link cee34ec1c2
0.3.5 (#451)
* initial completion of the sharing function

* Adjusting multi-partition disk mounts

* Add file sharing function

* update usb auto mount shell

* update samba config

* add umount disk function

* update change log

* update usb auto mount \

* update usb auto mount

* Update periodical.go
2022-08-15 11:37:21 +08:00

286 lines
8.1 KiB

package service
import (
json2 "encoding/json"
command2 ""
model2 ""
type DiskService interface {
GetPlugInDisk() []string
LSBLK(isUseCache bool) []model.LSBLKModel
SmartCTL(path string) model.SmartctlA
FormatDisk(path, format string) []string
UmountPointAndRemoveDir(path string) []string
GetDiskInfo(path string) model.LSBLKModel
DelPartition(path, num string) string
AddPartition(path string) string
GetDiskInfoByPath(path string) *disk.UsageStat
MountDisk(path, volume string)
GetSerialAll() []model2.SerialDisk
SaveMountPoint(m model2.SerialDisk)
DeleteMountPoint(path, mountPoint string)
DeleteMount(id string)
UpdateMountPoint(m model2.SerialDisk)
UmountUSB(path string)
type diskService struct {
db *gorm.DB
func (d *diskService) RemoveLSBLKCache() {
key := "system_lsblk"
func (d *diskService) UmountUSB(path string) {
r := command2.ExecResultStr("source " + config.AppInfo.ShellPath + "/ ;UDEVILUmount " + path)
func (d *diskService) SmartCTL(path string) model.SmartctlA {
key := "system_smart_" + path
if result, ok := Cache.Get(key); ok {
res, ok := result.(model.SmartctlA)
if ok {
return res
var m model.SmartctlA
str := command2.ExecSmartCTLByPath(path)
if str == nil {
loger.Error("failed to exec shell ", zap.Any("err", "smartctl exec error"))
Cache.Add(key, m, time.Minute*10)
return m
err := json2.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &m)
if err != nil {
loger.Error("Failed to unmarshal json", zap.Any("err", err))
if !reflect.DeepEqual(m, model.SmartctlA{}) {
Cache.Add(key, m, time.Hour*24)
return m
func (d *diskService) GetPlugInDisk() []string {
return command2.ExecResultStrArray("source " + config.AppInfo.ShellPath + "/ ;GetPlugInDisk")
func (d *diskService) FormatDisk(path, format string) []string {
r := command2.ExecResultStrArray("source " + config.AppInfo.ShellPath + "/ ;FormatDisk " + path + " " + format)
return r
func (d *diskService) UmountPointAndRemoveDir(path string) []string {
r := command2.ExecResultStrArray("source " + config.AppInfo.ShellPath + "/ ;UMountPorintAndRemoveDir " + path)
return r
func (d *diskService) DelPartition(path, num string) string {
r := command2.ExecResultStrArray("source " + config.AppInfo.ShellPath + "/ ;DelPartition " + path + " " + num)
return ""
func (d *diskService) AddPartition(path string) string {
command2.ExecResultStrArray("source " + config.AppInfo.ShellPath + "/ ;AddPartition " + path)
return ""
func (d *diskService) AddAllPartition(path string) {
func (d *diskService) GetDiskInfoByPath(path string) *disk.UsageStat {
diskInfo, err := disk.Usage(path + "1")
if err != nil {
diskInfo.UsedPercent, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", diskInfo.UsedPercent), 64)
diskInfo.InodesUsedPercent, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", diskInfo.InodesUsedPercent), 64)
return diskInfo
//get disk details
func (d *diskService) LSBLK(isUseCache bool) []model.LSBLKModel {
key := "system_lsblk"
var n []model.LSBLKModel
if result, ok := Cache.Get(key); ok && isUseCache {
res, ok := result.([]model.LSBLKModel)
if ok {
return res
str := command2.ExecLSBLK()
if str == nil {
loger.Error("Failed to exec shell", zap.Any("err", "lsblk exec error"))
return nil
var m []model.LSBLKModel
err := json2.Unmarshal([]byte(gjson.Get(string(str), "blockdevices").String()), &m)
if err != nil {
loger.Error("Failed to unmarshal json", zap.Any("err", err))
