."</span>";
if(!empty($result['filesize'])) $base[] = "<strong>Size:</strong> ".$result['filesize'];
if(!empty($result['filesize'])) $base[] = "<strong>Size:</strong> ".human_filesize($result['filesize']);
if(!empty($result['timestamp'])) $base[] = "<strong>Added on:</strong> ".the_date("M d, Y", $result['timestamp']);
if(!empty($result['mpa_rating'])) $base[] = "<strong>MPA Rating:</strong> ".$result['mpa_rating'];
@ -252,7 +260,6 @@ echo "</pre>";
if(!empty($result['quality'])) $meta[] = "<strong>Quality:</strong> ".$result['quality'];
if(!empty($result['type'])) $meta[] = "<strong>Type:</strong> ".$result['type'];
if(!empty($result['audio'])) $meta[] = "<strong>Audio:</strong> ".$result['audio'];
// Highlight the shared result
$class = "";
if($opts->show_share_option == 'on') {
@ -272,7 +279,6 @@ echo "</pre>";
// Result sources
if($opts->show_search_source == 'on') {
// If available, add a link to the found torrent page
// $url = (!is_null($result['url'])) ? " &bull; <a href=\"".$result['url']."\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Visit torrent page\">torrent page</a>" : "";
$url = (!is_null($result['url'])) ? " &bull; <a href=\"".$result['url']."\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Visit torrent page\">torrent page</a> <a onclick=\"openpopup('info-torrentpagelink')\" title=\"Click for more information\"><span class=\"tooltip-alert\"></span></a>" : "";
echo " <p><small>Found on ".replace_last_comma(implode(', ', $result['combo_source'])).$url."</small></p>";
@ -311,11 +317,22 @@ echo "</pre>";
echo "<p class=\"text-center\"><small>Goosle does not index, offer or distribute torrent files.</small></p>";
// Popup (Normally hidden)
// Torrent site warning popup (Normally hidden)
echo "<div id=\"info-torrentpagelink\" class=\"goosebox\">";
echo " <div class=\"goosebox-body\">";
echo " <h2>Be careful with torrent sites</h2>";
echo " <p>Many torrent websites have intrusive popup ads and malware! Be careful what you click on and close any popups that appear.</p>";
echo " <h2>Be careful when you visit torrent sites</h2>";
echo " <p>Many torrent websites have intrusive popup ads and malware! Be careful what you click on and close any popups/redirects that appear.</p>";
echo " <p><a onclick=\"closepopup()\">Close</a></p>";
echo " </div>";
echo "</div>";
// Verified magnet info popup (Normally hidden)
echo "<div id=\"info-torrentverified\" class=\"goosebox\">";
echo " <div class=\"goosebox-body\">";
echo " <h2>Trusted uploaders</h2>";
echo " <p>Some websites have a group of verified and/or trusted uploaders. These are users that are known to provide good quality downloads.</p>";
echo " <p><span class=\"magnet-verified\"></span> Downloads with a blue shield and checkmark are uploaded by a verified or trusted user according to the torrent site.</p>";
echo " <p><span class=\"magnet-not-verified\"></span> Downloads with a red shield and questionmark indicate that the user is <em>not</em> verified by the website providing the download. This can mean this is a new user, or that the file is provided from an anonymous source. Unverified magnet links are not necessarily bad but may contain low quality or misleading content or simply have a poorly written title.</p>";
echo " <p><a onclick=\"closepopup()\">Close</a></p>";
echo " </div>";
echo "</div>";

View file

@ -16,22 +16,22 @@ class NewsSearch extends EngineRequest {
$this->requests = array();
if($opts->enable_news_search == 'on') {
if($opts->enable_qwantnews == 'on') {
if($opts->news['qwantnews'] == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/news/qwant-news.php';
$this->requests[] = new QwantNewsRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->enable_yahoonews == 'on') {
if($opts->news['yahoonews'] == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/news/yahoo-news.php';
$this->requests[] = new YahooNewsRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->enable_bravenews == 'on') {
if($opts->news['bravenews'] == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/news/brave-news.php';
$this->requests[] = new BraveNewsRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->enable_hackernews == 'on') {
if($opts->news['hackernews'] == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/news/hackernews.php';
$this->requests[] = new HackernewsRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ class NewsSearch extends EngineRequest {
$social_media_multiplier = (is_social_media($result['url'])) ? ($request->opts->social_media_relevance / 10) : 1;
$goosle_rank = floor($result['engine_rank'] * floatval($social_media_multiplier));
$social_media_multiplier = (detect_social_media($result['url'])) ? ($request->opts->social_media_relevance / 10) : 1;
$goosle_rank = floor($result['engine_rank'] * $social_media_multiplier);
if($found_id !== false) {
// Duplicate result from another engine
@ -70,20 +70,20 @@ class NewsSearch extends EngineRequest {
$goosle_results['search'][$found_id]['combo_source'][] = $engine_result['source'];
} else {
// First find, rank and add to results
$match_rank = match_count($result['title'], $request->search->query_terms);
$match_rank = match_count($result['title'], $request->search->query_terms, 1.2);
$match_rank += match_count($result['description'], $request->search->query_terms);
$match_rank += match_count($result['url'], $request->search->query_terms);
$match_rank += match_count($result['url'], $request->search->query_terms, 0.5);
$time_rank = $time - $result['timestamp'];
if($time_rank > 21600) { // Less than 6 hours old
$age_rank = $time - $result['timestamp'];
if($age_rank > 21600) { // Less than 6 hours old
$match_rank += 8;
} elseif($time_rank > 86400 && $time_rank < 21600) { // About a day old
} elseif($age_rank > 86400 && $age_rank < 21600) { // About a day old
$match_rank += 6;
} elseif($time_rank > 604800 && $time_rank < 86400) { // Less than a week old, but more than a day
} elseif($age_rank > 604800 && $age_rank < 86400) { // Less than a week old, but more than a day
$match_rank += 4;
} elseif($time_rank > 2592000 && $time_rank < 604800) { // Less than a month old, but more than a week
} elseif($age_rank > 2592000 && $age_rank < 604800) { // Less than a month old, but more than a week
$match_rank += 4;
} elseif($time_rank > 31536000 && $time_rank < 2592000) { // Less than a year old, but more than a month
} elseif($age_rank > 31536000 && $age_rank < 2592000) { // Less than a year old, but more than a month
$match_rank += 2;
} else { // More than a year old
$match_rank += 1;
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class NewsSearch extends EngineRequest {
$goosle_results['search'][$result['id']] = $result;
unset($result, $result_urls, $found_id, $social_media_multiplier, $goosle_rank, $match_rank, $time_rank, $query_terms);
unset($result, $result_urls, $found_id, $social_media_multiplier, $goosle_rank, $match_rank, $age_rank);
// Count results per source

