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2023-06-04 14:41:26 +00:00
package authorizationserver
import (
func RegisterHandlers(wellKnown *mux.Router, userRouter *mux.Router, serverRouter *mux.Router) {
// Set up oauth2 endpoints. You could also use gorilla/mux or any other router.
userRouter.HandleFunc("/auth", authEndpoint)
serverRouter.HandleFunc("/token", tokenEndpoint)
// user infos
serverRouter.HandleFunc("/userinfo", userInfosEndpoint)
// revoke tokens
serverRouter.HandleFunc("/revoke", revokeEndpoint)
serverRouter.HandleFunc("/introspect", introspectionEndpoint)
// public endpoints
wellKnown.HandleFunc("/openid-configuration", discoverEndpoint)
wellKnown.HandleFunc("/jwks.json", jwksEndpoint)
store.Clients["gitea"] = &fosite.DefaultClient{
ID: "gitea",
Secret: []byte(`$2a$10$IxMdI6d.LIRZPpSfEwNoeu4rY3FhDREsxFJXikcgdRRAStxUlsuEO`), // = "foobar"
RedirectURIs: []string{"http://localhost:3000/user/oauth2/Cosmos/callback"},
Scopes: []string{"openid", "email", "profile"},
ResponseTypes: []string{"id_token", "code", "token", "id_token token", "code id_token", "code token", "code id_token token"},
GrantTypes: []string{"implicit", "refresh_token", "authorization_code", "password", "client_credentials"},
store.Clients["my-client"] = &fosite.DefaultClient{
ID: "my-client",
Secret: []byte(`$2a$10$IxMdI6d.LIRZPpSfEwNoeu4rY3FhDREsxFJXikcgdRRAStxUlsuEO`), // = "foobar"
RotatedSecrets: [][]byte{[]byte(`$2y$10$X51gLxUQJ.hGw1epgHTE5u0bt64xM0COU7K9iAp.OFg8p2pUd.1zC`)}, // = "foobaz",
RedirectURIs: []string{"http://localhost:3846/callback"},
ResponseTypes: []string{"id_token", "code", "token", "id_token token", "code id_token", "code token", "code id_token token"},
GrantTypes: []string{"implicit", "refresh_token", "authorization_code", "password", "client_credentials"},
Scopes: []string{"fosite", "openid", "photos", "offline"},
store.Clients["minio"] = &fosite.DefaultClient{
ID: "minio",
Secret: []byte(`$2a$10$IxMdI6d.LIRZPpSfEwNoeu4rY3FhDREsxFJXikcgdRRAStxUlsuEO`), // = "foobar"
RedirectURIs: []string{"http://localhost:9090/oauth_callback"},
Scopes: []string{"openid", "email", "profile", "groups"},
ResponseTypes: []string{"id_token", "code", "token", "id_token token", "code id_token", "code token", "code id_token token"},
GrantTypes: []string{"implicit", "refresh_token", "authorization_code", "password", "client_credentials"},
// fosite requires four parameters for the server to get up and running:
// 1. config - for any enforcement you may desire, you can do this using `compose.Config`. You like PKCE, enforce it!
// 2. store - no auth service is generally useful unless it can remember clients and users.
// fosite is incredibly composable, and the store parameter enables you to build and BYODb (Bring Your Own Database)
// 3. secret - required for code, access and refresh token generation.
// 4. privateKey - required for id/jwt token generation.
var (
// Check the api documentation of `compose.Config` for further configuration options.
config = &fosite.Config{
AccessTokenLifespan: time.Minute * 30,
GlobalSecret: secret,
// ...
// This is the example storage that contains:
// * an OAuth2 Client with id "my-client" and secrets "foobar" and "foobaz" capable of all oauth2 and open id connect grant and response types.
// * a User for the resource owner password credentials grant type with username "peter" and password "secret".
// You will most likely replace this with your own logic once you set up a real world application.
store = storage.NewMemoryStore()
// This secret is used to sign authorize codes, access and refresh tokens.
// It has to be 32-bytes long for HMAC signing. This requirement can be configured via `compose.Config` above.
// In order to generate secure keys, the best thing to do is use crypto/rand:
// ```
// package main
// import (
// "crypto/rand"
// "encoding/hex"
// "fmt"
// )
// func main() {
// var secret = make([]byte, 32)
// _, err := rand.Read(secret)
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// }
// ```
// If you require this to key to be stable, for example, when running multiple fosite servers, you can generate the
// 32byte random key as above and push it out to a base64 encoded string.
// This can then be injected and decoded as the `var secret []byte` on server start.
secret = []byte("some-cool-secret-that-is-32bytes")
// privateKey is used to sign JWT tokens. The default strategy uses RS256 (RSA Signature with SHA-256)
AuthPrivateKey, _ = rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
// Build a fosite instance with all OAuth2 and OpenID Connect handlers enabled, plugging in our configurations as specified above.
var oauth2 = compose.ComposeAllEnabled(config, store, AuthPrivateKey)
// A session is passed from the `/auth` to the `/token` endpoint. You probably want to store data like: "Who made the request",
// "What organization does that person belong to" and so on.
// For our use case, the session will meet the requirements imposed by JWT access tokens, HMAC access tokens and OpenID Connect
// ID Tokens plus a custom field
// newSession is a helper function for creating a new session. This may look like a lot of code but since we are
// setting up multiple strategies it is a bit longer.
// Usually, you could do:
// session = new(fosite.DefaultSession)
func newSession(user string, req *http.Request) *openid.DefaultSession {
// get hostname from request
hostname := req.Host
// external request
if hostname == utils.GetMainConfig().HTTPConfig.Hostname {
if utils.IsHTTPS {
hostname = "https://" + hostname
} else {
hostname = "http://" + hostname
} else if hostname == os.Getenv("HOSTNAME") {
hostname = "http://" + hostname
} else {
utils.Error("Invalid hostname for OpenID request: " + hostname, nil)
return nil
return &openid.DefaultSession{
Claims: &jwt.IDTokenClaims{
Issuer: hostname,
Subject: user,
// Audience: []string{""},
ExpiresAt: time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 6),
IssuedAt: time.Now(),
RequestedAt: time.Now(),
AuthTime: time.Now(),
Headers: &jwt.Headers{
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
"kid": "1",