Sergei Solovev 276ec7f3eb Updating the server name reference in code
This change replaces the use of $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] with $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] throughout the codebase. The modification ensures consistency and compliance with best practices, since $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] is often used to extract the host header from an HTTP request. This update may improve compatibility and security, especially in scenarios where the Host header plays a key role in proper server configuration and routing. Please review and test the changes carefully to ensure smooth functionality in different environments.
2023-12-23 04:50:14 +03:00

163 lines
4.1 KiB

if (!DEFINED('EGP'))
exit(header('Refresh: 0; URL=http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/404'));
class html
var $dir = TPL;
var $template = null;
var $data = array();
var $unitblock = array();
public function set($name, $var, $unset = false)
$this->data['[' . $name . ']'] = $var;
if ($unset)
return NULL;
public function unit($name, $var = false, $mirror = false)
$block = str_replace($name, "'\\|" . $name . "\\|(.*?)\\|_" . $name . "\\|'si", $name);
$var = $var ? '\\1' : '';
$this->unitblock[$block] = $var;
if ($mirror) {
$block = str_replace($name, "'\\|!" . $name . "\\|(.*?)\\|_!" . $name . "\\|'si", $name);
$var = !$var ? '\\1' : '';
$this->unitblock[$block] = $var;
return NULL;
public function nav($name, $link = false)
if ($link) {
$this->set('link', $link);
$this->unit('link', 1, 1);
} else
$this->unit('link', 0, 1);
$this->set('name', $name);
return NULL;
public function get($name, $path = '')
global $device, $cfg;
$path_root = $device == '!mobile' ? '' : 'megp/';
$path = $path_root . $path;
if ($path != '')
$name = str_replace('//', '/', $path . '/' . $name);
if (!file_exists($this->dir . '/' . $name . '.html')) {
$route = explode('/', $name);
$namefile = end($route);
$dir = $this->dir . str_replace($namefile, '', $name);
die('Error: html file <u>' . $namefile . '.html</u> not found in: <u>' . $dir . '</u>');
$this->template = file_get_contents($this->dir . '/' . $name . '.html');
$this->select_template = $this->template;
return NULL;
private function delete()
$this->select_template = $this->template;
return NULL;
public function pack($compile)
if (isset($this->unitblock)) {
$find_preg = array();
$replace_preg = array();
foreach ($this->unitblock as $key_find => $key_replace) {
$find_preg[] = $key_find;
$replace_preg[] = $key_replace;
$this->select_template = preg_replace($find_preg, $replace_preg, $this->select_template);
$find = array();
$replace = array();
if (isset($this->data)) {
foreach ($this->data as $key_find => $key_replace) {
$find[] = $key_find;
$replace[] = $key_replace;
$this->select_template = str_replace($find, $replace, $this->select_template);
if (isset($this->arr[$compile]))
$this->arr[$compile] .= $this->select_template;
$this->arr[$compile] = $this->select_template;
return NULL;
public function upd($old = array(), $new = array(), $name)
$this->arr[$name] = str_replace($old, $new, $this->arr[$name]);
return NULL;
public function unitall($arr = array(), $name, $var = false, $mirror = false)
$block = str_replace($name, "'\\|" . $name . "\\|(.*?)\\|_" . $name . "\\|'si", $name);
$var = $var ? '\\1' : '';
$this->unitblock[$block] = $var;
if ($mirror) {
$block = str_replace($name, "'\\|!" . $name . "\\|(.*?)\\|_!" . $name . "\\|'si", $name);
$var = !$var ? '\\1' : '';
$this->unitblock[$block] = $var;
if (count($this->unitblock)) {
foreach ($this->unitblock as $key_find => $key_replace) {
$find_preg[] = $key_find;
$replace_preg[] = $key_replace;
$this->arr[$arr] = preg_replace($find_preg, $replace_preg, $this->arr[$arr]);
return NULL;
$html = new html;