View file

@ -15,31 +15,37 @@ class Search extends EngineRequest {
public function __construct($search, $opts, $mh) {
$this->requests = array();
if($opts->enable_duckduckgo == 'on') {
if($opts->enable_web_search == 'on') {
if($opts->web['duckduckgo'] == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/search/duckduckgo.php';
$this->requests[] = new DuckDuckGoRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->enable_google == 'on') {
if($opts->web['mojeek'] == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/search/mojeek.php';
$this->requests[] = new MojeekRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->web['google'] == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/search/google.php';
$this->requests[] = new GoogleRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->enable_qwant == 'on') {
if($opts->web['qwant'] == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/search/qwant.php';
$this->requests[] = new QwantRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->enable_brave == 'on') {
if($opts->web['brave'] == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/search/brave.php';
$this->requests[] = new BraveRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
if($opts->enable_wikipedia == 'on') {
if($opts->web['wikipedia'] == 'on') {
require ABSPATH.'engines/search/wikipedia.php';
$this->requests[] = new WikiRequest($search, $opts, $mh);
/* --- SPECIAL SEARCHES --- */
// Currency converter
@ -113,8 +119,8 @@ class Search extends EngineRequest {
$social_media_multiplier = (is_social_media($result['url'])) ? ($request->opts->social_media_relevance / 10) : 1;
$goosle_rank = floor($result['engine_rank'] * floatval($social_media_multiplier));
$social_media_multiplier = (detect_social_media($result['url'])) ? ($request->opts->social_media_relevance / 10) : 1;
$goosle_rank = floor($result['engine_rank'] * $social_media_multiplier);
if($found_id !== false) {
// Duplicate result from another engine
@ -123,8 +129,8 @@ class Search extends EngineRequest {
} else {
// First find, rank and add to results
$match_rank = match_count($result['title'], $request->search->query_terms);
$match_rank += match_count($result['description'], $request->search->query_terms);
$match_rank += match_count($result['url'], $request->search->query_terms);
$match_rank += match_count($result['description'], $request->search->query_terms, 2);;
$match_rank += match_count($result['url'], $request->search->query_terms, 0.5);
$result['goosle_rank'] = $goosle_rank + $match_rank;
$result['combo_source'][] = $engine_result['source'];
@ -134,7 +140,7 @@ class Search extends EngineRequest {
$goosle_results['search'][$result['id']] = $result;
unset($result, $result_urls, $found_id, $social_media_multiplier, $goosle_rank, $match_rank, $query_terms);
unset($result, $result_urls, $found_id, $social_media_multiplier, $goosle_rank, $match_rank);
// Count results per source
@ -222,16 +228,6 @@ echo "</pre>";
echo "</li>";
// Search suggestions
if(array_key_exists('did_you_mean', $goosle_results)) {
echo "<li class=\"meta\">";
echo " <p class=\"didyoumean\">Did you mean <a href=\"./results.php?q=".urlencode($goosle_results['did_you_mean'])."&t=".$search->type."&a=".$opts->hash."\">".$goosle_results['did_you_mean']."</a>?</p>";
if(array_key_exists('search_specific', $goosle_results)) {
echo " <p class=\"suggestion\">".search_suggestion($search, $opts, $goosle_results)."</p>";
echo "</li>";
// Special result
if(array_key_exists('special', $goosle_results)) {
echo "<li class=\"result-special web\">";
@ -258,7 +254,6 @@ echo "</pre>";
echo " <p>".$result['description']."</p>";
if($opts->enable_magnet_search == 'on' && $opts->imdb_id_search == 'on') {
if(stristr($result['url'], '') !== false && preg_match_all('/(?:tt[0-9]+)/i', $result['url'], $imdb_result)) {
// echo " <p><strong>Goosle detected an IMDb ID for this result, search for <a href=\"./results.php?q=".$imdb_result[0][0]."&a=".$opts->hash."&t=9\" title=\"Search for Magnet links\">Magnet links</a>?</strong></p>";
echo " <p><strong>Goosle detected an IMDb ID for this result, search for <a href=\"./results.php?q=".$imdb_result[0][0]."&a=".$opts->hash."&t=9\" title=\"Search for Magnet links\">Magnet links</a>?</strong> <a onclick=\"openpopup('info-magnetresult')\" title=\"Click for more information\"><span class=\"tooltip-question\"></span></a></p>";

View file

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ class DuckDuckGoRequest extends EngineRequest {
'kz' => '-1', // Instant answers (1 = on, -1 = off)
'kc' => '-1', // Autoload images (1 = on, -1 = off)
'kav' => '-1', // Autoload results (1 = on, -1 = off)
'kf' => '-1', // Favicons (1 = on, -1 = off)
'kaf' => '1', // Full URLs (1 = on, -1 = off)
'kac' => '-1', // Auto suggest (1 = on, -1 = off)
'kd' => '-1', // Redirects (1 = on, -1 = off)
@ -71,16 +70,6 @@ class DuckDuckGoRequest extends EngineRequest {
return $engine_result;
// Scrape recommended
$didyoumean = $xpath->query(".//div[@id='did_you_mean']/a[1]")[0];
if(!is_null($didyoumean)) {
$engine_result['did_you_mean'] = $didyoumean->textContent;
$search_specific = $xpath->query(".//div[@id='did_you_mean']/a[2]")[0];
if(!is_null($search_specific)) {
$engine_result['search_specific'] = $search_specific->textContent;
foreach($scrape as $result) {
// Find data
$url = $xpath->evaluate(".//h2[@class='result__title']//a/@href", $result);

View file

@ -11,16 +11,17 @@
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
class GoogleRequest extends EngineRequest {
public function get_request_url() {
// Including the preferred language variable breaks the page result, and with that the crawler!
$url = ''.http_build_query(array(
'q' => $this->search->query, // Search query
'oq' => $this->search->query, // (Original) Search query
'safe' => $this->search->safe, // Safe search (0 = off, 1 = moderate, 2 = on/strict)
'num' => 30, // Number of results per page
'pws' => 0, // Personalized search results (0 = off)
'gl' => $this->opts->google_search_region, // Primarily search in this region
'num' => 50, // Number of results per page
'pws' => 0, // Personalized search (0 = off)
'udm' => 14, // A view for simpler/non-ai results
'tbs' => 'li:1', // 'verbatim' search, adding this enables it
'complete' => '0', // Instant results related (0 = off)
'sclient' => 'web' // Where are you searching from
'complete' => '0', // Instant search (0 = off)
'source' => 'web', // Where are you searching from
'sclient' => 'gws-wiz' // Search client (Google currently seems to prefer 'gws-wiz' or 'gws-wiz-serp', previously 'web')
return $url;
@ -54,17 +55,6 @@ class GoogleRequest extends EngineRequest {
return $engine_result;
// Scrape recommended
$didyoumean = $xpath->query(".//a[@class='gL9Hy']")[0];
if(!is_null($didyoumean)) {
$engine_result['did_you_mean'] = $didyoumean->textContent;
$search_specific = $xpath->query(".//a[@class='spell_orig']")[0];
if(!is_null($search_specific)) {
// Google doesn't add quotes by itself
$engine_result['search_specific'] = "\"".$search_specific->textContent."\"";
foreach($scrape as $result) {
// Find data
$url = $xpath->evaluate(".//div[@class='yuRUbf']//a/@href", $result);

