[release] v0.9.0-unstable

This commit is contained in:
Yann Stepienik 2023-07-01 16:32:21 +01:00
parent 004c59b00d
commit d0eedf7cc1
10 changed files with 765 additions and 548 deletions

View file

@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ const ConfigManagement = () => {
HTTPSCertificateMode: config.HTTPConfig.HTTPSCertificateMode,
DNSChallengeProvider: config.HTTPConfig.DNSChallengeProvider,
DNSChallengeConfig: config.HTTPConfig.DNSChallengeConfig,
ForceHTTPSCertificateRenewal: config.HTTPConfig.ForceHTTPSCertificateRenewal,
Email_Enabled: config.EmailConfig.Enabled,
Email_Host: config.EmailConfig.Host,
@ -120,6 +121,7 @@ const ConfigManagement = () => {
HTTPSCertificateMode: values.HTTPSCertificateMode,
DNSChallengeProvider: values.DNSChallengeProvider,
DNSChallengeConfig: values.DNSChallengeConfig,
ForceHTTPSCertificateRenewal: values.ForceHTTPSCertificateRenewal,
EmailConfig: {
@ -517,6 +519,9 @@ const ConfigManagement = () => {
label="HTTPS Certificates"
onChange={(e) => {
formik.setFieldValue("ForceHTTPSCertificateRenewal", true);
["LETSENCRYPT", "Automatically generate certificates using Let's Encrypt (Recommended)"],
["SELFSIGNED", "Locally self-sign certificates (unsecure)"],
@ -527,6 +532,9 @@ const ConfigManagement = () => {
label={"Use Wildcard Certificate for *." + formik.values.Hostname}
onChange={(e) => {
formik.setFieldValue("ForceHTTPSCertificateRenewal", true);
@ -534,6 +542,9 @@ const ConfigManagement = () => {
{formik.values.HTTPSCertificateMode === "LETSENCRYPT" && (
onChange={(e) => {
formik.setFieldValue("ForceHTTPSCertificateRenewal", true);
label="Email address for Let's Encrypt"
@ -543,6 +554,9 @@ const ConfigManagement = () => {
formik.values.HTTPSCertificateMode === "LETSENCRYPT" && (
onChange={(e) => {
formik.setFieldValue("ForceHTTPSCertificateRenewal", true);
label="Pick a DNS provider (if you are using a DNS Challenge, otherwise leave empty)"

View file

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ require (
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require (
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github.com/opencontainers/image-spec v1.0.2 // indirect
github.com/oracle/oci-go-sdk v24.3.0+incompatible // indirect
@ -132,46 +144,61 @@ require (
github.com/ovh/go-ovh v1.1.0 // indirect
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github.com/pborman/uuid v1.2.0 // indirect
github.com/pelletier/go-toml v1.8.0 // indirect
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github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 // indirect
github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/power-devops/perfstat v0.0.0-20210106213030-5aafc221ea8c // indirect
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github.com/spf13/afero v1.3.2 // indirect
github.com/sacloud/api-client-go v0.2.1 // indirect
github.com/sacloud/go-http v0.1.2 // indirect
github.com/sacloud/iaas-api-go v1.3.2 // indirect
github.com/sacloud/packages-go v0.0.5 // indirect
github.com/scaleway/scaleway-sdk-go v1.0.0-beta.9 // indirect
github.com/shoenig/go-m1cpu v0.1.6 // indirect
github.com/simplesurance/bunny-go v0.0.0-20221115111006-e11d9dc91f04 // indirect
github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.8.1 // indirect
github.com/smartystreets/go-aws-auth v0.0.0-20180515143844-0c1422d1fdb9 // indirect
github.com/softlayer/softlayer-go v1.0.6 // indirect
github.com/softlayer/xmlrpc v0.0.0-20200409220501-5f089df7cb7e // indirect
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github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.3 // indirect
github.com/subosito/gotenv v1.2.0 // indirect
github.com/tencentcloud/tencentcloud-sdk-go/tencentcloud/common v1.0.490 // indirect
github.com/tencentcloud/tencentcloud-sdk-go/tencentcloud/dnspod v1.0.490 // indirect
github.com/tklauser/go-sysconf v0.3.11 // indirect
github.com/tklauser/numcpus v0.6.0 // indirect
github.com/transip/gotransip/v6 v6.5.0 // indirect
github.com/vultr/govultr v1.1.1 // indirect
github.com/transip/gotransip/v6 v6.17.0 // indirect
github.com/ultradns/ultradns-go-sdk v1.4.0-20221107152238-f3f1d1d // indirect
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github.com/yandex-cloud/go-genproto v0.0.0-20220805142335-27b56ddae16f // indirect
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github.com/youmark/pkcs8 v0.0.0-20181117223130-1be2e3e5546d // indirect
github.com/yusufpapurcu/wmi v1.2.3 // indirect
go.opencensus.io v0.22.5 // indirect
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gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.62.0 // indirect
gopkg.in/ns1/ns1-go.v2 v2.4.3 // indirect
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gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.66.6 // indirect
gopkg.in/ns1/ns1-go.v2 v2.6.5 // indirect
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gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0 // indirect
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1 // indirect