var c []model.LSBLKModel
var fsused uint64
var health = true
for _, i := range m {
if i.Type != "loop" && !i.RO {
fsused = 0
for _, child := range i.Children {
if child.RM {
child.Health = strings.TrimSpace(command2.ExecResultStr("source " + config.AppInfo.ShellPath + "/ ;GetDiskHealthState " + child.Path))
if strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(child.State)) != "ok" {
health = false
f, _ := strconv.ParseUint(child.FSUsed, 10, 64)
fsused += f
} else {
health = false
c = append(c, child)
//i.Format = strings.TrimSpace(command2.ExecResultStr("source " + config.AppInfo.ShellPath + "/ ;GetDiskType " + i.Path))
if health {
i.Health = "OK"
i.FSUsed = strconv.FormatUint(fsused, 10)
i.Children = c
if fsused > 0 {
i.UsedPercent, err = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.4f", float64(fsused)/float64(i.Size)), 64)
if err != nil {
loger.Error("Failed to parse float", zap.Any("err", err))
n = append(n, i)
health = true
c = []model.LSBLKModel{}
fsused = 0
if len(n) > 0 {
Cache.Add(key, n, time.Second*100)
return n
func (d *diskService) GetDiskInfo(path string) model.LSBLKModel {
str := command2.ExecLSBLKByPath(path)
if str == nil {
loger.Error("Failed to exec shell", zap.Any("err", "lsblk exec error"))
return model.LSBLKModel{}
var ml []model.LSBLKModel
err := json2.Unmarshal([]byte(gjson.Get(string(str), "blockdevices").String()), &ml)
if err != nil {
loger.Error("Failed to unmarshal json", zap.Any("err", err))
return model.LSBLKModel{}
m := model.LSBLKModel{}
if len(ml) > 0 {
m = ml[0]
return m
// 下面为计算是否可以继续分区的部分,暂时不需要
chiArr := make(map[string]string)
chiList := command2.ExecResultStrArray("source " + config.AppInfo.ShellPath + "/ ;GetPartitionSectors " + m.Path)
if len(chiList) == 0 {
loger.Error("chiList length error", zap.Any("err", "chiList length error"))
for i := 0; i < len(chiList); i++ {
tempArr := strings.Split(chiList[i], ",")
chiArr[tempArr[0]] = chiList[i]
var maxSector uint64 = 0
for i := 0; i < len(m.Children); i++ {
tempArr := strings.Split(chiArr[m.Children[i].Path], ",")
m.Children[i].StartSector, _ = strconv.ParseUint(tempArr[1], 10, 64)
m.Children[i].EndSector, _ = strconv.ParseUint(tempArr[2], 10, 64)
if m.Children[i].EndSector > maxSector {
maxSector = m.Children[i].EndSector
diskEndSector := command2.ExecResultStrArray("source " + config.AppInfo.ShellPath + "/ ;GetDiskSizeAndSectors " + m.Path)
if len(diskEndSector) < 2 {
loger.Error("diskEndSector length error", zap.Any("err", "diskEndSector length error"))
diskEndSectorInt, _ := strconv.ParseUint(diskEndSector[len(diskEndSector)-1], 10, 64)
if (diskEndSectorInt-maxSector)*m.MinIO/1024/1024 > 100 {
p := model.LSBLKModel{}
p.Path = "可以添加"
m.Children = append(m.Children, p)
return m
func (d *diskService) MountDisk(path, volume string) {
//fmt.Println("source " + config.AppInfo.ShellPath + "/ ;do_mount " + path + " " + volume)
r := command2.ExecResultStr("source " + config.AppInfo.ShellPath + "/ ;do_mount " + path + " " + volume)
func (d *diskService) SaveMountPoint(m model2.SerialDisk) {
d.db.Where("uuid = ?", m.UUID).Delete(&model2.SerialDisk{})
func (d *diskService) UpdateMountPoint(m model2.SerialDisk) {
d.db.Model(&model2.SerialDisk{}).Where("uui = ?", m.UUID).Update("mount_point", m.MountPoint)
func (d *diskService) DeleteMount(id string) {
d.db.Delete(&model2.SerialDisk{}).Where("id = ?", id)
func (d *diskService) DeleteMountPoint(path, mountPoint string) {
d.db.Where("path = ? AND mount_point = ?", path, mountPoint).Delete(&model2.SerialDisk{})
command2.OnlyExec("source " + config.AppInfo.ShellPath + "/ ;do_umount " + path)
func (d *diskService) GetSerialAll() []model2.SerialDisk {
var m []model2.SerialDisk
return m
func NewDiskService(db *gorm.DB) DiskService {
return &diskService{db: db}