engines/search/mojeek.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Goosle - The fast, privacy oriented search tool that just works.
* Copyright 2023-2024 Arnan de Gans. All Rights Reserved.
* By using this code you agree to indemnify Arnan de Gans from any
* liability that might arise from its use.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
class MojeekRequest extends EngineRequest {
public function get_request_url() {
// Safe search override
if($this->search->safe == 0) {
$safe = '';
} else if($this->search->safe == 2) {
$safe = '1';
} else {
$safe = '';
// All parameters and values:
$url = ''.http_build_query(array(
'q' => $this->search->query, // Search query
'safe' => $safe, // Safe search (1 = on, 0 = off
'lb' => strtolower($this->opts->mojeek_language), // Results language
'arc' => 'none', // Region search bias
't' => '40', // How many results
'tn' => '0', // No news results (Goes in a separate column)
'si' => '4', // Max same site results
'tlen' => '100', // Title length
'dlen' => '300', // Description length
'ib' => '0', // No result info boxes
'sumt' => '0', // Hide summary tab
'sumb' => '0' // Hide summary button
return $url;
public function get_request_headers() {
return array(
'Accept' => 'text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml;q=0.8, */*;q=0.7',
public function parse_results($response) {
$engine_temp = $engine_result = array();
$xpath = get_xpath($response);
// No response
if(!$xpath) {
if($this->opts->querylog == 'on') querylog(get_class($this), 's', $this->url, 'No response', 0);
return $engine_result;
// Scrape the results
$scrape = $xpath->query("//ul[contains(@class, 'results-standard')]/li");
// Figure out results and base rank
$number_of_results = $rank = count($scrape);
// No results
if($number_of_results == 0) {
if($this->opts->querylog == 'on') querylog(get_class($this), 's', $this->url, 'No results', 0);
return $engine_result;
foreach($scrape as $result) {
// Find data
$url = $xpath->evaluate(".//h2/a/@href", $result);
$title = $xpath->evaluate(".//h2", $result);
$description = $xpath->evaluate(".//p[@class='s']", $result);
// Skip broken results
if($url->length == 0) continue;
if($title->length == 0) continue;
// Process data
$url = sanitize($url[0]->textContent);
$title = strip_newlines(sanitize($title[0]->textContent));
$description = ($description->length == 0) ? "No description was provided for this site." : limit_string_length(strip_newlines(sanitize($description[0]->textContent)));
// filter duplicate urls/results
if(!empty($engine_temp)) {
if(in_array($url, array_column($engine_temp, 'url'))) continue;
$engine_temp[] = array(
'title' => $title,
'url' => $url,
'description' => $description,
'engine_rank' => $rank
$rank -= 1;
// Base info
if(!empty($engine_temp)) {
$engine_result['source'] = 'Mojeek';
$engine_result['search'] = $engine_temp;
if($this->opts->querylog == 'on') querylog(get_class($this), 's', $this->url, $number_of_results, count($engine_temp));
unset($response, $xpath, $scrape, $number_of_results, $rank, $engine_temp);
return $engine_result;

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class QwantRequest extends EngineRequest {
't' => 'web', // Type of search, web search
'safesearch' => $this->search->safe, // Safe search filter (0 = off, 1 = normal, 2 = strict)
'locale' => strtolower($this->opts->qwant_language), // In which language should the search be done
'count' => 10, // How many results? (Maximum 10)
'count' => 10, // How many results? (Max 10)
'device' => 'desktop' // What kind of device are we searching from?

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class WikiRequest extends EngineRequest {
'action' => 'query', // Search type (via a query?)
'list' => 'search', // Full text search
'format' => 'json', // Return format (Must be json)
'srlimit' => 10 // How many search results to get, ideally as few as possible since it's just static wiki pages (max 500)
'srlimit' => 5 // How many search results to get, ideally as few as possible since it's just static wiki pages (max 500)
return $url;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
if(!defined('ABSPATH')) define('ABSPATH', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/');
require ABSPATH.'functions/tools.php';
$opts = load_opts();
$auth = (isset($_GET['a'])) ? sanitize($_GET['a']) : $opts->user_auth;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Goosle - The fast, privacy oriented search tool that just works.
* Copyright 2023-2024 Arnan de Gans. All Rights Reserved.
* By using this code you agree to indemnify Arnan de Gans from any
* liability that might arise from its use.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Goosle Search oAUTH</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no" />
<meta name="robots" content="noodp,noydir" />
<meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer"/>
<meta name="description" content="Get your Goosle on! - The best meta search engine for private and fast internet fun!" />
<link rel="icon" href="../favicon.ico" />
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="../apple-touch-icon.png" />
<link rel="canonical" href="<?php echo get_base_url($opts->siteurl); ?>/functions/oauth-openverse.php" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo get_base_url($opts->siteurl); ?>/assets/css/styles.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo get_base_url($opts->siteurl); ?>/assets/css/<?php echo $opts->colorscheme; ?>.css"/>
<body class="oauthpage">
if(verify_hash($opts->hash_auth, $opts->hash, $auth)) {
<div class="content">
$connect = (isset($_REQUEST['oa'])) ? sanitize($_REQUEST['oa']) : '';
$email = (isset($_REQUEST['oae'])) ? sanitize($_REQUEST['oae']) : '';
$client_id = (isset($_REQUEST['oaid'])) ? sanitize($_REQUEST['oaid']) : '';
$client_secret = (isset($_REQUEST['oacs'])) ? sanitize($_REQUEST['oacs']) : '';
if(empty($connect)) {
<div class="oauth-form">
<h1><span class="goosle-g">G</span>oosle</h1>
<p>Use this page to set up an authorization token for Openverse.<br />
Fill in the relevant fields and click the button at the bottom to continue.</p>
<form action="oauth-openverse.php" method="get" autocomplete="off">
<p>Email address:<br /><input tabindex="10" type="text" class="field" name="oae" /><br /><small>(Always required for verification)</small></p>
<h3>Recovering a previous registration?</h3>
<p>Client ID:<br /><input tabindex="20" type="text" class="field" name="oaid" /></p>
<p>Client Secret:<br /><input tabindex="30" type="text" class="field" name="oacs" /></p>
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="<?php echo $opts->hash; ?>"/>
<div class="oauth-buttons">
<button tabindex="100" name="oa" value="openverse" type="submit">Connect to Openverse</button>
<a href="/">Back to Goosle</a>
} else {
$token_file = ABSPATH.'cache/';
if(empty($client_id) AND empty($client_secret) AND !empty($email)) {
$registration = do_curl_request(
'', // (string) Where?
array('Accept: application/json, */*;q=0.8', 'User-Agent: '.$opts->user_agents[0].';'), // (array) Headers
'post', // (string) post/get
array('name' => 'Goosle Meta Search '.md5(get_base_url($opts->siteurl)), 'description' => 'Goosle Meta Search for '.get_base_url($opts->siteurl), 'email' => $email) // (assoc array) Post body
$registration = json_decode($registration, true);
// Site already exists, get new token
if(stristr($registration['name'][0], 'this name already exists')) {
if(is_file($token_file)) {
$tokens = unserialize(file_get_contents($token_file));
$registration = $tokens['openverse'];
} else {
echo "<div class=\"auth-error\">Error - Token file is missing. Please recover your registration with the Client ID and Client Secret.<br /><a href=\"/functions/oauth-openverse.php?a=".$opts->hash."\">Try again</a></div>";
} else {
$registration = array('client_id' => $client_id, 'client_secret' => $client_secret);
$new_token = do_curl_request(
'', // (string) Where?
array('Accept: application/json, */*;q=0.8', 'User-Agent: '.$opts->user_agents[0].';', 'Authorization: Bearer'.$registration['client_id']), // (array) Headers
'post', // (string) post/get
array('grant_type' => 'client_credentials', 'client_id' => $registration['client_id'], 'client_secret' => $registration['client_secret']) // (assoc array) Post body
$new_token = json_decode($new_token, true);
$new_token['expires_in'] = time() + ($new_token['expires_in'] - 3600);
oauth_store_token($token_file, $connect, array('client_id' => $registration['client_id'], 'client_secret' => $registration['client_secret'], 'access_token' => $new_token['access_token'], 'expires' => $new_token['expires_in']));
echo "<div class=\"auth-success\"><p>SUCCESS!</p>";
echo "<p>Goosle is now authorized and you can enable Openverse in your config.php!<br />If this is your first time authorizing with this email address you will receive an email from Openverse in a few minutes with a verification link that you need to click.</p>";
echo "<p>To be able to recover your registration save these values:</p>";
echo "<p>Used Email Address: ".$email."<br />Client ID: ".$registration['client_id']."<br />Client Secret: ".$registration['client_secret']."<br /><br /><a href=\"/results.php?a=".$opts->hash."&q=goose&t=1\">Continue to Goosle</div>";
unset($registration, $new_token);
<?php } else { ?>
<div class="auth-error">Redirecting</div>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=<?php echo get_base_url($opts->siteurl); ?>/error.php" />
<?php } ?>