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "cosmos-server",
"version": "0.8.11",
"version": "0.9.0-unstable",
"description": "",
"main": "test-server.js",
"bugs": {
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"scripts": {
"client": "vite",
"client-build": "vite build --base=/cosmos-ui/",
"start": "env CONFIG_FILE=./config_dev.json EZ=UTC build/cosmos",
"start": "env CONFIG_FILE=./config_dev.json EZ=UTC ACME_STAGING=true build/cosmos",
"build": "sh build.sh",
"dev": "npm run build && npm run start",
"dockerdevbuild": "sh build.sh && docker build -f dockerfile.local --tag cosmos-dev .",

View file

@ -101,11 +101,30 @@ func checkUpdatesAvailable() {
utils.UpdateAvailable = docker.CheckUpdatesAvailable()
func checkCerts() {
config := utils.GetMainConfig()
HTTPConfig := config.HTTPConfig
if (
HTTPConfig.HTTPSCertificateMode == utils.HTTPSCertModeList["SELFSIGNED"] ||
HTTPConfig.HTTPSCertificateMode == utils.HTTPSCertModeList["LETSENCRYPT"]) {
utils.Log("Checking certificates for renewal")
if !CertificateIsValid(HTTPConfig.TLSValidUntil) {
utils.Log("Certificates are not valid anymore, renewing")
func CRON() {
go func() {
go func() {
go func() {

View file

@ -87,7 +87,9 @@ func ConfigApiPatch(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
config.HTTPConfig.ProxyConfig.Routes = routes
utils.NeedsRestart = true
//utils.NeedsRestart = true
"status": "OK",

