version: 2 jobs: build: machine: # executor type image: ubuntu-2004:202010-01 # # recommended linux image - includes Ubuntu 20.04, docker 19.03.13, docker-compose 1.27.4 steps: - checkout - run: name: install dependencies command: sudo apt-get install bash curl - run: docker login -u $DOCKER_LOGIN -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD - run: name: Download GeoLite2-Country database command: | curl -s -L "$MAX_TOKEN&suffix=tar.gz" -o GeoLite2-Country.tar.gz tar -xzf GeoLite2-Country.tar.gz --strip-components 1 --wildcards "*.mmdb" - run: name: Build and publish dockerfiles command: sh buildarm: machine: image: ubuntu-2004:202101-01 resource_class: arm.medium steps: - checkout - run: name: install dependencies command: sudo apt-get install bash curl - run: docker login -u $DOCKER_LOGIN -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD - run: name: Download GeoLite2-Country database command: | curl -s -L "$MAX_TOKEN&suffix=tar.gz" -o GeoLite2-Country.tar.gz tar -xzf GeoLite2-Country.tar.gz --strip-components 1 --wildcards "*.mmdb" - run: name: Build and publish dockerfiles command: sh workflows: version: 2 build-all: jobs: - build: filters: branches: only: - master - unstable - buildarm: filters: branches: only: - master - unstable