View file

@ -116,10 +116,8 @@ abstract class EngineRequest {
// Cache last request if there is something to cache
if($this->opts->cache_type !== 'off') {
if(count($results) > 0) store_cached_results($this->opts->cache_type, $this->opts->hash, $this->url, $results, $this->opts->cache_time);
// Maybe delete old file cache
if($this->opts->cache_type == 'file') delete_cached_results($this->opts->cache_time);
$ttl = ($this->search->type == 2) ? 1 : $this->opts->cache_time;
if(count($results) > 0) store_cached_results($this->opts->cache_type, $this->opts->hash, $this->url, $results, $ttl);
return $results;

View file

@ -64,11 +64,13 @@ function highlight_popup($opts_hash, $highlight) {
// True = nsfw, false = not nsfw
function detect_nsfw($string) {
$string = strtolower($string);
// Forbidden terms
//Basic pattern: ^cum[-_\s]?play(ing|ed|s)?
$nsfw_keywords = array(
@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ function detect_nsfw($string) {
@ -86,12 +88,10 @@ function detect_nsfw($string) {
@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ function detect_nsfw($string) {
// Replace everything but letters with a space
$string = preg_replace('/\s{2,}|[^a-z0-9]+/', ' ', strtolower($string));
// Replace everything but alphanumeric with a space
$string = preg_replace('/\s{2,}|[^a-z0-9]+/', ' ', $string);
preg_replace($nsfw_keywords, '*', $string, -1 , $count);