View file

@ -18,81 +18,53 @@ import (
spa "github.com/roberthodgen/spa-server"
var serverPortHTTP = ""
var serverPortHTTPS = ""
var HTTPServer *http.Server
func startHTTPServer(router *mux.Router) {
utils.Log("Listening to HTTP on :" + serverPortHTTP)
var errServ error
for(errServ == http.ErrServerClosed || errServ == nil) {
HTTPServer = &http.Server{
Addr: "" + serverPortHTTP,
ReadTimeout: 0,
ReadHeaderTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 0,
IdleTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
Handler: router,
DisableGeneralOptionsHandler: true,
utils.Log("Listening to HTTP on :" + serverPortHTTP)
err := http.ListenAndServe("" + serverPortHTTP, router)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatal("Listening to HTTP", err)
errServ = HTTPServer.ListenAndServe()
if errServ != nil && errServ != http.ErrServerClosed {
utils.Fatal("Listening to HTTPS", errServ)
utils.Log("HTTP Server closed. Restarting.")
errServ = nil
router = InitServer()
func startHTTPSServer(router *mux.Router, tlsCert string, tlsKey string) {
config := utils.GetMainConfig()
cfg := simplecert.Default
if config.HTTPConfig.HTTPSCertificateMode == utils.HTTPSCertModeList["LETSENCRYPT"] {
cfg.CacheDir = "/config/certificates"
cfg.SSLEmail = config.HTTPConfig.SSLEmail
cfg.HTTPAddress = ""+serverPortHTTP
cfg.TLSAddress = ""+serverPortHTTPS
if config.HTTPConfig.DNSChallengeProvider != "" {
utils.Log("Using DNS Challenge with Provider: " + config.HTTPConfig.DNSChallengeProvider)
cfg.DNSProvider = config.HTTPConfig.DNSChallengeProvider
cfg.Domains = utils.GetAllHostnames(true, false)
} else {
cfg.Domains = utils.LetsEncryptValidOnly(utils.GetAllHostnames(true, false))
cfg.FailedToRenewCertificate = func(err error) {
utils.Error("Failed to renew certificate", err)
var certReloader *simplecert.CertReloader
var errSimCert error
if(config.HTTPConfig.HTTPSCertificateMode == utils.HTTPSCertModeList["LETSENCRYPT"]) {
if(config.HTTPConfig.DNSChallengeProvider != "") {
newEnv := config.HTTPConfig.DNSChallengeConfig
for key, value := range newEnv {
os.Setenv(key, value)
certReloader, errSimCert = simplecert.Init(cfg, nil)
if errSimCert != nil {
// Temporary before we have a better way to handle this
utils.Error("Failed to Init Let's Encrypt. HTTPS wont renew", errSimCert)
//config := utils.GetMainConfig()
utils.IsHTTPS = true
// Redirect ports
// redirect http to https
go (func () {
httpRouter := mux.NewRouter()
// add support for internal OpenID requests
// if os.Getenv("HOSTNAME") != "" {
// authorizationserver.RegisterHandlers(httpRouter.Host(os.Getenv("HOSTNAME")).Subrouter())
// }
httpRouter.PathPrefix("/").HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// change port in host
if strings.HasSuffix(r.Host, ":" + serverPortHTTP) {
@ -106,7 +78,6 @@ func startHTTPSServer(router *mux.Router, tlsCert string, tlsKey string) {
http.Redirect(w, r, "https://"+r.Host+r.URL.String(), http.StatusMovedPermanently)
// err := http.ListenAndServe("" + serverPortHTTP, http.HandlerFunc(simplecert.Redirect))
err := http.ListenAndServe("" + serverPortHTTP, httpRouter)
if err != nil {
@ -119,34 +90,47 @@ func startHTTPSServer(router *mux.Router, tlsCert string, tlsKey string) {
tlsConf := tlsconfig.NewServerTLSConfig(tlsconfig.TLSModeServerStrict)
if(config.HTTPConfig.HTTPSCertificateMode == utils.HTTPSCertModeList["LETSENCRYPT"]) {
/*if(config.HTTPConfig.HTTPSCertificateMode == utils.HTTPSCertModeList["LETSENCRYPT"]) {
tlsConf.GetCertificate = certReloader.GetCertificateFunc()
} else {
} else {*/
cert, errCert := tls.X509KeyPair(([]byte)(tlsCert), ([]byte)(tlsKey))
if errCert != nil {
utils.Fatal("Getting Certificate pair", errCert)
tlsConf.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{cert}
server := http.Server{
TLSConfig: tlsConf,
Addr: "" + serverPortHTTPS,
ReadTimeout: 0,
ReadHeaderTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 0,
IdleTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
Handler: router,
DisableGeneralOptionsHandler: true,
// start https server
errServ := server.ListenAndServeTLS("", "")
var errServ error
if errServ != nil {
utils.Fatal("Listening to HTTPS", errServ)
for(errServ == http.ErrServerClosed || errServ == nil) {
HTTPServer = &http.Server{
TLSConfig: tlsConf,
Addr: "" + serverPortHTTPS,
ReadTimeout: 0,
ReadHeaderTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 0,
IdleTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
Handler: router,
DisableGeneralOptionsHandler: true,
// Redirect ports
utils.Log("Now listening to HTTPS on :" + serverPortHTTPS)
errServ = HTTPServer.ListenAndServeTLS("", "")
if errServ != nil && errServ != http.ErrServerClosed {
utils.Fatal("Listening to HTTPS", errServ)
utils.Log("HTTPS Server closed. Restarting.")
errServ = nil
router = InitServer()
@ -196,7 +180,18 @@ func SecureAPI(userRouter *mux.Router, public bool) {
func StartServer() {
func CertificateIsValid(validUntil time.Time) bool {
// allow 5 days of leeway
isValid := time.Now().Add(5 * 24 * time.Hour).Before(validUntil)
if !isValid {
utils.Log("Certificate is not valid anymore. Needs refresh")