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// Current Goosle version
$current_version = '1.6.1';
$current_version = '1.7';
// Verify the hash, or not, and let people in, or not
@ -44,10 +44,17 @@ function load_opts() {
// Force a few defaults and safeguards
if($opts->cache_type == 'file' && !is_dir(ABSPATH.'cache/')) $opts->cache_type = 'off';
if($opts->cache_type == 'apcu' && !function_exists('apcu_exists')) $opts->cache_type = 'off';
if($opts->cache_type == 'apcu' && !function_exists('apcu_exists')) $opts->cache_type = 'off';
if($opts->cache_time < 1 || ($opts->cache_type == 'apcu' && $opts->cache_time > 8) || ($opts->cache_type == 'file' && $opts->cache_time > 48)) $opts->cache_time = 8;
if(!is_numeric($opts->search_results_per_page) || ($opts->search_results_per_page < 8 || $opts->search_results_per_page > 160)) $opts->social_media_relevance = 24;
if(!is_numeric($opts->social_media_relevance) || ($opts->social_media_relevance > 10 || $opts->social_media_relevance < 0)) $opts->social_media_relevance = 8;
// Disable the search type if no engines available
if($opts->web['duckduckgo'] == 'off' && $opts->web['mojeek'] == 'off' && $opts->web['qwant'] == 'off' && $opts->web['google'] == 'off' && $opts->web['brave'] == 'off' && $opts->web['wikipedia'] == 'off') $opts->enable_web_search = 'off';
if($opts->image['yahooimages'] == 'off' && $opts->image['qwantimages'] == 'off' && $opts->image['pixabay'] == 'off' && $opts->image['openverse'] == 'off') $opts->enable_image_search = 'off';
if($opts->news['qwantnews'] == 'off' && $opts->news['yahoonews'] == 'off' && $opts->news['bravenews'] == 'off' && $opts->news['hackernews'] == 'off') $opts->enable_news_search = 'off';
if($opts->magnet['limetorrents'] == 'off' && $opts->magnet['piratebay'] == 'off' && $opts->magnet['nyaa'] == 'off' && $opts->magnet['sukebei'] == 'off' && $opts->magnet['yta'] == 'off' && $opts->magnet['eztv'] == 'off') $opts->enable_magnet_search = 'off';
return $opts;
@ -84,7 +91,6 @@ function load_search() {
// Remove ! at the start of queries to prevent DDG Bangs (!g, !c and crap like that)
if(substr($search->query, 0, 1) == '!') $search->query = substr($search->query, 1);
// Preserve quotes
$search->query = str_replace('%22', '\"', $search->query);
@ -100,11 +106,40 @@ function load_search() {
$search->query = trim(str_replace($search->query_terms[0], '', $search->query));
if($search->query_terms[0] == 'safe:off' || $search->query_terms[0] == 'xxx' || $search->query_terms[0] == 'porn') {
if($search->query_terms[0] == 'safe:off' || $search->query_terms[0] == 'nsfw') {
$search->safe = 0;
$search->query = trim(str_replace($search->query_terms[0], '', $search->query));
// Size search override (For image search only)
// 0 = all, 1 = small, 2 = medium, 3 = large, 4 extra large
$search->size = 0;
if($search->type == 1) {
if($search->query_terms[0] == 'size:small') {
$search->size = 1;
$search->query = trim(str_replace($search->query_terms[0], '', $search->query));
if($search->query_terms[0] == 'size:medium') {
$search->size = 2;
$search->query = trim(str_replace($search->query_terms[0], '', $search->query));
if($search->query_terms[0] == 'size:large') {
$search->size = 3;
$search->query = trim(str_replace($search->query_terms[0], '', $search->query));
if($search->query_terms[0] == 'size:xlarge') {
$search->size = 4;
$search->query = trim(str_replace($search->query_terms[0], '', $search->query));
// Create a 'human-readable' and Urlencoded query
$search->nice_query = $search->query;
$search->query = urlencode($search->query);
// Maybe count stats?
if(!empty($search->query)) count_stats();
@ -371,71 +406,95 @@ function limit_string_length($string, $length = 200, $append = '&hellip;') {
// Search result match counter
// Count matching keywords between result and search query
function match_count($string, $query) {
if(empty($string)) return 0;
function match_count($result_terms, $query_terms, $multiplier = 1) {
if(empty($result_terms)) return 0;
$string = strtolower($string);
if(filter_var($string, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
$string = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/', ' ', $string);
if(!is_array($result_terms)) {
$result_terms = make_tags_from_string($result_terms);
// Replace anything but alphanumeric with a space
$string = preg_replace('/\s{2,}|[^a-z0-9]+/', ' ', $string);
$matches = array_intersect(array_filter(array_unique(explode(' ', $string))), $query);
$matches = count($matches);
$matches = array_intersect($result_terms, $query_terms);
$matches = count($matches) * $multiplier;
return $matches;
// Detect social media results
// Turn a string (title or something) into an array of words (tags)
function is_social_media($string) {
function make_tags_from_string($string) {
if(empty($string)) return array();
$string = strtolower($string);
// Borrowed from
if(preg_match('/(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:facebook|fb)\.com\/(?P<profile>(?![A-z]+\.php)(?!marketplace|gaming|watch|me|messages|help|search|groups)[A-z0-9_\-\.]+)\/?/', $string)
|| preg_match('/(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:www\.)facebook\.com\/(?:profile.php\?id=)?(?P<id>[0-9]+)/', $string)
|| preg_match('/(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:instagram\.com|instagr\.am)\/(?P<username>[A-Za-z0-9_](?:(?:[A-Za-z0-9_]|(?:\.(?!\.))){0,28}(?:[A-Za-z0-9_]))?)/', $string)
|| preg_match('/(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:[A-z]+\.)?twitter\.com\/@?(?P<username>[A-z0-9_]+)\/status\/(?P<tweet_id>[0-9]+)\/?/', $string)
|| preg_match('/(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:[A-z]+\.)?twitter\.com\/@?(?!home|share|privacy|tos)(?P<username>[A-z0-9_]+)\/?/', $string)
|| preg_match('/(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:[a-z]+\.)?reddit\.com\/(?:u(?:ser)?)\/(?P<username>[A-z0-9\-\_]*)\/?/', $string)
|| preg_match('/(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:www\.)?snapchat\.com\/add\/(?P<username>[A-z0-9\.\_\-]+)\/?/', $string)
|| preg_match('/^.*https:\/\/(?:m|www|vm)?\.?tiktok\.com\/((?:.*\b(?:(?:usr|v|embed|user|video)\/|\?shareId=|\&item_id=)(\d+))|\w+)/', $string)
|| preg_match('/(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:[\w]+\.)?linkedin\.com\/(?P<company_type>(company)|(school))\/(?P<company_permalink>[A-z0-9-À-ÿ\.]+)\/?/', $string)
|| preg_match('/(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:[\w]+\.)?linkedin\.com\/feed\/update\/urn:li:activity:(?P<activity_id>[0-9]+)\/?/', $string)
|| preg_match('/(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:[\w]+\.)?linkedin\.com\/in\/(?P<permalink>[\w\-\_À-ÿ%]+)\/?/', $string)
|| preg_match('/(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:[A-z]+\.)?youtube\.com\/(?:c(?:hannel)?)\/(?P<id>[A-z0-9-\_]+)\/?/', $string)
|| preg_match('/(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:[A-z]+\.)?youtube\.com\/(?:u(?:ser)?)\/(?P<username>[A-z0-9]+)\/?/', $string)
|| preg_match('/(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:(?:www\.)?youtube\.com\/(?:watch\?v=|embed\/)|youtu\.be\/)(?P<id>[A-z0-9\-\_]+)/', $string)
) return true;
// Replace anything but alphanumeric with a space
$string = preg_replace('/\s{2,}|[^a-z0-9]+/', ' ', $string);
$keywords = array_filter(array_unique(explode(' ', $string)));
return false;
// Get rid of short words and letters
foreach($keywords as $k => $word) {
if(strlen($word) < 3) unset($keywords[$k]);
// Get rid of filler words (English)
$filler_words = array('and', 'ago', 'but', 'for', 'get', 'gets', 'have', 'haves', 'has', 'into', 'nor', 'off', 'onto', 'the', 'with', 'yet');
$keywords = array_diff($keywords, $filler_words);
return $keywords;
// Search suggestions
// Output and format dates in local time
function search_suggestion($search, $opts, $results) {
$specific_result = $specific_result2 = '';
function the_date($format, $timestamp = null) {
global $opts;
if(($search->type == 0 || $search->type == 1) && count($results['search_specific']) > 1) {
// Format query url
$search_specific_url2 = "./results.php?q=".urlencode($results['search_specific'][1])."&t=".$search->type."&a=".$opts->hash;
$specific_result2 = " or <a href=\"".$search_specific_url2."\">".$results['search_specific'][1]."</a>";
$offset = preg_replace('/UTC\+?/i', '', $opts->timezone);
if(empty($offset)) $offset = 0;
if(is_null($timestamp) || !is_numeric($timestamp)) $timestamp = time();
$hours = (int) $offset;
$minutes = ($offset - $hours);
$sign = ($offset < 0) ? '-' : '+';
$abs_hour = abs($hours);
$abs_mins = abs($minutes * 60);
$datetime = date_create('@'.$timestamp);
$datetime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(sprintf('%s%02d:%02d', $sign, $abs_hour, $abs_mins)));
return $datetime->format($format);
// Format query url
$search_specific_url = "./results.php?q=".urlencode($results['search_specific'][0])."&t=".$search->type."&a=".$opts->hash;
$specific_result = "Or instead search for <a href=\"".$search_specific_url."\">".$results['search_specific'][0]."</a>".$specific_result2.".";
// Detect social media results
function detect_social_media($string) {
$string = strtolower($string);
unset($search_specific_url, $search_specific_url2, $specific_result2);
// (Some) Based on regexes from
$social_media = array(
return $specific_result;
preg_replace($social_media, '*', $string, -1 , $count);
return ($count > 0) ? true : false;
@ -481,17 +540,17 @@ function search_pagination($search, $opts, $number_of_results) {
if($search->page > 1) {
$prev = $search->page - 1;
$pagination .= "<a href=\"".get_base_url($opts->siteurl)."/results.php?q=".urlencode($search->query)."&t=".$search->type."&a=".$opts->hash."&p=".$prev."\" title=\"Previous page\"><span class=\"arrow-left\"></span></a> ";
$pagination .= "<a href=\"".get_base_url($opts->siteurl)."/results.php?q=".$search->query."&t=".$search->type."&a=".$opts->hash."&p=".$prev."\" title=\"Previous page\"><span class=\"arrow-left\"></span></a> ";
for($page = 1; $page <= $number_of_pages; $page++) {
$class = ($search->page == $page) ? "current" : "";
$pagination .= "<a href=\"".get_base_url($opts->siteurl)."/results.php?q=".urlencode($search->query)."&t=".$search->type."&a=".$opts->hash."&p=".$page."\" class=\"".$class."\" title=\"To page ".$page."\">".$page."</a> ";
$pagination .= "<a href=\"".get_base_url($opts->siteurl)."/results.php?q=".$search->query."&t=".$search->type."&a=".$opts->hash."&p=".$page."\" class=\"".$class."\" title=\"To page ".$page."\">".$page."</a> ";
if($search->page < $number_of_pages) {
$next = $search->page + 1;
$pagination .= "<a href=\"".get_base_url($opts->siteurl)."/results.php?q=".urlencode($search->query)."&t=".$search->type."&a=".$opts->hash."&p=".$next."\" title=\"Next page\"><span class=\"arrow-right\"></span></a> ";
$pagination .= "<a href=\"".get_base_url($opts->siteurl)."/results.php?q=".$search->query."&t=".$search->type."&a=".$opts->hash."&p=".$next."\" title=\"Next page\"><span class=\"arrow-right\"></span></a> ";
return $pagination;
@ -519,31 +578,6 @@ function human_filesize($bytes, $dec = 2) {
return sprintf("%.{$dec}f ", $bytes / pow(1024, $factor)) . @$size[$factor];
// Output and format dates in local time
function the_date($format, $timestamp = null) {
global $opts;
$offset = preg_replace('/UTC\+?/i', '', $opts->timezone);
if(empty($offset)) $offset = 0;
if(is_null($timestamp) || !is_numeric($timestamp)) $timestamp = time();
$hours = (int) $offset;
$minutes = ($offset - $hours);
$sign = ($offset < 0) ? '-' : '+';
$abs_hour = abs($hours);
$abs_mins = abs($minutes * 60);
$datetime = date_create('@'.$timestamp);
$datetime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(sprintf('%s%02d:%02d', $sign, $abs_hour, $abs_mins)));
return $datetime->format($format);
// Turn a string size (600 MB) into bytes (int)