return isValid
func InitServer() *mux.Router {
utils.RestartHTTPServer = RestartServer
baseMainConfig := utils.GetBaseMainConfig()
config := utils.GetMainConfig()
HTTPConfig := config.HTTPConfig
@ -208,20 +203,65 @@ func StartServer() {
domains := utils.GetAllHostnames(true, false)
oldDomains := baseMainConfig.HTTPConfig.TLSKeyHostsCached
falledBack := false
NeedsRefresh := (tlsCert == "" || tlsKey == "") || !utils.StringArrayEquals(domains, oldDomains)
NeedsRefresh := baseMainConfig.HTTPConfig.ForceHTTPSCertificateRenewal || (tlsCert == "" || tlsKey == "") || !utils.StringArrayEquals(domains, oldDomains) || !CertificateIsValid(baseMainConfig.HTTPConfig.TLSValidUntil)
// If we have a certificate, we can fallback to it if necessary
CanFallback := tlsCert != "" && tlsKey != "" &&
len(config.HTTPConfig.TLSKeyHostsCached) > 0 &&
config.HTTPConfig.TLSKeyHostsCached[0] == config.HTTPConfig.Hostname &&
if(NeedsRefresh && config.HTTPConfig.HTTPSCertificateMode == utils.HTTPSCertModeList["LETSENCRYPT"]) {
if(config.HTTPConfig.DNSChallengeProvider != "") {
newEnv := config.HTTPConfig.DNSChallengeConfig
for key, value := range newEnv {
os.Setenv(key, value)
// Get Certificates
pub, priv := utils.DoLetsEncrypt()
if(pub == "" || priv == "") {
if(!CanFallback) {
utils.Error("Getting TLS certificate. Fallback to SELFSIGNED certificates", nil)
HTTPConfig.HTTPSCertificateMode = utils.HTTPSCertModeList["SELFSIGNED"]
falledBack = true
} else {
utils.Error("Getting TLS certificate. Fallback to previous certificate", nil)
} else {
baseMainConfig.HTTPConfig.TLSCert = pub
baseMainConfig.HTTPConfig.TLSKey = priv
baseMainConfig.HTTPConfig.TLSKeyHostsCached = domains
baseMainConfig.HTTPConfig.TLSValidUntil = time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 90)
baseMainConfig.HTTPConfig.ForceHTTPSCertificateRenewal = false
utils.Log("Saved new LETSENCRYPT TLS certificate")
tlsCert = pub
tlsKey = priv
if(NeedsRefresh && HTTPConfig.HTTPSCertificateMode == utils.HTTPSCertModeList["SELFSIGNED"]) {
utils.Log("Generating new TLS certificate for domains: " + strings.Join(domains, ", "))
pub, priv := utils.GenerateRSAWebCertificates(domains)
baseMainConfig.HTTPConfig.TLSCert = pub
baseMainConfig.HTTPConfig.TLSKey = priv
baseMainConfig.HTTPConfig.TLSKeyHostsCached = domains
if !falledBack {
baseMainConfig.HTTPConfig.TLSCert = pub
baseMainConfig.HTTPConfig.TLSKey = priv
baseMainConfig.HTTPConfig.TLSKeyHostsCached = domains
baseMainConfig.HTTPConfig.TLSValidUntil = time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 364)
baseMainConfig.HTTPConfig.ForceHTTPSCertificateRenewal = false
utils.Log("Saved new TLS certificate")
utils.Log("Saved new SELFISGNED TLS certificate")
tlsCert = pub
tlsKey = priv
@ -238,12 +278,11 @@ func StartServer() {
utils.Log("Saved new Auth ED25519 certificate")
utils.Log("Initialising HTTP(S) Router and all routes")
router := mux.NewRouter().StrictSlash(true)
router.HandleFunc("/logo", SendLogo)
// need rewrite bc it catches too many things and prevent
// client to be notified of the error
@ -324,11 +363,6 @@ func StartServer() {
router.PathPrefix("/cosmos-ui").Handler(http.StripPrefix("/cosmos-ui", fs))
// temporary message to help people migrate version. DELETE IN NEXT VERSION
router.HandleFunc("/ui", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Write([]byte("You are seeing this message because the UI was moved from /ui to /cosmos-ui, in order to fix compatibility with apps like OpenSense who also use /ui. The issue is that your browser still has the old UI URL cached. Please empty your browser's cache and reload the page. Also, make sure you don't have a bookmark with the /ui in the URL. This message will disappear in the next version of Cosmos, to solve the compatibility issue. Sorry for the inconvenience."))
router = proxy.BuildFromConfig(router, HTTPConfig.ProxyConfig)
router.HandleFunc("/", http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
@ -347,8 +381,24 @@ func StartServer() {
authorizationserver.RegisterHandlers(wellKnownRouter, userRouter, serverRouter)
if ((HTTPConfig.HTTPSCertificateMode == utils.HTTPSCertModeList["SELFSIGNED"] || HTTPConfig.HTTPSCertificateMode == utils.HTTPSCertModeList["PROVIDED"]) &&
tlsCert != "" && tlsKey != "") || (HTTPConfig.HTTPSCertificateMode == utils.HTTPSCertModeList["LETSENCRYPT"]) {
return router
func StartServer() {
config := utils.GetMainConfig()
HTTPConfig := config.HTTPConfig
var tlsCert = HTTPConfig.TLSCert
var tlsKey= HTTPConfig.TLSKey
router := InitServer()
if (
HTTPConfig.HTTPSCertificateMode == utils.HTTPSCertModeList["SELFSIGNED"] ||
HTTPConfig.HTTPSCertificateMode == utils.HTTPSCertModeList["PROVIDED"] ||
HTTPConfig.HTTPSCertificateMode == utils.HTTPSCertModeList["LETSENCRYPT"]) &&
tlsCert != "" && tlsKey != "") {
utils.Log("TLS certificate exist, starting HTTPS servers and redirecting HTTP to HTTPS")
startHTTPSServer(router, tlsCert, tlsKey)
} else {
@ -356,3 +406,14 @@ func StartServer() {
func RestartServer() {
utils.Log("Restarting HTTP Server...")
go func() {
utils.Log("HTTP Server stopped. Restarting...")