View file

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ if(verify_hash('on', $opts->hash, $opts->user_auth)) {
// Renew the Openverse access token
if($opts->enable_image_search == 'on' && $opts->enable_openverse == 'on') {
if($opts->enable_image_search == 'on' && $opts->image['openverse'] == 'on') {
$token_file = ABSPATH.'cache/';
if(is_file($token_file)) {

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $search = load_search();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Goosle Search Help</title>
<title>Goosle Search | How to use Goosle</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no" />
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ $search = load_search();
<meta name="description" content="Learn how to use Goosle, the best meta search engine!" />
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Goosle Search" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Goosle Search Help" />
<meta property="og:title" content="How to use Goosle" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Learn how to use Goosle, the best meta search engine!" />
<meta property="og:url" content="<?php echo get_base_url($opts->siteurl); ?>/help.php" />
<meta property="og:image" content="<?php echo get_base_url($opts->siteurl); ?>/assets/images/goosle.webp" />
@ -50,14 +50,16 @@ if(verify_hash($opts->hash_auth, $opts->hash, $opts->user_auth)) {
<div class="header">
<form action="results.php" method="get" autocomplete="off">
<h1 class="logo"><a href="./?a=<?php echo $opts->hash; ?>"><span class="goosle-g">G</span>oosle</a></h1>
<input tabindex="1" class="search-field" type="search" value="<?php echo (strlen($search->query) > 0) ? htmlspecialchars($search->query) : "" ; ?>" name="q" /><input tabindex="2" class="button" type="submit" value="Search" />
<input tabindex="1" class="search-field" type="search" value="<?php echo (strlen($search->nice_query) > 0) ? htmlspecialchars($search->nice_query) : "" ; ?>" name="q" /><input tabindex="2" class="button" type="submit" value="Search" />
<input type="hidden" name="t" value="<?php echo $search->type; ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>">
<div class="navigation">
<?php if($opts->enable_web_search == 'on') { ?>
<a class="<?php echo ($search->type == '0') ? 'active ' : ''; ?>tab-search" href="./results.php?q=<?php echo $search->query; ?>&a=<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>&t=0">Search</a>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->enable_image_search == 'on') { ?>
<a class="<?php echo ($search->type == '1') ? 'active ' : ''; ?>tab-image" href="./results.php?q=<?php echo $search->query; ?>&a=<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>&t=1" >Images</a>
@ -75,25 +77,35 @@ if(verify_hash($opts->hash_auth, $opts->hash, $opts->user_auth)) {
<div class="content">
<h2>How to use Goosle</h2>
<p>Goosle tries to provide you with the right search results where-ever they may come from. An easy to use UI and no clutter go a long way in providing a pleasuring search experience. You will not find any unnessesary features or complex settings in Goosle. After-all, navigating the internet is hard and frustrating enough. Search engines should make that more easy, not harder!</p>
<p> Goosle has an easy to use UI, free of clutter and distractions. Hopefully this provides a pleasurable search experience. You will not find any unnessesary features or complex settings in Goosle. After-all, navigating the internet is hard and frustrating enough. Search engines should make that more easy, not harder!</p>
<p>All external links <em>always</em> open in a new tab. That way you never loose your current search results. And to make search results more useful Goosle tries to format them in a neat and clean way so they're easy to read and use.</p>
<p>Goosle is created by <a href="" target="_blank">Arnan de Gans</a> with the intent to make search more productive and fun.</p>
<h3>Result ranking</h3>
<p>To try and provide the best results first. Goosle has a simple algorithm to rank results for Web and Image search. It works a little like a scoring system. A result with more points gets a higher ranking.</p>
<p>If a website or image is found through multiple search engines it will score higher. Also the amount of matching words in the title and SEO description and a few other bits and bops from the results are considered.</p>
<p>Goosle tries to provide you with search results in the right order no matter which search engine provides them. To try and provide the best results first Goosle has a basic algorithm to rank results.</p>
<?php if($opts->enable_web_search == 'on' || $opts->enable_image_search == 'on') { ?>
<p>For Web and Image search. If a website or image is found through multiple search engines it will rank higher. Also the amount of matching words in the title and SEO description are considered.</p>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->enable_news_search == 'on') { ?>
<p>News search is ranked by your keywords and how many times a certain link is found, but also by publish date. Newer results rank higher.</p>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->enable_magnet_search == 'on') { ?>
<p>Magnet results are sorted by most seeders (eg: availability of the download).</p>
<?php } ?>
<h3>Safe search</h3>
<p>Search defaults to Moderate Safe mode. To override the safe mode, prefix your search with <strong>safe:on</strong> or <strong>safe:off</strong> (example: <strong>safe:off geese gone wild</strong>).<br /><strong>On</strong> will use 'Strict' mode, while <strong>off</strong> will disable safe searching, this may yield results that are unsuitable for workspaces or minors.</p>
<?php if($opts->show_nsfw_magnets == 'off') { ?>
<p>The Not Suitable For Work (NSFW) filter for Magnet results is enabled. This is an attempt to hide adult content from results. Some search engines have categories that can be filtered out. Others rely on keyword matches. Goosle has an extensive list of 'dirty' keywords to try and find adult content and then ignore it. To override the setting use the <strong>safe:off</strong>, <strong>xxx</strong> or <strong>porn</strong> prefix.<br />
For example: Search for <strong>xxx goose on goose action</strong> or <strong>safe:off dirty geese</strong> to include adult content in the results.</p>
<p>The Not Suitable For Work (NSFW) filter for Magnet results is enabled. This is an attempt to hide adult content from results. Some search engines have categories that can be filtered out. Others rely on keyword matches. Goosle has an extensive list of 'dirty' keywords to try and find adult content and then ignore it. To override the setting use the <strong>safe:off</strong> or <strong>nsfw</strong> prefix.<br />
For example: Search for <strong>nsfw goose on goose action</strong> or <strong>safe:off dirty geese</strong> to include adult content in the results.</p>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->enable_web_search == 'on') { ?>
<h2>Web search</h2>
<p>Goosle Web Search gathers links through search engines and search API and shows them in a neat and organised results page. Results are ranked by relevance to your current search.</p>
<h3>Special Searches</h3>
<?php if($opts->special['currency'] == 'on') { ?>
<h4>Currency converter</h4>
<p>Convert currency with a simple query.<br />
@ -123,15 +135,12 @@ if(verify_hash($opts->hash_auth, $opts->hash, $opts->user_auth)) {
<p>Prefix your search with <strong>wordpress</strong> or <strong>wp</strong> to search on for a WordPress function. You can also search for hooks or filters by adding 'hook' as the 2nd keyword.<br />
For example: Searching for <strong>wordpress the_content</strong> or <strong>wp hook admin_init</strong> will show you a brief description and the basic syntax for that function or hook/filter.</p>
<?php } ?>
<p><em><strong>Note:</strong> Special Searches do not work for image, news and magnet search.</em></p>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->enable_image_search == 'on') { ?>
<h2>Image Search</h2>
<p>The number of results is not limited but typically yields about 60-100 images. If you've enabled Openverse and Qwant this number in creases a lot, optimally up-to about 150 images.</p>
<p>Goosle Image Search links directly to the web page where the image is displayed, but also tries to link to the actual image itself.</p>
<p>You can search for images in a general size by adding <strong>size:small</strong>, <strong>size:medium</strong>, <strong>size:large</strong> or <strong>size:xlarge</strong> to the beginning of your search query (example: <strong>size:small huge goose</strong>).</p>
<p>The result counts for may seem off, for example you get 50 results with 20 from Qwant Images and 60 from Yahoo! Images. Logically this should mean you should see 80 results. However, this simply means that 30 results were found on both search engines and were merged, resulting in 50 results.</p>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->enable_news_search == 'on') { ?>
@ -141,10 +150,9 @@ if(verify_hash($opts->hash_auth, $opts->hash, $opts->user_auth)) {
<?php if($opts->enable_magnet_search == 'on') { ?>
<h2>Magnet Search</h2>
<p>Magnet Search provides Magnet links, these are special links to download content from the internet. Things like Movies, TV-Shows, EBooks, Music, Games, Software and more. You'll need a Bittorrent client that accepts Magnet links to download the search results.</p>
<p>Magnet Search provides Magnet links, these are special links from Torrent sites to download content from the internet. Things like Movies, TV-Shows, EBooks, Music, Games, Software and more. You'll need a Bittorrent client that accepts Magnet links to download the search results.</p>
<p>There are many <a href="./results.php?q=Torrent+clients+Magnet+links&a=<?php echo $opts->hash; ?>&t=0" target="_blank">Torrent clients that support Magnet links</a> but if you don't know which one to choose, give <a href="" target="_blank" title="Transmission Bittorrent">Transmission BT</a> a go as it's easy to set up and use.</p>
<p>Goosle will try to provide useful information about the download, which includea; Seeders/Leechers, A link to the torrent page, Download Category, Release year. But may also include the Movie quality (720p, 4K etc.), Movie Runtime and the Download Size along with some other bits and bops if available. Not every website makes this available and all results take a best effort approach.</p>
<p>Goosle will try to provide useful information about the download, which includes; Seeders, Leechers, A link to the torrent page, Download Category and Release year. Extra information may also include the Movie quality (720p, 4K etc.), Movie Runtime and the Download Size along with some other bits and bops if available. Not every website makes this available and all results take a best effort approach.</p>
<h3>Searching for TV Shows</h3>
<p>To do a specific search on The Pirate Bay and EZTV you search for IMDb Title IDs. These are numeric IDs prefixed with <strong>tt</strong>. This kind of search is useful when you're looking for a tv show that doesn't have a unique name, or simply if you want to use a specialized tracker for tv shows.</p>