View file

@ -6,10 +6,22 @@ import (
func GenerateRSAWebCertificates(domains []string) (string, string) {
@ -108,3 +120,112 @@ func GenerateEd25519Certificates() (string, string) {
return string(pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "PUBLIC KEY", Bytes: bpub})), string(pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: bpriv}))
type CertUser struct {
Email string
Registration *registration.Resource
key crypto.PrivateKey
func (u *CertUser) GetEmail() string {
return u.Email
func (u CertUser) GetRegistration() *registration.Resource {
return u.Registration
func (u *CertUser) GetPrivateKey() crypto.PrivateKey {
return u.key
func DoLetsEncrypt() (string, string) {
config := GetMainConfig()
privateKey, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
return "", ""
myUser := CertUser{
Email: config.HTTPConfig.SSLEmail,
key: privateKey,
certConfig := lego.NewConfig(&myUser)
if os.Getenv("ACME_STAGING") == "true" {
certConfig.CADirURL = "https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
} else {
certConfig.CADirURL = "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
certConfig.Certificate.KeyType = certcrypto.RSA2048
client, err := lego.NewClient(certConfig)
if err != nil {
return "", ""
if config.HTTPConfig.DNSChallengeProvider != "" {
provider, err := dns.NewDNSChallengeProviderByName(config.HTTPConfig.DNSChallengeProvider)
if err != nil {
return "", ""
err = client.Challenge.SetDNS01Provider(provider)
err = client.Challenge.SetHTTP01Provider(http01.NewProviderServer("", config.HTTPConfig.HTTPPort))
if err != nil {
Error("LETSENCRYPT_HTTP01", err)
return "", ""
err = client.Challenge.SetTLSALPN01Provider(tlsalpn01.NewProviderServer("", config.HTTPConfig.HTTPSPort))
if err != nil {
Error("LETSENCRYPT_TLS01", err)
return "", ""
// New users will need to register
reg, err := client.Registration.Register(registration.RegisterOptions{TermsOfServiceAgreed: true})
if err != nil {
return "", ""
myUser.Registration = reg
request := certificate.ObtainRequest{
Domains: LetsEncryptValidOnly(GetAllHostnames(true, false)),
Bundle: true,
certificates, err := client.Certificate.Obtain(request)
if err != nil {
return "", ""
// return cert and key
return string(certificates.Certificate), string(certificates.PrivateKey)
// You'll need a user or account type that implements acme.User
type MyUser struct {
Email string
Registration *registration.Resource
key crypto.PrivateKey
func (u *MyUser) GetEmail() string {
return u.Email
func (u MyUser) GetRegistration() *registration.Resource {
return u.Registration
func (u *MyUser) GetPrivateKey() crypto.PrivateKey {
return u.key

View file

@ -105,11 +105,13 @@ type HTTPConfig struct {
TLSCert string `validate:"omitempty,contains=\n`
TLSKey string
TLSKeyHostsCached []string
TLSValidUntil time.Time
AuthPrivateKey string
AuthPublicKey string
GenerateMissingAuthCert bool
HTTPSCertificateMode string
DNSChallengeProvider string
ForceHTTPSCertificateRenewal bool
HTTPPort string `validate:"required,containsany=0123456789,min=1,max=6"`
HTTPSPort string `validate:"required,containsany=0123456789,min=1,max=6"`
ProxyConfig ProxyConfig

View file

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ var NeedsRestart = false
var UpdateAvailable = map[string]bool{}
var RestartHTTPServer func()
var DefaultConfig = Config{
LoggingLevel: "INFO",
NewInstall: true,
@ -352,8 +354,8 @@ func GetAllHostnames(applyWildCard bool, removePorts bool) []string {
if applyWildCard && MainConfig.HTTPConfig.UseWildcardCertificate {
filteredHostnames := []string{
"*." + mainHostname,
"*." + mainHostname,
for _, hostname := range uniqueHostnames {