View file

@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ if(verify_hash($opts->hash_auth, $opts->hash, $opts->user_auth)) {
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="<?php echo $opts->hash; ?>"/>
<div class="search-buttons">
<?php if($opts->enable_web_search == 'on') { ?>
<button tabindex="20" name="t" value="0" type="submit" class="web-search">Web search</button>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->enable_image_search == 'on') { ?>
<button tabindex="40" name="t" value="1" type="submit" class="image-search">Image search</button>

View file

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ After-all, finding things should be easy and not turn into a chore.
## Features
- Works on **any** hosting package that does PHP7.4 or newer
- Search results from DuckDuckGo, Google, Qwant, Brave, Wikipedia
- Image search through Yahoo! Images, Qwant and Openverse
- Image search through Yahoo! Images, Qwant, Pixabay and Openverse
- Recent news via Qwant news, Yahoo! News, Brave and Hackernews
- Search for magnet links on popular Torrent sites
- Algorithm for ranking search results for relevancy
@ -72,18 +72,20 @@ Developed on Apache with PHP8.2.
4. Load Goosle in your browser. If you've enabled the access hash don't forget to add *?a=YOUR_HASH* to the url.
5. Enjoy your updated search experience!
Take a look at the [changelog]( for every update here. \
## Setting up a Cronjob / background task
For a number of background tasks like clearing up the file cache and/or renewing your Openverse access token you need to set up a cronjob. \
Execute this cronjob a couple of times per day, recommended is every 8 hours.
Without it, Openverse access will expire and you have to generate a new key every few hours.
Without it, Openverse access will expire and you have to generate a new key every few hours. \
For low traffic setups or if you do not use Openverse a longer interval of once a day is fine.
The access hash is always required as an access token, don't forget to include ?a=YOUR_HASH to the url.
Cron jobs are commonly set up from your hosting dashboard, or through something like DirectAdmin, cPanel or WHM.
The access hash is always required as an access token, don't forget to include ?a=YOUR_HASH to the url. \
Cron jobs are commonly set up from your hosting dashboard, or through something like DirectAdmin, cPanel or WHM. \
Ask your hosting provider where to find the Cron job scheduler or have them set it up for you if you don't see it.
You can also use something like []( to trigger the background task remotely.
You can also use something like []( to trigger the background task remotely. \
To test, you can also load the url in your browser and trigger the script that way. Look for the onscreen prompts to see what routines are executed.
### Usage examples
@ -99,29 +101,44 @@ Example for every midnight \
Why a few minutes past the hour? Because most people run stuff exactly on the hour or some other predictable interval like 15 or 30 minutes. Running things a few minutes later spreads server load.
## Authorizing access to the Openverse search API
This is required to use Openverse Image Search.
In your browser navigate to your goosle setup and add /functions/oauth.php to the url (ex. or \
Follow the onscreen prompts to get an authorization token to use Openverse.
OpenVerse image search provides (mostly) royalty free images. \
Millions of high quality photos from photographers from all over the world. \
If you're into high quality photo backgrounds, need images for blogs and articles or just like to look at high-res anything, then Openverse is a useful engine to use.
At the end, please save the Client ID and Client Secret somewhere on your computer, in a note or something. Should the token file that Goosle creates get lost you'll need these values to continue using Openverse.
To use Openverse Image Search you'll need to register Goosle for an oAUTH access token.
Goosle includes a oAuth routine to easily register for an access token. \
- In your browser navigate to your goosle setup and add /functions/oauth-openverse.php to the url (ex. or
- Follow the onscreen prompts to get an authorization token to use Openverse.
- When prompted save the Client ID and Client Secret somewhere on your computer, in a note or something. Should the token file that Goosle creates get lost you'll need these strings to continue using Openverse.
- An email from Openverse will arrive within a few minutes with a confirmation link to finalize the set up.
- Once activated, enable openverse in your config.php and you're all set!
This procedure generates an access token which is stored in /cache/, this token expires every 12 hours. Yeah, annoying! \
To automatically renew the token you can set up the Goosle cronjob as described elsewhere in this readme.
### Notes
## API access to the Pixabay search API
Pixabay is a high quality photo and illustration database with (generally) royalty-free images. \
Pixabay has a database of hundreds of thousands of images provided by Photographers from all over the world. \
If you're a content creator who regularly need images for blogs and articles or just like to look at high-res photography, Pixabay is for you.
To get image results from Pixabay you'll need a free account to get a free API key. \
Register an account here: []( (Click the Join button in the top right)
Once registered and logged in, you can find your API key in the Documentation here: [](, look for the first parameter specification (looks like a list), the Key will be highlighted in green at the top of it. Copy this key to your config.php into the pixabay_api_key option.
## Support
You can post your questions on Github Discussions or say hi on [Mastodon]( or through my [website](
## Notes
- When using file caching you should set up a cronjob to execute goosle-cron.php every few hours. This deletes 'old' results.
- When you use Openverse for your image searches you should set up a cron job to execute goosle-cron.php every 11 hours or less. This will automagically renew the access token.
- When you use Openverse for your image searches you should set up a cron job to execute goosle-cron.php every 11 hours or so. This will automagically renew the access token.
- If you want update notifications in the footer of Goosle set up the cron job so Goosle can ping Github weekly to see what's new.
- The .htaccess file has a redirect to force HTTPS, catch 404 errors with a redirect as well as browser caching rules ready to go.
- The robots.txt has a rule to tell all crawlers to not crawl Goosle. But keep in mind that not every crawler obeys this file.
- The access hash is NOT meant as a super secure measure and only works for surface level prying eyes.
- Results provided by Openverse and Pixabay are simplistic keyword matches which are not necessarily accurately sorted by relevancy.
Have fun finding things! And tell your friends!
## Support
Goosle comes with limited support. \
You can post your questions on Github Discussions or say hi on [Mastodon]( or [Telegram](
### Known "issues"
## Known "issues"
- Duckduckgo sometimes returns a 202 header and no results. I'm not sure what causes that but suspect it's something to do with quotas or a service limitation on their end.
- Some crawlers for Magnet searches may return empty results. These are likely quota limits on their end.

View file

@ -19,21 +19,24 @@ require ABSPATH.'functions/search_engine.php';
$opts = load_opts();
$search = load_search();
$start_time = microtime(true);
// SEO description
$description = (strlen($search->nice_query) > 0) ? "Check out these Goosle search results about: '".urldecode($search->nice_query)."'." : "Check out these Goosle search results!";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Goosle Search Results</title>
<title>Goosle Search | Results</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no" />
<meta name="robots" content="noodp,noydir" />
<meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer"/>
<meta name="description" content="Check out these Goosle search results!" />
<meta name="description" content="<?php echo $description; ?>" />
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Goosle Search" />
<meta property="og:title" content="The best meta search engine" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Check out these Goosle search results!" />
<meta property="og:description" content="<?php echo $description; ?>" />
<meta property="og:url" content="<?php echo get_base_url($opts->siteurl); ?>/results.php" />
<meta property="og:image" content="<?php echo get_base_url($opts->siteurl); ?>/assets/images/goosle.webp" />
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />
@ -53,14 +56,16 @@ if(verify_hash($opts->hash_auth, $opts->hash, $opts->user_auth, $search->share))
<div class="header">
<form action="results.php" method="get" autocomplete="off">
<h1 class="logo"><a href="./?a=<?php echo $opts->hash; ?>"><span class="goosle-g">G</span>oosle</a></h1>
<input tabindex="1" class="search-field" type="search" value="<?php echo (strlen($search->query) > 0) ? htmlspecialchars($search->query) : "" ; ?>" name="q" /><input tabindex="2" class="button" type="submit" value="Search" />
<input tabindex="1" class="search-field" type="search" value="<?php echo (strlen($search->nice_query) > 0) ? htmlspecialchars($search->nice_query) : "" ; ?>" name="q" /><input tabindex="2" class="button" type="submit" value="Search" />
<input type="hidden" name="t" value="<?php echo $search->type; ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>">
<div class="navigation">
<?php if($opts->enable_web_search == 'on') { ?>
<a class="<?php echo ($search->type == '0') ? 'active ' : ''; ?>tab-search" href="./results.php?q=<?php echo $search->query; ?>&a=<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>&t=0">Search</a>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->enable_image_search == 'on') { ?>
<a class="<?php echo ($search->type == '1') ? 'active ' : ''; ?>tab-image" href="./results.php?q=<?php echo $search->query; ?>&a=<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>&t=1" >Images</a>

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ $stats = load_stats();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Goosle Search Usage Stats</title>
<title>Goosle Search | Usage Stats</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no" />
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ $stats = load_stats();
<meta name="description" content="How many searches did Google handle?" />
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Goosle Search" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Goosle Search Usage Stats" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Usage Stats" />
<meta property="og:description" content="How many searches did Google handle?" />
<meta property="og:url" content="<?php echo get_base_url($opts->siteurl); ?>/stats.php" />
<meta property="og:image" content="<?php echo get_base_url($opts->siteurl); ?>/assets/images/goosle.webp" />
@ -51,14 +51,16 @@ if(verify_hash($opts->hash_auth, $opts->hash, $opts->user_auth)) {
<div class="header">
<form action="results.php" method="get" autocomplete="off">
<h1 class="logo"><a href="./?a=<?php echo $opts->hash; ?>"><span class="goosle-g">G</span>oosle</a></h1>
<input tabindex="1" class="search-field" type="search" value="<?php echo (strlen($search->query) > 0) ? htmlspecialchars($search->query) : "" ; ?>" name="q" /><input tabindex="2" class="button" type="submit" value="Search" />
<input tabindex="1" class="search-field" type="search" value="<?php echo (strlen($search->nice_query) > 0) ? htmlspecialchars($search->nice_query) : "" ; ?>" name="q" /><input tabindex="2" class="button" type="submit" value="Search" />
<input type="hidden" name="t" value="<?php echo $search->type; ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>">
<div class="navigation">
<?php if($opts->enable_web_search == 'on') { ?>
<a class="<?php echo ($search->type == '0') ? 'active ' : ''; ?>tab-search" href="./results.php?q=<?php echo $search->query; ?>&a=<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>&t=0">Search</a>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($opts->enable_image_search == 'on') { ?>
<a class="<?php echo ($search->type == '1') ? 'active ' : ''; ?>tab-image" href="./results.php?q=<?php echo $search->query; ?>&a=<?php echo $opts->user_auth; ?>&t=1" >Images</a>